

PING:数据包InterNet Groper (PING: Packet InterNet Groper)

In the sector of networking of computers, PING is an abbreviation of Packet InterNet Groper. It is utility software or system software of administration of computer network used to trial between the two systems their connectivity of the network. The category of these systems considered may be any kind of commonly used personal computer, Server, Switch, Router or Gateway. It was developed to make sure or confirm the existence of the particular computer on the network that whether it exists or not on the network.

在计算机网络领域, PING是Packet InterNet Groper的缩写 。 它是计算机网络管理的实用程序软件或系统软件,用于在两个系统之间试用它们的网络连通性。 考虑的这些系统的类别可以是任何一种常用的个人计算机,服务器,交换机,路由器或网关。 开发它是为了确保或确认网络上特定计算机的存在,无论该计算机是否存在于网络上。

PING full form

PING如何运作? (How does PING work?)

The working of Ping operates by transmitting an Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) echo request packets to the target host and continue a holding for a response of ICMP echo. The review description of the program shows errors, packet loss, and a statistical synopsis of the description of review, usually comprising the minimum, maximum, the mean round-trip times, and standard deviation of the mean.

Ping的工作通过将Internet控制消息协议(ICMP)回显请求数据包传输到目标主机并继续保持对ICMP回显的响应来进行。 程序的查看描述显示错误,数据包丢失以及查看描述的统计摘要,通常包括最小,最大,平均往返时间和平均值的标准偏差。

A sequence of packets is directed from one system to another over the network, in case the two systems are connected to a network to examine the connectivity in an arrangement to create a response from the other system. An acknowledgment is sent by the other system to state that both systems are joined in connectivity with each other through that network.

如果两个系统都连接到网络以检查安排中的连通性以创建来自另一个系统的响应,则一系列数据包会通过网络从一个系统定向到另一个系统。 另一个系统发送确认,指出两个系统通过该网络相互连接在一起。

In the middle of several executions, the variation occurs in the options of the command-line of the ping utility and its output. The choices in command-line may comprise the size of the payload, count of trials, limits for the number of network hops (TTL) that examines extend across the range, an interlude in the middle of the requests and duration of waiting for a reply. Numerous systems make available for use a companion utility ping6, for testing on Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) networks, which executes ICMPv6.

在几次执行的中间,变体出现在ping实用工具的命令行选项及其输出中。 命令行中的选择可能包括有效负载的大小,试验次数,检查范围内的网络跳数(TTL)的限制,请求中间的中断以及等待回复的持续时间。 许多系统都可以使用附带的实用程序ping6来在执行ICMPv6的Internet协议版本6(IPv6)网络上进行测试。

PING的历史 (History of PING)

In 1983, December, the PING utility was created by Mike Muussas. In an IP network, it is a tool to troubleshoot problems.

1983年12月,PING实用程序由Mike Muussas创建。 在IP网络中,它是解决问题的工具。

The designing and creation of PING utility software were inspired by David Mills. He uses the ICMP echo packets for IP Network diagnostic and measurement.

PING实用程序软件的设计和创建受到David Mills的启发。 他使用ICMP回显数据包进行IP网络诊断和测量。

The public domain software was the first launched version whereas, under the BSD license, all following versions were licensed. The first time ping was comprised of 4.3BSD. The development of the FreeDOS version was done by Erick Engelke and under the GPL it is licensed. The development of the ReactOS version was done by Tim Crawford and under the MIT License, it is licensed.

公共领域软件是第一个启动的版本,而在BSD许可下,以下所有版本均获得许可。 第一次ping是由4.3BSD组成的。 FreeDOS版本的开发由Erick Engelke完成,并根据GPL许可。 ReactOS版本的开发是由Tim Crawford完成的,并根据MIT许可获得了许可。






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