- 显示AWSD,空格,Shift和左右键的按键情况以及左右键的CPS。 彩虹色轮廓,黑白填充。
- 具有任务栏图标,可以随时关闭
- 字体是Minecraft AE Pixel,如果你没有装(大概率),你可以换用其他好看的字体(在代码中修改即可)
/**************************************** Keystrokes.cpp ** 游戏按键显示 ** Author: Wormwaker ** StartDate: 2024/1/14 ****************************************/
#include <Windows.h>
#include <tlhelp32.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdarg>
using namespace std;
#define KEY_DOWN(vk) (GetAsyncKeyState(vk)&0x8000?1:0)int scr_w = 0, scr_h = 0, taskbar_h = 0;
HDC hdcOrigin = NULL, hdcBuffer = NULL;
HWND hwnd = NULL;
HWND hwnd_console = NULL;HINSTANCE _hInstance = NULL;
HINSTANCE _hPrevInstance = NULL;
LPSTR _lpCmdLine = NULL;
int _nShowCmd = SW_SHOWNORMAL;/
#define CJZAPI __stdcall
template <typename _T>
string CJZAPI str(const _T& value)
{stringstream ss;ss << value;string res;ss >> res;return res;
string CJZAPI sprintf2(const char* szFormat, ...)
{va_list _list;va_start(_list, szFormat);char szBuffer[1024] = "\0";_vsnprintf(szBuffer, 1024, szFormat, _list);va_end(_list);return string{szBuffer};
bool CJZAPI ExistProcess(DWORD dwPid) //判断是否存在指定进程
{HANDLE hSnapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hSnapshot) { return false; } PROCESSENTRY32 pe = { sizeof(pe) }; BOOL fOk; for (fOk = Process32First(hSnapshot, &pe); fOk; fOk = Process32Next(hSnapshot, &pe)) { if (pe.th32ProcessID == dwPid) { CloseHandle(hSnapshot); return true; } } return false;
bool CJZAPI ExistProcess(LPCSTR lpName) //判断是否存在指定进程
{ //******警告!区分大小写!!!!******// //*****警告!必须加扩展名!!!!*****// HANDLE hSnapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hSnapshot) { return false; } PROCESSENTRY32 pe = { sizeof(pe) }; BOOL fOk; for (fOk = Process32First(hSnapshot, &pe); fOk; fOk = Process32Next(hSnapshot, &pe)) { if (! stricmp(pe.szExeFile, lpName)) { CloseHandle(hSnapshot); return true; } } return false;
inline int GetScreenHeight(void) //获取屏幕高度
{return GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN);
inline int GetScreenWidth(void) //获取屏幕宽度
{return GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN);
RECT CJZAPI GetSystemWorkAreaRect(void) //获取工作区矩形
{RECT rt;SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETWORKAREA,0,&rt,0); // 获得工作区大小return rt;
LONG CJZAPI GetTaskbarHeight(void) //获取任务栏高度
{ INT cyScreen = GetScreenHeight();RECT rt = GetSystemWorkAreaRect();return (cyScreen - (rt.bottom - rt.top));
inline HWND GetTaskbarWindow(void)
{return WindowFromPoint(POINT{ GetScreenWidth() / 2,GetScreenHeight() - 2 });
inline HFONT CJZAPI CreateFont(int height, int width, LPCSTR lpFamilyName)
{return CreateFont(height,width,0,0,FW_NORMAL,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,lpFamilyName);
// 辅助函数:HSV到RGB颜色转换
COLORREF HSVtoRGB(double h, double s, double v) {int hi = static_cast<int>(floor(h / 60.0)) % 6;double f = h / 60.0 - floor(h / 60.0);double p = v * (1.0 - s);double q = v * (1.0 - f * s);double t = v * (1.0 - (1.0 - f) * s);switch (hi) {case 0: return RGB(static_cast<int>(v * 255), static_cast<int>(t * 255), static_cast<int>(p * 255));case 1: return RGB(static_cast<int>(q * 255), static_cast<int>(v * 255), static_cast<int>(p * 255));case 2: return RGB(static_cast<int>(p * 255), static_cast<int>(v * 255), static_cast<int>(t * 255));case 3: return RGB(static_cast<int>(p * 255), static_cast<int>(q * 255), static_cast<int>(v * 255));case 4: return RGB(static_cast<int>(t * 255), static_cast<int>(p * 255), static_cast<int>(v * 255));case 5: return RGB(static_cast<int>(v * 255), static_cast<int>(p * 255), static_cast<int>(q * 255));default: return RGB(0, 0, 0); // Shouldn't reach here}
