英语口语 Week14 Monday


Thailand, a country in Southeast Asia with an area of about 514,000 square kilometers, has been increasingly prosperous in its tourism industry in the past few decades. Its capital is Bangkok and its major languages are Thai, Chinese and English. Thailand is a well-known Buddhist country, with 94% of its population believing in Buddhism. A considerable number of tourists, especially those who want to get away from the cold weather, flock to Thailand to enjoy its warm temperature, fine beaches, beautiful architectures and tasty food. As result, numerous hotels, bars and restaurants have emerged in Thailand, which has brought a substantial amount of economic benefits .






Thailand n泰国
southeast n东南方
prosperous adj繁荣的
tourism n旅游业
capital n首都
Bangkok 曼谷
Thai n泰国人,泰语
Buddhist adj佛教的
Buddhism n佛教
considerable adj相当多的
flock v聚集
beach n沙滩
architecture n建筑
tasty adj美味的
numberous adj许多的
restaurant n餐馆
emerge v出现
substantial adj价值巨大的,大量的

economic benefit n经济效益




c++面向对象高级编程 学习十一 类模板、函数模板、成员模板

namespace经验谈&#xff1a; 团队中函数或类的名字可能会冲突&#xff0c;因此使用namespace进行区分。 类模板&#xff1a; template<typename T> 函数模板&#xff1a; template<class T>&#xff0c;此处class可改成typename 函数模板在使用的时候&#xff0…

操作系统面试 总结

以下文章来源于程序员cxuan &#xff0c;作者cxuan 原文链接什么是操作系统 操作系统是管理硬件和软件的一种应用程序。操作系统是运行在计算机上最重要的一种软件&#xff0c;它管理计算机的资源和进程以及所有的硬件和软件。它为计算机硬件和软件提供了一种中间层&#xff…

英语口语week 14 Thursday

英语文章 A couple decided to go out to celebrate their wedding anniversary, so they called a babysitter. When the babysitter arrived, the two children had already been asleep. The babysitter soon got bored and went to the kitchen where she blended some wh…

c++面向对象高级编程 学习十二 模板

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英语口语 week14 Friday

英语文章 Shopping is taking place every second. However, the prices of the same goods may differ from store to store. A name-brand dress may cost several hundred pounds at a boutique, but only half the price in a discount store or a big chain store. Moreo…

数据结构 树

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英语口语 Week15 TuesDay

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c++面向对象高级编程 学习十四 引用

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google浏览器 隐藏功能开启

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英语口语Week 15 Wednesday

英语文章 Accomplishing the task assigned by the teacher; Julia rushed out. Squatting at the gate and playing with the squirrel, Bella waved at the sight of Julia and yelled out here" . Julia ran quickly towards them, pointed at the squirrel and asked…

c++面向对象高级编程 学习十五 组合继承关系下的构造和析构

文章目录继承关系组合关系继承和组合继承关系 构造由内而外&#xff0c;析构由外而内&#xff0c;内即是父类 组合关系 A拥有B&#xff0c; 构造由内而外&#xff0c;析构由外而内&#xff0c;内即是B 继承和组合 构造和析构顺序如图&#xff1a;

英语口语Week16 Wednesday

英语文章 Recently my friend received a gift from her boyfriend - a very expensive bracelet. But the substance of her response left us in astonishment - she didn’t attend to the exquisiteness(of the gift and wanted to return it to him In terms of salary, …

C++ 查漏补缺

特性关系 C语言面向过程C面向过程 面向对象(封装 继承 多态)C具备C语言的全部特性的基础上&#xff0c;并且支持更多新的特性 内存泄露 申请内存&#xff0c;没有释放申请 malloc new释放 free deleteProcessExplorer查看内存是否释放 代码移植 将生成的exe运行在别的平台&…

c++面向对象高级编程 学习十六 vptr和vtbl

当一个类中有一个或多个虚函数时&#xff0c;内存中会多一个虚指针&#xff08;vptr&#xff0c;virtual pointer&#xff09;&#xff0c;指向一个虚表&#xff08;vtbl&#xff0c;virtual table&#xff09; 父类有虚函数&#xff0c;则子类一定有虚函数 在下图示意图中&a…

英语口语Week16 Thursday

英语文章 It is an impossibility that everything runs smoothly in everyday life. Where there is trouble, there could be anxiety.Anxiety is a common phenomenon; you are not the only one carrying it. But, it could be somewhat poisonous if you don’t let it o…


说一下static关键字的作用 当程序执行到函数内部定义的变量时&#xff0c;编译器为它在栈上分配空间&#xff0c;函数在栈上分配的空间在此函数执行结束时会释放掉&#xff0c;这样就产生了一个问题: 如果想将函数中此变量的值保存至下一次调用时&#xff0c;如何实现&#xf…

C++STL与泛型编程(2) 第一个C++ STL Application

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C和C的区别 总览 C是一个结构化语言&#xff0c;它的重点在于算法和数据结构。C程序的设计首要考虑的是如何通过一个过程&#xff0c;对输入&#xff08;或环境条件&#xff09;进行运算处理得到输出&#xff08;或实现过程&#xff08;事务&#xff09;控制&#xff09;。C&…

C++STL与泛型编程(4)OOP(面向对象编程) Vs. GP(泛型编程)

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