OpenCV 例程200篇 总目录
【youcans 的 OpenCV 例程200篇】222. 特征提取之弗里曼链码(Freeman chain code)
目标的边界描述符(Boundary descriptors),也称为边界描述子。
- 边界的长度,轮廓线的像素数量是边界周长的近似估计;
- 边界的直径,边界长轴的长度,等于轮廓最小矩形边界框的长边长度;
- 边界的偏心率,边界长轴与短轴之比,等于轮廓最小矩形边界框的长宽比;
- 边界的曲率,相邻边界线段的斜率差;
- 链码,通过规定长度和方向的直线段来表示边界;
- 傅里叶描述符,对二维边界点进行离散傅里叶变换得到的傅里叶系数,对旋转、平移、缩放和起点不敏感;
- 统计矩,把边界视为直方图函数,用图像矩对边界特征进行描述,具有平移、灰度、尺度、旋转不变性。
例程 12.11:闭合曲线的弗里曼链码
链码表示基于线段的 4连通或 8连通。弗里曼链码(Freeman chain code)使用一种编号方案来对每个线段的方向进行编号。
通过对闭合边界曲线向下降采样,简化了初始轮廓。例程中最大轮廓的像素点 1361,简化后轮廓的像素点 34,对应的弗里曼链码长度 34。即用 34位 Freeman 链码可以描述该最大轮廓的边界特征,显著降低了数据量。
相关算法的详细内容,参见 R.C.Gonzalez 《数字图像处理(第四版)》P587-590 例11.1。
# 12.11 闭合曲线的弗里曼链码(Freeman chain code)
import cv2
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as pltdef FreemanChainCode(cLoop, gridsep=1): # 由闭合边界点集生成弗里曼链码# Freeman 8 方向链码的方向数dictFreeman = {(1, 0): 0, (1, 1): 1, (0, 1): 2, (-1, 1): 3, (-1, 0): 4, (-1, -1): 5, (0, -1): 6, (1, -1): 7}diff_cLoop = np.diff(cLoop, axis=0) // gridsep # cLoop 的一阶差分码direction = [tuple(x) for x in diff_cLoop.tolist()]codeList = list(map(dictFreeman.get, direction)) # 查字典获得链码code = np.array(codeList) # 转回 Numpy 数组return codeif __name__ == '__main__':# 计算目标轮廓曲线的弗里曼链码img = cv2.imread("../images/Fig1105.tif", flags=1)gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # 灰度图像blur = cv2.boxFilter(gray, -1, (5, 5)) # 盒式滤波器,9*9 平滑核_, binary = cv2.threshold(blur, 200, 255, cv2.THRESH_OTSU + cv2.THRESH_BINARY)# 寻找二值化图中的轮廓,method=cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE 输出轮廓的每个像素点contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(binary, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE) # OpenCV4~# 绘制全部轮廓,contourIdx=-1 绘制全部轮廓imgCnts = np.zeros(gray.shape[:2], np.uint8) # 绘制轮廓函数会修改原始图像imgCnts = cv2.drawContours(imgCnts, contours, -1, (255, 255, 255), thickness=2) # 绘制全部轮廓# 获取最大轮廓cnts = sorted(contours, key=cv2.contourArea, reverse=True) # 所有轮廓按面积排序cnt = cnts[0] # 第 0 个轮廓,面积最大的轮廓,(1361, 1, 2)maxContour = np.zeros(gray.shape[:2], np.uint8) # 初始化最大轮廓图像cv2.drawContours(maxContour, cnt, -1, (255, 255, 255), thickness=2) # 绘制轮廓 cntprint("len(contours) =", len(contours)) # contours 所有轮廓的列表print("area of max contour: ", cv2.contourArea(cnt)) # 轮廓面积print("perimeter of max contour: {:.1f}".format(cv2.arcLength(cnt, True))) # 轮廓周长# 向下降采样,简化轮廓的边界gridsep = 50 # 采样间隔cntPoints = np.squeeze(cnt) # 删除维度为1的数组维度,(1361,1,2)->(1361,2)subPoints = boundarySubsample(cntPoints, gridsep) # 自定义函数,通过向下采样简化轮廓print("subsample steps:", gridsep) # 降采样间距print("points of contour:", cntPoints.shape[0]) # 原始轮廓点数print("points of subsample:", subPoints.shape[0]) # 降采样轮廓点数# 绘制简化轮廓图像subContour = np.zeros(gray.shape[:2], np.uint8) # 初始化简化轮廓图像[, point, 1, 160, -1) for point in cntPoints] # 绘制初始轮廓的采样点[, point, 4, 255, -1) for point in subPoints] # 绘制降采样轮廓的采样点cv2.polylines(subContour, [subPoints], True, 255, thickness=2) # 绘制多边形,闭合曲线# 生成 Freeman 链码cntPoints = np.squeeze(cnt) # 删除维度为1 的数组维度,(1361,1,2)->(1361,2)pointsLoop = np.append(cntPoints, [cntPoints[0]], axis=0) # 首尾循环,结尾添加 cntPoints[0]chainCode = FreemanChainCode(pointsLoop, gridsep=1) # 自定义函数,生成链码 (1361,)print("Freeman chain code:", chainCode.shape) # 链码长度为轮廓长度subPointsLoop = np.append(subPoints, [subPoints[0]], axis=0) # 首尾循环,(34,2)->(35,2)subChainCode = FreemanChainCode(subPointsLoop, gridsep=50) # 自定义函数,生成链码 (34,)print("Down-sampling Freeman chain code:", subChainCode.shape) # 链码长度为简化轮廓程度print("youcans code:", subChainCode)plt.figure(figsize=(9, 6))plt.subplot(231), plt.axis('off'), plt.title("Origin")plt.imshow(cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB))plt.subplot(232), plt.axis('off'), plt.title("Blurred")plt.imshow(cv2.cvtColor(blur, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB))plt.subplot(233), plt.axis('off'), plt.title("Binary")plt.imshow(binary, 'gray')plt.subplot(234), plt.axis('off'), plt.title("Contour")plt.imshow(imgCnts, 'gray')plt.subplot(235), plt.axis('off'), plt.title("Max contour")plt.imshow(maxContour, 'gray')plt.subplot(236), plt.axis('off'), plt.title("Down sampling")plt.imshow(subContour, 'gray')plt.tight_layout()
len(contours) = 24
area of max contour: 152294.5
perimeter of max contour: 1525.4
subsample steps: 50
points of contour: 1361
points of subsample: 34
Freeman chain code: (1361,)
Down-sampling Freeman chain code: (34,)
[4 2 4 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 6 0 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 6 4 4 4]
说明:本文的案例来自 R.C.Gonzalez 《数字图像处理(第四版)》,本文的程序为作者原创。
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222. 特征提取之弗里曼链码