


KV Cache

KV缓存(KV Cache)是在大模型推理中常用的一种技巧。我们知道在推理阶段,Transformer也只能像RNN一样逐个进行预测,也称为自回归。KV cahce是用在注意力阶段缓存key和value状态,具体的我们可以看图示:









 def forward(self,query: Tensor,key_value: Tensor = None,mask: Tensor = None,past_key_value: Tuple[Tensor] = None,use_cache: bool = False,keep_attentions: bool = False,) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]:"""Args:query (Tensor): (batch_size, q_len, d_model)key_value (Tensor, optional): (batch_size, k_len/v_len, d_model) key and value are same.mask (Tensor, optional): mask for padding or decoder. Defaults to None.past_key_value (Tuple[Tensor], optional): cached past key and value states. Defaults to None.use_cache (bool, optional): whether to use kv cache during inference. Defaults to False.keep_attentions (bool): whether to keep attention weigths or not. Defaults to False.Returns:output (Tensor): (batch_size, q_len, d_model) attention outputpresent_key_value (Tuple[Tensor], optional): Cached present key and value states"""if past_key_value is not None:assert self.is_decoder is True, "Encoder cannot cache past key value states"is_self_attention = key_value is None_query = queryquery = self._transform_and_split(self.q, query)if is_self_attention:# the 'self' attentionkey = self._transform_and_split(self.k, _query, is_key=True) # 即先进行Q/K/V转换,再拆分成多头value = self._transform_and_split(self.v, _query)key, value = self._concat_key_value(key, value, past_key_value) # 分情况拼接最新的key和valueelif past_key_value is None:# the cross attention, key_value is memorykey = self._transform_and_split(self.k, key_value, is_key=True)value = self._transform_and_split(self.v, key_value)else:# if is_self_attention == False and past_key_value is not None# key_value is memory and use cache(past_key_value not None) we do not need to calculate the key and value again because it was cached.# since memory will not change during inference.key, value = past_key_valueif self.is_decoder and use_cache:# cache newest key and valuepresent_key_value = (key, value)else:present_key_value = Noneattn_output = self.attenion(query, key, value, mask, keep_attentions)# Concatconcat_output = self.merge_heads(attn_output)# the final liear# output (batch_size, q_len, d_model)output = self.concat(concat_output)return output, present_key_value




然后我们深入方法内部,注意只有在推理阶段的Decoder中才能使用kv cache。







 def forward(self,tgt: Tensor,memory: Tensor,tgt_mask: Tensor = None,memory_mask: Tensor = None,past_key_value: Tuple[Tensor] = None,use_cache: bool = True,keep_attentions: bool = False,) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]:"""Args:tgt (Tensor):   (batch_size, tgt_seq_len, d_model) the (target) sequence to the decoder block.memory (Tensor):  (batch_size, src_seq_len, d_model) the sequence from the last layer of the encoder.tgt_mask (Tensor, optional):  (batch_size, 1, tgt_seq_len, tgt_seq_len) the mask for the tgt sequence.memory_mask (Tensor, optional): (batch_size, 1, 1, src_seq_len) the mask for the memory sequence.past_key_values (Tuple[Tensor], optional): the cached key and value states. Defaults to None.use_cache (bool, optional): whether use kv cache during inference or not. Defaults to False.keep_attentions (bool): whether keep attention weigths or not. Defaults to False.Returns:tgt (Tensor): (batch_size, tgt_seq_len, d_model) output of decoder block"""if past_key_value is not None:# first two elements in the past_key_value tuple are self-attention# past_key_value是一个元组,其中前2个元素为自注意力层的key和value# 后2个元素为交叉注意力层的key和valueself_attn_past_key_value = past_key_value[:2]cross_attn_past_key_value = past_key_value[2:]else:self_attn_past_key_value = Nonecross_attn_past_key_value = Nonex = tgt# 自注意力self_attn_outputs = self._sa_sub_layer(x,tgt_mask,self_attn_past_key_value,use_cache,keep_attentions,)# self attention output and present key value state# x和之前的输出一样,多了一个保存key和value的present_key_value_statex, present_key_value_state = self_attn_outputs# 交叉注意力cross_attn_outputs = self._ca_sub_layer(x,memory,memory_mask,cross_attn_past_key_value,use_cache,keep_attentions,)x = cross_attn_outputs[0]if present_key_value_state is not None:# append the cross-attention key and value states to present key value states   # 拼接注意力和交叉注意力中的key和value,得到元组的4个元素present_key_value_state = present_key_value_state + cross_attn_outputs[1]x = self._ff_sub_layer(x)# 别忘了返回return x, present_key_value_state


