Despite his extraordinary success in writing fairy tales,Hans Christian Andersen preferred to living in a way of simplicity and frugality. He often wore an old hat when he went out. One day, a well-dressed man stopped Andersen on the street, intending to boast his wealth by humiliating Andersen. The man asked mockingly " What’s that on your head? Can it be called a hat? implying Andersen’s hat was worn-out and he was too poor to afford a new one. Andersen thought for a second and countered, " What’s that under your hat? Can it be called a head? " The arrogant man ended up demonstrating himself a fool by making fun of Andersen
boast v自夸,炫耀
counter n柜台 v反驳,还击
demonstrate v证明,展示
frugality n节俭,朴素
well-dressed adj衣冠楚楚的,穿着考究的
humiliate v使羞愧
fairy tale 童话故事
Hans Christian Andersen 安徒生
think for a second 想了想