// 主函数:返回随时间变化的彩虹色
COLORREF RainbowColor() {// 假设时间按秒计算,这里使用系统时间或其他适当的时间源double timeInSeconds = GetTickCount() / 1000.0;// 色相按时间变化double hue = fmod(timeInSeconds * 30.0, 360.0); // 假设每秒变化30度// 饱和度和亮度保持不变double saturation = 1.0;double value = 1.0;// 将HSV颜色转换为RGB并返回return HSVtoRGB(hue, saturation, value);
}inline void CJZAPI SetTextColor(COLORREF color)
{SetTextColor(hdcBuffer, color);
inline void CJZAPI TextOut(int x, int y, LPCSTR lpText, HDC hdc = hdcBuffer)
{TextOut(hdc, x, y, lpText, strlen(lpText));
inline void CJZAPI TextOutShadow(int x, int y, LPCSTR lpText, HDC hdc = hdcBuffer)
{COLORREF oclr = GetTextColor(hdc);SetTextColor(RGB(0,0,0));TextOut(x+2,y+2,lpText,hdc);SetTextColor(oclr);TextOut(x,y,lpText,hdc);
void ClearDevice(HDC _hdc = hdcBuffer, HWND _hwnd = hwnd)
{// 清屏:使用透明色填充整个客户区域RECT rcClient;GetClientRect(_hwnd, &rcClient);HBRUSH hBrush = CreateSolidBrush(RGB(0, 0, 0));FillRect(_hdc, &rcClient, hBrush);DeleteObject(hBrush);
int left_cps = 0;
int right_cps = 0;
#define CPS_UPDATE_CD 1000
void UpdateCPS(void)
{static DWORD startTime = GetTickCount();static int leftClicks = 0, rightClicks = 0;static bool leftButtonDown = false, rightButtonDown = false;bool leftButtonPressed = KEY_DOWN(VK_LBUTTON);if (leftButtonPressed && !leftButtonDown) leftClicks++;leftButtonDown = leftButtonPressed;bool rightButtonPressed = KEY_DOWN(VK_RBUTTON);if (rightButtonPressed && !rightButtonDown)rightClicks++;rightButtonDown = rightButtonPressed;DWORD currentTime = GetTickCount();DWORD elapsedTime = currentTime - startTime;if (elapsedTime >= CPS_UPDATE_CD) {left_cps = leftClicks * (1000.0 / CPS_UPDATE_CD);right_cps = rightClicks* (1000.0 / CPS_UPDATE_CD);startTime = currentTime;leftClicks = 0;rightClicks = 0;}
inline const int& GetCPS(bool left0_right1)
{return left0_right1 ? right_cps : left_cps;
void DrawKeyBox(BYTE key, const char* name, int fs, int left, int top, int right, int bottom)
{static const char* font = "Minecraft AE Pixel";COLORREF color;if(KEY_DOWN(key))color = RGB(200, 200, 200) | (200 << 24);elsecolor = RGB(1, 1, 1) | (80 << 24);HBRUSH hBrush = CreateSolidBrush(color);auto prevObj = SelectObject(hdcBuffer, hBrush);Rectangle(hdcBuffer, left + (KEY_DOWN(key)?2:0), top + (KEY_DOWN(key)?2:0), right + (KEY_DOWN(key)?2:0), bottom + (KEY_DOWN(key)?2:0));SelectObject(hdcBuffer, prevObj);DeleteObject(hBrush);HFONT hFont = CreateFont(fs, 0, font);prevObj = SelectObject(hdcBuffer, hFont);SetTextColor(RainbowColor());SetBkMode(hdcBuffer, TRANSPARENT);string text{name};int x = left + (KEY_DOWN(key)?2:0) + (right - left) / 2.0f - text.length() * fs / 4.0f;int y = top + (KEY_DOWN(key)?2:0) + (bottom - top) / 2.0f - fs / 2.0f;TextOutShadow(x, y, text.c_str());DeleteObject(hFont);SelectObject(hdcBuffer, prevObj);
void DrawMouseKeys(int left, int top)
{static const int box_w = 85;static const int box_h = 45;static const int box_gap = 15;static const int fs = 15;static const int small_fs = 10;static const char* font = "Minecraft AE Pixel";COLORREF color;if(KEY_DOWN(VK_LBUTTON))color = RGB(200, 200, 200) | (200 << 24);elsecolor = RGB(1, 1, 1) | (80 << 24);HBRUSH hBrush = CreateSolidBrush(color);auto prevObj = SelectObject(hdcBuffer, hBrush);Rectangle(hdcBuffer, left + (KEY_DOWN(VK_LBUTTON)?2:0), top+ (KEY_DOWN(VK_LBUTTON)?2:0), left + (KEY_DOWN(VK_LBUTTON)?2:0) + box_w, top + box_h+ (KEY_DOWN(VK_LBUTTON)?2:0));SelectObject(hdcBuffer, prevObj);DeleteObject(hBrush);if(KEY_DOWN(VK_RBUTTON))color = RGB(200, 200, 200) | (200 << 24);elsecolor = RGB(1, 1, 1) | (80 << 24);hBrush = CreateSolidBrush(color);prevObj = SelectObject(hdcBuffer, hBrush);Rectangle(hdcBuffer, left + (KEY_DOWN(VK_RBUTTON)?2:0) + box_w + box_gap, top + (KEY_DOWN(VK_RBUTTON)?2:0), left + (KEY_DOWN(VK_RBUTTON)?2:0) + box_w*2 + box_gap, top + box_h+ (KEY_DOWN(VK_RBUTTON)?2:0));SelectObject(hdcBuffer, prevObj);DeleteObject(hBrush);HFONT hFont = CreateFont(small_fs, 0, font);prevObj = SelectObject(hdcBuffer, hFont);SetTextColor(RainbowColor());SetBkMode(hdcBuffer, TRANSPARENT);string text = sprintf2("%d CPS", GetCPS(0));int x = left + (KEY_DOWN(VK_LBUTTON)?2:0) + box_w / 2.0f - text.length() * small_fs / 4.0f - 3;int y = top + (KEY_DOWN(VK_LBUTTON)?2:0) + box_h * 0.75f - small_fs / 2.0f;TextOutShadow(x, y, text.c_str());text = sprintf2("%d CPS", GetCPS(1));x = box_gap + (KEY_DOWN(VK_RBUTTON)?2:0) + box_w + left + box_w / 2.0f - text.length() * small_fs / 4.0f - 3;y = top + (KEY_DOWN(VK_RBUTTON)?2:0) + box_h * 0.75f - small_fs / 2.0f;TextOutShadow(x, y, text.c_str());DeleteObject(hFont);SelectObject(hdcBuffer, prevObj);hFont = CreateFont(fs, 0, font);prevObj = SelectObject(hdcBuffer, hFont);SetTextColor(RainbowColor());SetBkMode(hdcBuffer, TRANSPARENT);text = "LMB";x = left + (KEY_DOWN(VK_LBUTTON)?2:0) + box_w / 2.0f - text.length() * fs / 4.0f - 4;y = top + (KEY_DOWN(VK_LBUTTON)?2:0) + box_h * 0.22f;TextOutShadow(x, y, text.c_str());text = "RMB";x = box_gap + (KEY_DOWN(VK_RBUTTON)?2:0) + box_w + left + box_w / 2.0f - text.length() * fs / 4.0f - 4;y = top + (KEY_DOWN(VK_RBUTTON)?2:0) + box_h * 0.22f;TextOutShadow(x, y, text.c_str());DeleteObject(hFont);SelectObject(hdcBuffer, prevObj);
void DrawKeyMouseInfo()
{static const int _left = 15;static const int _top = 40;static const int _pen_size = 2;static const int box_w = 54;static const int box_h = 54;static const int box_gap = 10;static const int fs = 24;COLORREF color = RainbowColor();HPEN hPen;hPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, _pen_size, color);SelectObject(hdcBuffer, hPen);DrawKeyBox('A', "A", fs, _left, _top + box_h + box_gap, _left + box_w, _top + box_h + box_gap + box_h);DrawKeyBox('W', "W", fs, _left + box_w + box_gap, _top, _left + box_w*2 + box_gap, _top + box_h);DrawKeyBox('S', "S", fs, _left + box_w + box_gap, _top + box_h + box_gap, _left + box_w*2 + box_gap, _top + box_h + box_gap + box_h);DrawKeyBox('D', "D", fs, _left + box_w * 2 + box_gap * 2, _top + box_h + box_gap, _left + box_w*3 + box_gap * 2, _top + box_h + box_gap + box_h);static const int space_h = 35;DrawKeyBox(' ', "--", fs, _left, _top + box_h*2 + box_gap*2, _left + box_w * 3 + box_gap * 2, _top + box_h*2+box_gap*2+space_h);DrawKeyBox(VK_SHIFT, "Shift", fs * 0.75, _left, _top + box_h*2 + box_gap*3 + space_h, _left + box_w * 3 + box_gap * 2, _top + box_h*2+box_gap*3+space_h*2);DrawMouseKeys(_left, _top + box_h*3 + box_gap*3 + space_h*2);DeleteObject(hPen);
}void DrawUI()
}#define TIMER_PAINT_CD 10L
VOID CALLBACK TimerProc_Paint(_In_ HWND hwnd,_In_ UINT uMsg,_In_ UINT_PTR idEvent,_In_ DWORD dwTime)
{RECT rect;GetClientRect(hwnd,&rect);InvalidateRect(hwnd, &rect, FALSE); //会发送WM_PAINT消息
VOID CALLBACK TimerProc_Update(_In_ HWND hwnd,_In_ UINT uMsg,_In_ UINT_PTR idEvent,_In_ DWORD dwTime)
void BeginDraw()
{hdcOrigin = BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps);SetBkMode(hdcBuffer, TRANSPARENT);
void EndDraw()
{EndPaint(hwnd, &ps);
