2:ERROR 1418 (HY000): This function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL,or READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled(you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)
主从复制架构下,从库报1418,SQL线程停止。解决:关闭log_bin=OFF,或者从库设置set global log_bin_trust_function_creators=TRUE;
3:遇到的问题:gunzip < /tmp/test.sql.gz |mysql -uroot -proot --socket=/u02/33061/tmp/mysql.sock test,第一次导入表数据,第二次导入表的增量数据,第二次的数据覆盖掉第一次导入的数据。
1 在同一个MySQL数据库实例下进行验证2 session1:3 mysql> usemydb1;4 Reading table information for completion of table and columnnames5 You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A6 Databasechanged7 mysql> select * fromtest;8 +------+--------+
9 | id | name |
10 +------+--------+
11 | 1 | test1 |
12 | 2 | test2 |
13 | 3 | test3 |
14 | 10 | test10 |
15 | 11 | test11 |
16 | 12 | test12 |
17 | 13 | test13 |
18 | 20 | test20 |
19 | 21 | test21 |
20 | 22 | test22 |
21 | 23 | test23 |
22 +------+--------+
23 11 rows in set (0.00sec)24 新建数据库test25 mysql> create databasetest;26 session2:备份mydb1下的test表的数据27 mysqldump -uroot -p --socket=/u02/33061/tmp/mysql.sock mydb1 test |gzip > /tmp/test.sql.gz
28 导入到新数据库test29 gunzip < /tmp/test.sql.gz |mysql -uroot -proot --socket=/u02/33061/tmp/mysql.sock test
30 session1:31 验证test表的数据,可见,数据库成功恢复到test库32 mysql> usetest;33 mysql> select * fromtest;34 +------+--------+
35 | id | name |
36 +------+--------+
37 | 1 | test1 |
38 | 2 | test2 |
39 | 3 | test3 |
40 | 10 | test10 |
41 | 11 | test11 |
42 | 12 | test12 |
43 | 13 | test13 |
44 | 20 | test20 |
45 | 21 | test21 |
46 | 22 | test22 |
47 | 23 | test23 |
48 +------+--------+
49 11 rows in set (0.00sec)50
51 此时,mydb1库test表新增数据52 mysql> usemydb1;53 mysql> insert into test values (100,'test100');54 mysql> select * fromtest;55 +------+--------+
56 | id | name |
57 +------+--------+
58 | 1 | test1 |
59 | 2 | test2 |
60 | 3 | test3 |
61 | 10 | test10 |
62 | 11 | test11 |
63 | 12 | test12 |
64 | 13 | test13 |
65 | 20 | test20 |
66 | 21 | test21 |
67 | 22 | test22 |
68 | 23 | test23 |
69 | 100 | test100|
70 +------+--------+
71 12 rows in set (0.00sec)72 session2:73 对新增数据进行备份:74 mysqldump -uroot -p --socket=/u02/33061/tmp/mysql.sock mydb1 test --where="id>23" |gzip > /tmp/test1.sql.gz
76 第二次导入新数据:77 gunzip < /tmp/test1.sql.gz |mysql -uroot -proot --socket=/u02/33061/tmp/mysql.sock test
79 session1:80 mysql> usetest;81 Reading table information for completion of table and columnnames82 You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A83
84 Databasechanged85 mysql> select * fromtest;86 +------+---------+
87 | id | name |
88 +------+---------+
89 | 100 | test100 |
90 +------+---------+
91 1 row in set (0.00sec)92 由此可见,覆盖掉了第一次导入的数据。
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