若任意两个社区的顶点集合的交际均为空,则称C为非重叠社区(disjoint communities);否则称为重叠社区(overlapping communities)。
SLPA(Speaker-listener Label Propagation Algorithm)算法是一种社区发现算法,它是对LPA算法(标签传播算法)的拓展。
a. 选择一个节点作为监听器;
b. 所选节点的每个邻居随机选择概率正比于该标签在其存储器中的出现频率的标签,把所选择的标签(speakervote)发送到听众(listener);
c. 监听器增加接收到的最流行的标签到内存。
1 public int speakerVote() { 2 //Run through each element in the map to create a cumulative distribution 3 Set<Integer> communityIds = communityDistribution.keySet(); 4 ArrayList<Integer> communities = new ArrayList<Integer>(); 5 ArrayList<Integer> cumulativeCounts = new ArrayList<Integer>(); 6 7 int sum=-1; 8 for (Integer comm: communityIds) { 9 sum += communityDistribution.get(comm); 10 communities.add(comm); 11 cumulativeCounts.add(sum); 12 } 13 14 //Generate a random integer in the range [0,sum) 15 int rand = RandomNumGenerator.getRandomInt(sum+1); 16 17 //Find the index of first value greater than rand in cumulativeCounts 18 int i=0; 19 for (i=0; i<cumulativeCounts.size(); i++) { 20 if (cumulativeCounts.get(i)>=rand) 21 break; 22 } 23 24 //Return the corresponding community 25 return communities.get(i); 26 }
1 public void updateLabels(Integer userId){ 2 Set<DefaultWeightedEdge> incomingEdges = userNodegraph.getGraph().incomingEdgesOf(userId);//获取所有该顶点的入度顶点 3 Map<Integer, Integer> incomingVotes = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();//所有speaker顶点投票情况 4 5 //For each vertex V with an incoming edge to the current node 6 for ( DefaultWeightedEdge edge: incomingEdges ) { 7 int speakerId = userNodegraph.getGraph().getEdgeSource(edge); 8 UserNode speakerNode = userNodegraph.getNodeMap().get(speakerId); 9 10 int votedCommunity = speakerNode.speakerVote(); 11 int votedCommunitycount = 1; 12 if ( incomingVotes.containsKey(votedCommunity)){ 13 votedCommunitycount += incomingVotes.get(votedCommunity); 14 } 15 incomingVotes.put(votedCommunity, votedCommunitycount); 16 } 17 18 //Find the most popular vote 19 Iterator<Entry<Integer, Integer>> it = incomingVotes.entrySet().iterator(); 20 int popularCommunity=-1; 21 int popularCommunityCount=0; 22 while ( it.hasNext()) { 23 Entry<Integer, Integer> entry = it.next(); 24 if ( entry.getValue() > popularCommunityCount ) { 25 popularCommunity = entry.getKey(); 26 popularCommunityCount = entry.getValue(); 27 } 28 } 29 //Update community distribution of the current node by 1 30 UserNode currentNode = userNodegraph.getNodeMap().get(userId); 31 currentNode.updateCommunityDistribution(popularCommunity, 1); 32 }