### 作者邮箱:python@esri.com
### 首页:https://developers.arcgis.com/python/
### 文档:None
### 下载链接
# ArcGIS API for Python
Work with maps and geospatial data in Python using The ArcGIS API for Python.
Use simple and efficient tools powered by Web GIS, for sophisticated vector and raster analysis, geocoding, map making, routing and directions. Administer, organize and manage users, groups and information items in your GIS.
This library enables access to ready-to-use maps and curated geographic data from Esri and other authoritative sources, and works with your own data as well. It integrates well with the scientific Python ecosystem and includes rich support for Pandas and Jupyter notebook.
To run sample notebooks and learn more about the API, visit our homepage, or try the notebooks live before installing!
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