Jquery Datatable 数据填充报错:requested unknown parameter ‘XXX‘ for row xx, column xx 解决方法








Parameter is an integer


When {parameter} is an integer, DataTables is looking for data from an array. This is usually the case when using DOM sourced data (i.e. the data for the table is read automatically from the document). In this circumstance the requested data doesn't exist in source array - likely because the array isn't long enough. This can occur if:

  • There is a colspan or rowspan in the tbody of the table, which is not supported by DataTables.
  • Using columns or columnDefs you have specified more columns than there are in the HTML
  • The number of cells in the table does not satisfy the equation #cells = #columns * #rows(i.e. there are more columns defined in the header than in the table body, or vice-versa).

在我的代码里就是这种情况,参数为Integer 类型。还有参数为:String 、 function 类型的见官网解决方法。

解决方法摘要如下 :



The key to resolving this error, is to ensure that DataTables has all of the data that is required. Specifically, check the following:

  • colspan and rowspan have not been used in the tbody of the table.
  • The equation #cells = #columns * #rows is satisfied.
  • If using columns ensure that you have specified exactly the number of columns that are present in the HTML for the table.
  • Also if using `dt-init columns, remove any trailing commas you might have at the end of the array. The additional comma can cause issues for older browsers.
  • If using dt-init columnDefs` ensure that you have not specified more columns than there are in the HTML
  • If using columns.render or columns.data ensure that they are returning a value (no return in Javascript is the same as returning undefined which will result in this error).
  • Ensure that the server-side script is completing its execution successfully. Long running scripts can time out for example. The server error logs will give an indication if this is the case.

null or undefined data

null and undefined values in a data source absolutely are valid and very often useful. DataTables warns about the use of them by default, as the majority of the time they are not intended for display - for example, rather than showing null in the table, you might want to show Not yet set, or simply an empty string (empty cell). For this, DataTables has a columns.defaultContent option.

With columns.defaultContent set, any null or undefined value will be replaced with the value specified. No warning will be shown in this circumstances.


官网解决 例子:https://datatables.net/reference/option/columns.defaultContent


这个例子对于我这种情况(参数为Integer 且为 null )的解决方法就是给该值设置 默认值。  如图在代码中加上 " defaultContent " :  " "   就OK了。默认值的具体内容可以自由设置。








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