def _sa_sub_layer(self,x: Tensor,attn_mask: Tensor,past_key_value: Tensor,use_cache: bool,keep_attentions: bool,
) -> Tensor:residual = xx, present_key_value = self.masked_attention(query=self.norm1(x),past_key_value=past_key_value,use_cache=use_cache,mask=attn_mask,keep_attentions=keep_attentions,)x = self.dropout1(x) + residualreturn x, present_key_value# cross attention sub layer
def _ca_sub_layer(self,x: Tensor,mem: Tensor,attn_mask: Tensor,past_key_value: Tensor,use_cache: bool,keep_attentions: bool,
) -> Tensor:residual = xx, present_key_value = self.cross_attention(query=self.norm2(x),key_value=mem,mask=attn_mask,past_key_value=past_key_value,use_cache=use_cache,keep_attentions=keep_attentions,)x = self.dropout2(x) + residualreturn x, present_key_value



def forward(self, x: Tensor, position_ids: Union[int, list[int]] = None) -> Tensor:"""Args:x (Tensor): (batch_size, seq_len, d_model) embeddingsposition_ids (Union[int, list[int]]): singe position id or listReturns:Tensor: (batch_size, seq_len, d_model)"""if position_ids is None:position_ids = range(x.size(1))return self.dropout(x +[:, position_ids, :])



def decode(self,tgt: Tensor,memory: Tensor,tgt_mask: Tensor = None,memory_mask: Tensor = None,past_key_values: Tuple[Tensor] = None,use_cache: bool = False,keep_attentions: bool = False,
) -> Tensor:"""Args:tgt (Tensor):  (batch_size, tgt_seq_len) the sequence to the decoder.memory (Tensor): (batch_size, src_seq_len, d_model) the  sequence from the last layer of the encoder.tgt_mask (Tensor, optional): (batch_size, 1, 1, tgt_seq_len) the mask for the target sequence. Defaults to None.memory_mask (Tensor, optional): (batch_size, 1, 1, src_seq_len) the mask for the memory sequence. Defaults to None.past_key_values (Tuple[Tensor], optional): the cached key and value states. Defaults to None.use_cache (bool, optional): whether use kv cache during inference or not. Defaults to False.keep_attentions (bool, optional): whether keep attention weigths or not. Defaults to False.Returns:Tensor: output (batch_size, tgt_seq_len, tgt_vocab_size)"""if past_key_values is None:past_key_values = [None] * len(self.decoder.layers)# 未使用缓存则传Noneposition_ids = Noneelse:# when use_cache we only care about the current position# 否则传入当前位置对应的IDposition_ids = past_key_values[0][1].size(2)tgt_embed = self.dec_pos(self.tgt_embedding(tgt), position_ids)# logits (batch_size, tgt_seq_len, d_model)logits, past_key_values = self.decoder(tgt_embed,memory,tgt_mask,memory_mask,past_key_values,use_cache,keep_attentions,)return logits, past_key_values



def _greedy_search(self,src: Tensor,src_mask: Tensor,max_gen_len: int,use_cache: bool,keep_attentions: bool,
):memory = self.transformer.encode(src, src_mask)batch_size = src.shape[0]device = src.device# keep track of which sequences are already finishedunfinished_sequences = torch.ones(batch_size, dtype=torch.long, device=device)decoder_inputs = torch.LongTensor(batch_size, 1).fill_(self.bos_idx).to(device)input_ids = decoder_inputseos_idx_tensor = torch.tensor([self.eos_idx]).to(device)finished = Falsepast_key_values = Nonetgt_mask = None # 使用缓存的情况下可以传None,因为此时query可以看到所有的key。while True:if not use_cache:tgt_mask = self.generate_subsequent_mask(decoder_inputs.size(1), device)outputs = self.transformer.decode(input_ids,memory,tgt_mask=tgt_mask,memory_mask=src_mask,past_key_values=past_key_values,use_cache=use_cache,keep_attentions=keep_attentions,)logits = self.lm_head(outputs[0])past_key_values = outputs[1]next_tokens = torch.argmax(logits[:, -1, :], dim=-1)# finished sentences should have their next token be a pad tokennext_tokens = next_tokens * unfinished_sequences + self.pad_idx * (1 - unfinished_sequences)decoder_inputs =[decoder_inputs, next_tokens[:, None]], dim=-1)# set sentence to finished if eos_idx was foundunfinished_sequences = unfinished_sequences.mul(next_tokens.tile(eos_idx_tensor.shape[0], 1).ne(eos_idx_tensor.unsqueeze(1)).prod(dim=0))if use_cache:# only need the last tokensinput_ids = next_tokens[:, None]else:input_ids = decoder_inputs# all sentences have eos_idxif unfinished_sequences.max() == 0:finished = Trueif decoder_inputs.shape[-1] >= max_gen_len:finished = Trueif finished:breakreturn decoder_inputs

