

  • 1:nslookup
  • 2:选项介绍
  • 3:示例 - 命令行模式
    • 3.1:查询类型设置
    • 3.2:指定 DNS 服务器
  • 4:示例 - 交互模式
  • 5:其他

本文以 kali-linux-2023.3-vmware-amd64 为例。


nslookup(name server lookup)常用于域名解析和网络故障排除。

nslookup 有两种操作模式,两种模式功能一致:

  • 交互式模式

  • 命令行模式(非交互模式)


选项总览man nslookup 命令中的解释。

NSLOOKUP(1)                         BIND 9                        NSLOOKUP(1)NAMEnslookup - query Internet name servers interactivelySYNOPSISnslookup [-option] [name | -] [server]DESCRIPTIONnslookup is a program to query Internet domain name servers.  nslookuphas  two  modes: interactive and non-interactive. Interactive mode al‐lows the user to query name  servers  for  information  about  varioushosts and domains or to print a list of hosts in a domain.  Non-inter‐active  mode prints just the name and requested information for a hostor domain.ARGUMENTSInteractive mode is entered in the following cases:a. when no arguments are given (the default name server is used);b. when the first argument is a hyphen (-) and the second argument  isthe host name or Internet address of a name server.Non-interactive  mode is used when the name or Internet address of thehost to be looked up is given as the first argument. The optional sec‐ond argument specifies the host name or address of a name server.Options can also be specified on the command line if they precede  thearguments  and  are prefixed with a hyphen. For example, to change thedefault query type to host information, with an initial timeout of  10seconds, type:nslookup -query=hinfo  -timeout=10The  -version  option  causes nslookup to print the version number andimmediately exit.INTERACTIVE COMMANDShost [server]This command looks up information for host  using  the  currentdefault server or using server, if specified. If host is an In‐ternet  address and the query type is A or PTR, the name of thehost is returned. If host is a name and does not have a  trail‐ing period (.), the search list is used to qualify the name.To look up a host not in the current domain, append a period tothe name.server domain | lserver domainThese  commands  change  the  default server to domain; lserveruses the initial server to look up  information  about  domain,while  server uses the current default server. If an authorita‐tive answer cannot be found, the names of  servers  that  mighthave the answer are returned.root   This command is not implemented.finger This command is not implemented.ls     This command is not implemented.view   This command is not implemented.help   This command is not implemented.?      This command is not implemented.exit   This command exits the program.set keyword[=value]This  command  is used to change state information that affectsthe lookups. Valid keywords are:all    This keyword prints the current values of the frequentlyused options to set. Information about the  current  de‐fault server and host is also printed.class=valueThis keyword changes the query class to one of:IN     the Internet classCH     the Chaos classHS     the Hesiod classANY    wildcardThe  class  specifies the protocol group of the informa‐tion. The default is IN; the abbreviation for this  key‐word is cl.nodebugThis keyword turns on or off the display of the full re‐sponse  packet,  and  any intermediate response packets,when searching. The default for this keyword is nodebug;the abbreviation for this keyword is [no]deb.nod2   This keyword turns debugging mode on or off.  This  dis‐plays  more about what nslookup is doing. The default isnod2.domain=nameThis keyword sets the search list to name.nosearchIf the lookup request contains at least one period,  butdoes  not  end  with a trailing period, this keyword ap‐pends the domain names in the domain search list to  therequest  until  an  answer  is  received. The default issearch.port=valueThis keyword changes the  default  TCP/UDP  name  serverport  to  value from its default, port 53. The abbrevia‐tion for this keyword is po.querytype=value | type=valueThis keyword changes the type of the  information  queryto value. The defaults are A and then AAAA; the abbrevi‐ations for these keywords are q and ty.Please  note  that  it  is  only possible to specify onequery type. Only the default behavior looks up both whenan alternative is not specified.norecurseThis keyword  tells  the  name  server  to  query  otherservers if it does not have the information. The defaultis   recurse;  the  abbreviation  for  this  keyword  is[no]rec.ndots=numberThis keyword sets the number of dots (label  separators)in  a domain that disables searching. Absolute names al‐ways stop searching.retry=numberThis keyword sets the number of retries to number.timeout=numberThis keyword changes the  initial  timeout  interval  towait for a reply to number, in seconds.novc   This keyword indicates that a virtual circuit should al‐ways  be used when sending requests to the server.  novcis the default.nofail This keyword tries the next nameserver if  a  nameserverresponds with SERVFAIL or a referral (nofail), or termi‐nates  the  query (fail) on such a response. The defaultis nofail.RETURN VALUESnslookup returns with an exit status of 1 if any query failed,  and  0otherwise.IDN SUPPORTIf  nslookup  has  been built with IDN (internationalized domain name)support, it can accept and display non-ASCII  domain  names.  nslookupappropriately  converts  character  encoding  of  a domain name beforesending a request to a DNS server  or  displaying  a  reply  from  theserver.   To  turn off IDN support, define the IDN_DISABLE environmentvariable. IDN support is disabled if the variable is set when nslookupruns, or when the standard output is not a tty.FILES/etc/resolv.confSEE ALSOdig(1), host(1), named(8).AUTHORInternet Systems ConsortiumCOPYRIGHT2023, Internet Systems Consortium9.19.17-2~kali1-Kali              2023-09-08                      NSLOOKUP(1)

3:示例 - 命令行模式


基本语法nslookup [-ty=<type>] <target>

示例 3.1-1:在不指定参数的情况下,默认查询类型为 A。

nslookup [-ty=a] baidu.com




  • Server、Address:
    本次查询的 DNS 服务器。可以自己指定。默认情况下 DNS 服务器的端口为 53。

  • Non-authoritative answer(非权威应答):
    说明回答来自其他服务器的缓存,而不是权威 DNS 服务器。

示例 3.1-2:PTR 反向 DNS 解析。

nslookup -ty=ptr



3.2:指定 DNS 服务器

基本语法nslookup <target> <DNS server>

示例 3.2-1:指定服务器为。

nslookup google.com



4:示例 - 交互模式

示例 4-1:查找权威服务器。

# 1、
nslookup# 2、
set ty=NS# 3、查看当前配置
set all# 4、查找 baidu.com 对应的权威服务器



示例 4-2:指定 dns.baidu.com 作为 DNS 服务器对 baidu.com 执行 type=A 的查询。

# 1、
nslookup# 2、
server dns.baidu.com# 3、
set ty=A# 4、



DNS 记录:


《10 most used Nslookup commands》








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