

软件产品和软件过程 (Software product and Software process)

Software product and Software process: These two words are the one which is mostly confused with each other. In this article, we are going to explain each of these in detail.

软件产品和软件过程 :这两个词是彼此最混淆的词。 在本文中,我们将详细解释每一个。

1)软件产品 (1) Software product)

The final software that is delivered to the customer is called the software product. It is the outcome of the entire software development process. It may include source code, data, user guides, reference manuals, installation manuals, specification documentation, other documentation, etc. The software product does not have any information regarding the software process, like how it was scheduled, how many people worked on it, how the work was divided, etc. It only consists of the final application that fulfills the user's requirements.

交付给客户的最终软件称为软件产品 。 这是整个软件开发过程的结果 。 它可能包括源代码,数据,用户指南,参考手册,安装手册,规范文档,其他文​​档等。 软件产品没有有关软件过程的任何信息,例如计划的时间,工作的人数,工作的划分方式等。它仅由满足用户要求的最终应用程序组成。

2)软件流程 (2) Software process)

The software process is the entire way in which we produce the software. It is the entire journey from the idea of the Software to the final release of it. It includes all the activities that are performed to the form the final Software product, like the requirement analysis, designing of the software, coding, testing, documentation, Maintenance, etc. Hence, the software product can also be defined as the collection of all the activities that as a result leads to the formation of the software product. The Software Product may not contain details about the software process, but the software process has every detail about the final product from the very initial phase itself that how the software would be like.

软件过程是我们生产软件的整个过程 。 这是从软件构想到最终发行的整个过程。 它包括为形成最终软件产品而执行的所有活动,例如需求分析,软件设计,编码,测试,文档,维护等。因此,软件产品也可以定义为所有产品的集合。结果导致形成软件产品的活动。 软件产品可能不包含有关软件过程的详细信息,但是软件过程从一开始就具有关于最终产品的每个细节,即软件的外观。

软件产品与软件过程之间的关系 (Relation between Software product and Software process)

Relation between Software product and Software process

Of course, both of these, the software product and the software process are related to each other. An efficient process is very important to produce a good quality software product. If the software development process is weak, then the final product will undoubtedly suffer.

当然,软件产品和软件过程都相互关联。 有效的过程对于生产高质量的软件产品非常重要。 如果软件开发过程薄弱,那么最终产品无疑将遭受损失。

However, the software product is more dependent upon the software process. This can be understood in the following way: If we have a software product, then it would surely have its history which is the software process. But, the case is not the same with Software process. An ongoing software process doesn't need to lead to a final product. There are chances that some problems may occur in the projects development phase and it may be canceled. And if we take a look at the present software scenario, then this situation is seen in more than 60 percent of the cases.

但是, 软件产品更依赖于软件过程 。 这可以通过以下方式理解:如果我们有一个软件产品,那么它肯定会有其历史即软件过程。 但是,情况与软件过程不同。 持续的软件过程不需要最终产品。 在项目开发阶段可能会出现一些问题,并且可能会被取消。 如果我们看一下当前的软件场景,那么在超过60%的情况下都会看到这种情况。

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/basics/difference-and-relation-between-software-product-and-software-process.aspx






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