在使用缓存的时候 input_ids = next_tokens[:, None],这样保证每次只传入最新预测的Token。

最后在测试集上进行推理来验证下加了kv cache速度提升了多少:

$ python 
source tokenizer size: 32000
target tokenizer size: 32000
Loads cached dataframes.
The model has 93255680 trainable parameters
begin train with arguments: {'d_model': 512, 'n_heads': 8, 'num_encoder_layers': 6, 'num_decoder_layers': 6, 'd_ff': 2048, 'dropout': 0.1, 'max_positions': 5000, 'source_vocab_size': 32000, 'target_vocab_size': 32000, 'attention_bias': False, 'pad_idx': 0, 'dataset_path': 'nlp-in-action/transformers/transformer/data/wmt', 'src_tokenizer_file': 'nlp-in-action/transformers/transformer/model_storage/source.model', 'tgt_tokenizer_path': 'nlp-in-action/transformers/transformer/model_storage/target.model', 'model_save_path': 'nlp-in-action/transformers/transformer/model_storage/', 'dataframe_file': 'dataframe.{}.pkl', 'use_dataframe_cache': True, 'cuda': True, 'num_epochs': 40, 'batch_size': 32, 'gradient_accumulation_steps': 1, 'grad_clipping': 0, 'betas': (0.9, 0.98), 'eps': 1e-09, 'label_smoothing': 0, 'warmup_steps': 4000, 'warmup_factor': 0.5, 'only_test': True, 'max_gen_len': 60, 'use_wandb': False, 'patient': 5, 'calc_bleu_during_train': True, 'use_kv_cache': False}
total train steps: 2212000%|                                                                                                                                                                        | 0/1580 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 1580/1580 [17:25<00:00,  1.51it/s]
TEST loss=0.0021 bleu score: 26.74$ python
source tokenizer size: 32000
target tokenizer size: 32000
Loads cached dataframes.
The model has 93255680 trainable parameters
begin train with arguments: {'d_model': 512, 'n_heads': 8, 'num_encoder_layers': 6, 'num_decoder_layers': 6, 'd_ff': 2048, 'dropout': 0.1, 'max_positions': 5000, 'source_vocab_size': 32000, 'target_vocab_size': 32000, 'attention_bias': False, 'pad_idx': 0, 'dataset_path': 'transformers/transformer/data/wmt', 'src_tokenizer_file': 'transformers/transformer/model_storage/source.model', 'tgt_tokenizer_path': 'transformers/transformer/model_storage/target.model', 'model_save_path': 'transformers/transformer/model_storage/', 'dataframe_file': 'dataframe.{}.pkl', 'use_dataframe_cache': True, 'cuda': True, 'num_epochs': 40, 'batch_size': 32, 'gradient_accumulation_steps': 1, 'grad_clipping': 0, 'betas': (0.9, 0.98), 'eps': 1e-09, 'label_smoothing': 0, 'warmup_steps': 4000, 'warmup_factor': 0.5, 'only_test': True, 'max_gen_len': 60, 'use_wandb': False, 'patient': 5, 'calc_bleu_during_train': True, 'use_kv_cache': True}
total train steps: 2212000%|                                                                                                                                                                        | 0/1580 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 1580/1580 [13:37<00:00,  1.93it/s]
TEST loss=0.0021 bleu score: 26.74

这里加载之前训练效果最好的模型,可以看到计算出来的BLEU 分数都为26.74,使用kv cache耗时(单GPU推理)由17:25降到了13:37,快了接近4分钟。

kv cache实际上是一种空间换时间的技术,那么它会占多大的空间呢?

