- QGIS建立拓扑关系
- Postgres存储数据表
- Geoserver发布相关服务
drop table if exists tmp_pts_topo;
create table tmp_pts_topo
,(st_dump(geom)).geom as geom
,st_length((st_dump(geom)).geom)*110 as dis
from wuhan_road_topo;alter table tmp_pts_topo add column id serial;
select * from tmp_pts_topo limit 10;drop table if exists tmp_pts;
create table tmp_pts(geom geometry);insert into tmp_pts
select geom from
select st_startpoint as geom from tmp_pts_topo
union all
select st_endpoint as geom from tmp_pts_topo
group by geom;alter table tmp_pts add column id serial; select * from tmp_pts limit 10;
select * from tmp_pts_topo limit 10;
alter table tmp_pts_topo add column start_point int;
alter table tmp_pts_topo add column end_point int;create index indx_geom_tmp_pts on tmp_pts
using gist(geom);create index indx_geom_tmp_pts_1 on tmp_pts_topo
using gist(st_startpoint);create index indx_geom_tmp_pts_2 on tmp_pts_topo
using gist(st_endpoint);select * from tmp_pts limit 10;
select * from tmp_pts_topo limit 10;update tmp_pts_topo t1 set start_point=t2.id
from tmp_pts t2
where st_dwithin(t1.st_startpoint,t2.geom,0);update tmp_pts_topo t1 set end_point=t2.id
from tmp_pts t2
where st_dwithin(t1.st_endpoint,t2.geom,0);insert into tmp_pts(geom)
select st_startpoint
from tmp_pts_topo
where start_point is null
select st_endpoint
from tmp_pts_topo
where end_point is null;update tmp_pts_topo t1 set start_point=t2.id
from tmp_pts t2
where st_dwithin(t1.st_startpoint,t2.geom,0)
and start_point is null;update tmp_pts_topo t1 set end_point=t2.id
from tmp_pts t2
where st_dwithin(t1.st_endpoint,t2.geom,0)
and end_point is null;delete from tmp_pts_topo where id in
select id from(
select id,row_number()
over(partition by start_point,end_point order by dis)
from tmp_pts_topo
where (start_point,end_point) in
select start_point,end_point
from tmp_pts_topo
group by start_point,end_point
having count(*)>1
where row_number>1
);select *
from tmp_pts_topo
where start_point=1138 and end_point=1143;select count(*) from tmp_pts_topo;select * from tmp_pts_topo limit 1;select * from tmp_pts_topo where start_point=10997;delete from tmp_pts_topo where start_point is null or end_point is null;
with start_point as
select st_setsrid(
,4326) as p
,end_point as
select st_setsrid(st_makepoint(114.23,30.56),4326) as p
select t2.seq,st_asgeojson(t1.geom) from
id1 AS node,
id2 AS edge,
cost FROM pgr_dijkstra('
start_point as source,
end_point as target,
dis AS cost
FROM tmp_pts_topo',
select id from tmp_pts
where st_dwithin(
(select p from start_point)
order by st_distance(
(select p from start_point)
limit 1
select id from tmp_pts
where st_dwithin(
(select p from end_point)
order by st_distance(
(select p from end_point)
limit 1
), false, false)
)t2 left join tmp_pts_topo t1
on t1.id=t2.edge
where t2.edge>0
order by t2.seq;
可参见:GeoServer的SQL Views详解
with start_point as
select st_setsrid(
,4326) as p
,end_point as
select st_setsrid(st_makepoint(%endLon%,%endLat%),4326) as p
select t2.seq,(t1.geom) from
id1 AS node,
id2 AS edge,
cost FROM pgr_dijkstra('
start_point as source,
end_point as target,
dis AS cost
FROM tmp_pts_topo',
select id from tmp_pts
where st_dwithin(
(select p from start_point)
order by st_distance(
(select p from start_point)
limit 1
select id from tmp_pts
where st_dwithin(
(select p from end_point)
order by st_distance(
(select p from end_point)
limit 1
), false, false)
)t2 left join tmp_pts_topo t1
on t1.id=t2.edge
where t2.edge>0
order by t2.seq
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