(2021-03-03补充) 本文中使用数据集下载地址:动手学无人驾驶(1):交通标志识别》训练集和测试集
2. 数据处理(重点)
2.1 读取数据集
2.2 显示图片
2.3 图片尺寸处理
2.4 将图片转换为numpy 数组
2.5 将图像转为灰度图
2.6 数据集增强
3. 训练神经网络
4. 测试验证
5. 使用模型
6. 总结
import os
import random
import scipy
import skimage
import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy import ndimage
from skimage import colorimport keras
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dense, Flatten
from keras.optimizers import SGD
from keras.layers import Dropout
from keras.optimizers import RMSprop# Allow image embeding in notebook
%matplotlib inline
注意:在Jupyter Notebook运行上述代码时scipy库和skimage库会冲突,解决办法是通过pip包安装scipy,如下:
sudo pip3 install scipy
2. 数据处理(重点)
- data/Training/
- data/Testing/
每个文件夹包含了62个类,编号从 00000 到 00061.
2.1 读取数据集
def load_data(data_dir):"""Loads a data set and returns two lists:(加载数据,返回图像列表和标签列表)images: a list of Numpy arrays, each representing an image.labels: a list of numbers that represent the images labels."""# Get all subdirectories of data_dir. Each represents a label.#获取data_dir所有子文件夹,每一个包含一种标签#os.listdir(绝对路径),返回文件名和目录名组成的列表#os.path.isdir(),发【判断是否为目录#os.path.join(),将多个路径组合为一个路径directories = [d for d in os.listdir(data_dir) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(data_dir, d))]#print(directories)# Loop through the label directories and collect the data in(循环遍历每一个子目录,收集数据)# two lists, labels and images.labels = []images = []for d in directories:label_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, d)file_names = [os.path.join(label_dir, f) for f in os.listdir(label_dir) if f.endswith(".ppm")]#print(file_names)# For each label, load it's images and add them to the images list.# And add the label number (i.e. directory name) to the labels list.for f in file_names:images.append(skimage.data.imread(f))labels.append(int(d))return images, labels# Load training and testing datasets.
ROOT_PATH = "data"
train_data_dir = os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, "Training")
test_data_dir = os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, "Testing")images, labels = load_data(train_data_dir)
2.2 显示图片
def display_images_and_labels(images, labels):"""Display the first image of each label."""unique_labels = set(labels)plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15))i = 1for label in unique_labels:# Pick the first image for each label.image = images[labels.index(label)]plt.subplot(8, 8, i) # A grid of 8 rows x 8 columnsplt.axis('off')plt.title("Label {0} ({1})".format(label, labels.count(label)))i += 1_ = plt.imshow(image)plt.show()display_images_and_labels(images, labels)
2.3 图片尺寸处理
# Resize images(调整到(32,32))
images32 = [skimage.transform.resize(image, (32, 32))for image in images]
display_images_and_labels(images32, labels)
for image in images32[:5]:print("shape: {0}, min: {1}, max: {2}".format(image.shape, image.min(), image.max()))
shape: (32, 32, 3), min: 0.03529411764705882, max: 0.996078431372549
shape: (32, 32, 3), min: 0.03395373774509821, max: 0.996078431372549
shape: (32, 32, 3), min: 0.03694182751225482, max: 0.996078431372549
shape: (32, 32, 3), min: 0.06460056678921586, max: 0.9191425398284314
shape: (32, 32, 3), min: 0.060355392156862725, max: 0.9028492647058823
2.4 将图片转换为numpy 数组
labels_a = np.array(labels)
images_a = np.array(images32)
print("labels: ", labels_a.shape, "\nimages: ", images_a.shape)
2.5 将图像转为灰度图
images_a = color.rgb2gray(images_a)
display_images_and_labels(images_a, labels)
2.6 数据集增强