4 ⋅ 4 ⋅ num_layers ⋅ num_heads ⋅ d_head 4 \cdot 4 \cdot \text{num\_layers} \cdot \text{num\_heads} \cdot \text{d\_head} 44num_layersnum_headsd_head
第一个4表示有4个向量;第二个4表示假设在float-32下需要4个字节;为每层都保存kv cahce;每个向量的大小为 num_heads × d_head \text{num\_heads} \times \text{d\_head} num_heads×d_head



$ sh 
Number of GPUs used: 3
Running  DDP on rank 2.0%|          | 0/1844 [00:00<?, ?it/s]Running  DDP on rank 1.0%|          | 0/1844 [00:00<?, ?it/s]Running  DDP on rank 0.
source tokenizer size: 32000
target tokenizer size: 32000
Loads cached train dataframe.
Loads cached dev dataframe.
The model has 93255680 trainable parameters
begin train with arguments: {'d_model': 512, 'n_heads': 8, 'num_encoder_layers': 6, 'num_decoder_layers': 6, 'd_ff': 2048, 'dropout': 0.1, 'max_positions': 5000, 'source_vocab_size': 32000, 'target_vocab_size': 32000, 'attention_bias': False, 'pad_idx': 0, 'dataset_path': 'nlp-in-action/transformers/transformer/data/wmt', 'src_tokenizer_file': 'nlp-in-action/transformers/transformer/model_storage/source.model', 'tgt_tokenizer_path': 'nlp-in-action/transformers/transformer/model_storage/target.model', 'model_save_path': 'nlp-in-action/transformers/transformer/model_storage/', 'dataframe_file': 'dataframe.{}.pkl', 'use_dataframe_cache': True, 'cuda': True, 'num_epochs': 40, 'batch_size': 32, 'gradient_accumulation_steps': 1, 'grad_clipping': 0, 'betas': (0.9, 0.98), 'eps': 1e-09, 'label_smoothing': 0, 'warmup_steps': 4000, 'warmup_factor': 0.5, 'only_test': False, 'max_gen_len': 60, 'use_wandb': False, 'patient': 5, 'calc_bleu_during_train': True, 'use_kv_cache': True}
total train steps: 73760
[GPU0] TRAIN  loss=7.033506, learning rate=0.0001612: 100%|██████████| 1844/1844 [03:57<00:00,  7.76it/s]
[GPU1] TRAIN  loss=7.085324, learning rate=0.0001612: 100%|██████████| 1844/1844 [03:57<00:00,  7.76it/s]
[GPU2] TRAIN  loss=6.532835, learning rate=0.0001612: 100%|██████████| 1844/1844 [03:57<00:00,  7.76it/s]0%|          | 0/264 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
| ID | GPU | MEM |
|  0 |  0% | 22% |
|  1 | 87% | 80% |
|  2 | 83% | 72% |
|  3 | 87% | 74% |
begin evaluate
100%|██████████| 264/264 [00:07<00:00, 36.57it/s]
100%|██████████| 264/264 [00:07<00:00, 36.18it/s]
calculate bleu score for dev dataset
100%|██████████| 264/264 [00:07<00:00, 35.56it/s]
100%|██████████| 264/264 [02:47<00:00,  1.57it/s]
100%|██████████| 264/264 [02:51<00:00,  1.54it/s]
100%|██████████| 264/264 [02:52<00:00,  1.53it/s]
[GPU1] end of epoch   1 [ 421s]| train loss: 8.0776 | valid loss: 7.1336 |  valid bleu_score 0.42
[GPU0] end of epoch   1 [ 421s]| train loss: 8.0674 | valid loss: 7.1126 |  valid bleu_score 0.41
Save model with best bleu score :0.41[GPU0] end of epoch   2 [ 403s]| train loss: 6.5031 | valid loss: 5.8428 |  valid bleu_score 6.66
Save model with best bleu score :6.66[GPU0] end of epoch   3 [ 400s]| train loss: 5.2757 | valid loss: 4.6797 |  valid bleu_score 16.64
Save model with best bleu score :16.64[GPU0] end of epoch   4 [ 400s]| train loss: 4.2989 | valid loss: 4.1087 |  valid bleu_score 21.78
Save model with best bleu score :21.78[GPU0] end of epoch   5 [ 396s]| train loss: 3.7218 | valid loss: 3.8263 |  valid bleu_score 23.51
Save model with best bleu score :23.51[GPU0] end of epoch   6 [ 396s]| train loss: 3.3296 | valid loss: 3.6755 |  valid bleu_score 24.84
Save model with best bleu score :24.84[GPU0] end of epoch   8 [ 391s]| train loss: 2.8033 | valid loss: 3.5605 |  valid bleu_score 25.86
Save model with best bleu score :25.86[GPU0] end of epoch  10 [ 386s]| train loss: 2.4323 | valid loss: 3.5600 |  valid bleu_score 26.43
Save model with best bleu score :26.43[GPU0] end of epoch  11 [ 400s]| train loss: 2.2831 | valid loss: 3.5782 |  valid bleu_score 26.91
Save model with best bleu score :26.91[GPU0] end of epoch  12 [ 390s]| train loss: 2.1463 | valid loss: 3.6085 |  valid bleu_score 26.77[GPU0] end of epoch  13 [ 397s]| train loss: 2.0249 | valid loss: 3.6398 |  valid bleu_score 26.61[GPU0] end of epoch  14 [ 389s]| train loss: 1.9126 | valid loss: 3.6763 |  valid bleu_score 26.41[GPU0] end of epoch  15 [ 388s]| train loss: 1.8102 | valid loss: 3.7161 |  valid bleu_score 26.15| ID | GPU | MEM |
|  0 |  1% | 22% |
|  1 | 81% | 81% |
|  2 | 80% | 75% |
|  3 | 89% | 89% |[GPU0] end of epoch  16 [ 399s]| train loss: 1.7163 | valid loss: 3.7508 |  valid bleu_score 26.38
stop from early stopping.