{static HBITMAP hBitmap = NULL;switch(Message) {case WM_CREATE:{hdcBuffer = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);SetTimer(hwnd, 0, TIMER_PAINT_CD, TimerProc_Paint);SetTimer(hwnd, 2, TIMER_UPDATE_CD, TimerProc_Update);break;}case WM_DESTROY: {if (hdcBuffer)DeleteDC(hdcBuffer), hdcBuffer = nullptr;if (hBitmap)DeleteObject(hBitmap), hBitmap = nullptr;KillTimer(hwnd, 0);KillTimer(hwnd, 2);PostQuitMessage(0);break;}case WM_PAINT:{BeginDraw();// 获取客户区域的大小RECT rcClient;GetClientRect(hwnd, &rcClient);int clientWidth = rcClient.right - rcClient.left;int clientHeight = rcClient.bottom - rcClient.top;// 创建双缓冲if (hBitmap)DeleteObject(hBitmap);hBitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdcOrigin, clientWidth, clientHeight);SelectObject(hdcBuffer, hBitmap);ClearDevice();DrawUI();// 将缓冲区的内容一次性绘制到屏幕上BitBlt(hdcOrigin, 0, 0, clientWidth, clientHeight, hdcBuffer, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);EndDraw();break;}default:return DefWindowProc(hwnd, Message, wParam, lParam);}return 0;
bool TerminalCheck(DWORD dwPid, HWND _hwnd)
{ //检查是否为win11新终端HANDLE hSnapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hSnapshot) { return false; } PROCESSENTRY32 pe = { sizeof(pe) }; BOOL fOk; for (fOk = Process32First(hSnapshot, &pe); fOk; fOk = Process32Next(hSnapshot, &pe)) { if (! stricmp(pe.szExeFile, "WindowsTerminal.exe")&& pe.th32ProcessID == dwPid) { CloseHandle(hSnapshot); {char title[MAX_PATH];GetWindowText(_hwnd, title, MAX_PATH);if(strcmp(title, _pgmptr) && strcmp(title, "Keystrokes"))return false;return true;} } } return false;
BOOL CALLBACK EnumWindowsProc(HWND _hwnd, LPARAM lParam)
{DWORD pid;GetWindowThreadProcessId(_hwnd, &pid);if(TerminalCheck(pid, _hwnd)){hwnd_console = _hwnd;return FALSE;}return TRUE;
int WINAPI WinMain (HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nShowCmd)
{_hInstance = hInstance;_hPrevInstance = hPrevInstance;_lpCmdLine = lpCmdLine;_nShowCmd = nShowCmd;scr_w = GetScreenWidth();scr_h = GetScreenHeight();taskbar_h = GetTaskbarHeight();WNDCLASS wc = { 0 };wc.lpfnWndProc = WndProc;wc.hInstance = hInstance;wc.lpszClassName = "KeyStrokesWindowClass";if(!RegisterClass(&wc)) {MessageBox(NULL, "Window Registration Failed!","Error!",MB_ICONEXCLAMATION|MB_OK);return 0;}hwnd = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_LAYERED | WS_EX_TRANSPARENT | WS_EX_TOPMOST, "KeyStrokesWindowClass", "KeyStrokes by Wormwaker", WS_POPUP,0, /* x */0, /* y */scr_w, /* width */scr_h, /* height */NULL,// NULL,NULL,hInstance,NULL);if(hwnd == NULL) {MessageBox(NULL, "Window Creation Failed!","Error!",MB_ICONEXCLAMATION|MB_OK);return 0;}SetConsoleTitle("Keystrokes");if(ExistProcess("WindowsTerminal.exe")){ //win11电脑且使用新版终端EnumWindows(EnumWindowsProc, 0);}else{ //旧版控制台主机hwnd_console = GetConsoleWindow();}
#ifndef SHOWCONSOLEif(hwnd_console != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && hwnd_console != nullptr)ShowWindow(hwnd_console, SW_HIDE);
#endif// 设置窗口透明度SetLayeredWindowAttributes(hwnd, RGB(0, 0, 0), 0, LWA_COLORKEY);ShowWindow(hwnd, SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED);SetWindowPos(hwnd, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, scr_w,scr_h, SWP_NOSIZE);MSG msg;while(GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0) > 0) { /* If no error is received... */TranslateMessage(&msg); /* Translate key codes to chars if present */DispatchMessage(&msg); /* Send it to WndProc */ShowWindowAsync(hwnd, SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED); //保持显示并最大化}return 0;