def expend_training_data(train_x, train_y):"""Augment training data扩充5被"""expanded_images = np.zeros([train_x.shape[0] * 5, train_x.shape[1], train_x.shape[2]])expanded_labels = np.zeros([train_x.shape[0] * 5])counter = 0for x, y in zip(train_x, train_y):# register original data(加载原始数据)expanded_images[counter, :, :] = xexpanded_labels[counter] = ycounter = counter + 1# get a value for the background# zero is the expected value, but median() is used to estimate background's valuebg_value = np.median(x) # this is regarded as background's valuefor i in range(4):# rotate the image with random degreeangle = np.random.randint(-15, 15, 1)#new_img = ndimage.rotate(x, angle, reshape=False, cval=bg_value)# shift the image with random distanceshift = np.random.randint(-2, 2, 2)new_img_ = ndimage.shift(x, shift, cval=bg_value)# register new training dataexpanded_images[counter, :, :] = new_img_expanded_labels[counter] = ycounter = counter + 1return expanded_images, expanded_labelsimages_a, labels_a = expend_training_data(images_a, labels_a)
print(images_a.shape, labels_a.shape)
labels = labels_a.tolist()
def plot_agument(images, labels):plt.figure(figsize=(16, 9))unique_labels = set(labels)i = 1for label in unique_labels:# Pick the first image for each label.if i > 3:breakimg_index = labels.index(label)for j in range(5):image = images_a[img_index+j]plt.subplot(3, 5, (i-1)*5 + j+1) # A grid of 8 rows x 8 columnsplt.axis('off')plt.title("Label {0} ({1})".format(label, labels.count(label)))_ = plt.imshow(image, cmap='gray')i += 1plot_agument(images_a, labels)
3. 训练神经网络
from sklearn.utils import shuffleindx = np.arange(0, len(labels_a))
indx = shuffle(indx)
images_a = images_a[indx]
labels_a = labels_a[indx]#总样本数为22875
train_x, val_x = images_a[:20000], images_a[20000:]
train_y, val_y = labels_a[:20000], labels_a[20000:]train_y = keras.utils.to_categorical(train_y, 62)
val_y = keras.utils.to_categorical(val_y, 62)#构建神经网络
model = Sequential()
model.add(Flatten(input_shape=(32, 32)))
model.add(Dense(512, activation='relu'))
model.add(Dense(512, activation='relu'))
model.add(Dense(62, activation='softmax'))model.summary()model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy',optimizer=RMSprop(),metrics=['accuracy'])history = model.fit(train_x, train_y,batch_size=128,epochs=20,verbose=1,validation_data=(val_x, val_y))### print the keys contained in the history object
def plot_training(history):### plot the training and validation loss for each epochplt.plot(history.history['loss'])plt.plot(history.history['val_loss'])plt.title('model mean squared error loss')plt.ylabel('mean squared error loss')plt.xlabel('epoch')plt.legend(['training set', 'validation set'], loc='upper right')plt.show()plot_training(history=history)
4. 测试验证
# Load the test dataset.
test_images, test_labels = load_data(test_data_dir)
# Transform the images, just like we did with the training set.
test_images32 = [skimage.transform.resize(image, (32, 32))for image in test_images]test_images_a = np.array(test_images32)
test_labels_a = np.array(test_labels)test_images_a = color.rgb2gray(test_images_a)display_images_and_labels(test_images_a, test_labels)
test_x = test_images_a
test_y = keras.utils.to_categorical(test_labels_a, 62)
score = model.evaluate(test_x, test_y, verbose=0)
print('Test loss:', score[0])
print('Test accuracy:', score[1])
Test loss: 0.49647544848156117
Test accuracy: 0.8789682388305664
5. 使用模型测试
# Display the predictions and the ground truth visually.
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
j = 1
for i in range(0, 1000, 100):truth = test_labels_a[i]prediction = predicted[i]plt.subplot(5, 2, j)j = j+1 plt.axis('off')color='green' if truth == prediction else 'red'plt.text(40, 10, "Truth: {0}\nPrediction: {1}".format(truth, prediction), fontsize=12, color=color)plt.imshow(test_x[i], cmap='gray')
6. 总结