注意,这里为了性能,虽然设置了随机种子,但并不是完全确定的,即每次结果可能稍微有点不同,如果想实现完全可复现,可参考 。




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K8s Pod详解

1.Pod结构 每个Pod中都可以包含一个或者多个容器&#xff0c;这些容器可以分为两类&#xff1a; 用户程序所在的容器&#xff0c;数量可多可少 Pause容器&#xff0c;这是每个Pod都会有的一个根容器&#xff0c;它的作用有两个&#xff1a; 可以以它为依据&#xff0c;评估整个…


​  服务器硬盘的大小是决定空间是否充足的主要因素。但在日常使用中&#xff0c;服务器和网站备份会消耗大量存储空间&#xff0c;如果维护不当&#xff0c;最终将耗尽您的容量。同样&#xff0c;日志文件、临时文件和数据库可以在硬盘驱动器上或回收站中无休止地建立。当您…


目录 1、先介绍一下 GPT 升级 2、第一种: 免费升级 支付宝购买礼品卡给美区 apple id 充值 3、第二种&#xff1a;5分钟快速升级 方法 平时我会在朋友圈分享一些利用 GPT-4 画的图片&#xff0c;比如下面这个扑克牌风格的"黑红小狗武士"。 用 GPT-4 做绘画仅仅是…


文章目录 前言1. Inis博客网站搭建1.1. Inis博客网站下载和安装1.2 Inis博客网站测试1.3 cpolar的安装和注册 2. 本地网页发布2.1 Cpolar临时数据隧道2.2 Cpolar稳定隧道&#xff08;云端设置&#xff09;2.3.Cpolar稳定隧道&#xff08;本地设置&#xff09; 3. 公网访问测试总…

大创项目推荐 深度学习机器视觉车道线识别与检测 -自动驾驶

文章目录 1 前言2 先上成果3 车道线4 问题抽象(建立模型)5 帧掩码(Frame Mask)6 车道检测的图像预处理7 图像阈值化8 霍夫线变换9 实现车道检测9.1 帧掩码创建9.2 图像预处理9.2.1 图像阈值化9.2.2 霍夫线变换 最后 1 前言 &#x1f525; 优质竞赛项目系列&#xff0c;今天要分…

ElasticSearch _update_by_query

根据查询条件进行数据更新 UPDATE job_call SET admin_id 0 WHERE admin_id 283; kibana.png 1.其中红色框的位置为query的内容&#xff0c;对应为SQL语句中的WHERE admin_id 283 2.划红色线的位置为修改内容&#xff0c;对应SQL中的SET admin_id 0。如果是更新多个字段s…


这是一个求手脉倍率((Hw_Control.mult_ratio)与手脉脉冲计数延迟次数即累计过去n次的平均值(Hw_Control.lag_num)之间关系算法的计算过程笔记文档 1、已知 mult_ratio=1时 lag_num=10; mult_ratio=10时 lag_num=20; .mult_ratio==100时 lag_num=30; 以此类推 2、设lag_num…


PFC全称“Power Factor Correction”&#xff0c;意为“功率因数校正”。PFC电路即能对功率因数进行校正&#xff0c;或者说能提高功率因数的电路。是开关电源中很常见的电路。 在电学中&#xff0c;功率因数PF指有功功率P&#xff08;单位w&#xff09;与视在功率S&#xff08…


一直想更新一下根据cost to go来推导LQR&#xff0c;之前的话可能会直接套问题&#xff0c;但是对于理论有些困惑&#xff0c;正好最近在学习ilqr轨迹生成/优化&#xff0c;因此来推一下公式&#xff0c;以下参考B站Dr_CAN&#xff0c;链接如下&#xff1a; 【最优控制】5_线性…