



 1 import http.client, mimetypes, urllib, json, time, requests
 3 ######################################################################
 5 class YDMHttp:
 7     apiurl = 'http://api.yundama.com/api.php'
 8     username = ''
 9     password = ''
10     appid = ''
11     appkey = ''
13     def __init__(self, username, password, appid, appkey):
14         self.username = username  
15         self.password = password
16         self.appid = str(appid)
17         self.appkey = appkey
19     def request(self, fields, files=[]):
20         response = self.post_url(self.apiurl, fields, files)
21         response = json.loads(response)
22         return response
24     def balance(self):
25         data = {'method': 'balance', 'username': self.username, 'password': self.password, 'appid': self.appid, 'appkey': self.appkey}
26         response = self.request(data)
27         if (response):
28             if (response['ret'] and response['ret'] < 0):
29                 return response['ret']
30             else:
31                 return response['balance']
32         else:
33             return -9001
35     def login(self):
36         data = {'method': 'login', 'username': self.username, 'password': self.password, 'appid': self.appid, 'appkey': self.appkey}
37         response = self.request(data)
38         if (response):
39             if (response['ret'] and response['ret'] < 0):
40                 return response['ret']
41             else:
42                 return response['uid']
43         else:
44             return -9001
46     def upload(self, filename, codetype, timeout):
47         data = {'method': 'upload', 'username': self.username, 'password': self.password, 'appid': self.appid, 'appkey': self.appkey, 'codetype': str(codetype), 'timeout': str(timeout)}
48         file = {'file': filename}
49         response = self.request(data, file)
50         if (response):
51             if (response['ret'] and response['ret'] < 0):
52                 return response['ret']
53             else:
54                 return response['cid']
55         else:
56             return -9001
58     def result(self, cid):
59         data = {'method': 'result', 'username': self.username, 'password': self.password, 'appid': self.appid, 'appkey': self.appkey, 'cid': str(cid)}
60         response = self.request(data)
61         return response and response['text'] or ''
63     def decode(self, filename, codetype, timeout):
64         cid = self.upload(filename, codetype, timeout)
65         if (cid > 0):
66             for i in range(0, timeout):
67                 result = self.result(cid)
68                 if (result != ''):
69                     return cid, result
70                 else:
71                     time.sleep(1)
72             return -3003, ''
73         else:
74             return cid, ''
76     def report(self, cid):
77         data = {'method': 'report', 'username': self.username, 'password': self.password, 'appid': self.appid, 'appkey': self.appkey, 'cid': str(cid), 'flag': '0'}
78         response = self.request(data)
79         if (response):
80             return response['ret']
81         else:
82             return -9001
84     def post_url(self, url, fields, files=[]):
85         for key in files:
86             files[key] = open(files[key], 'rb');
87         res = requests.post(url, files=files, data=fields)
88         return res.text
 1 # 用户名
 2 username    = 'duanhaoxin'
 4 # 密码
 5 password    = 'qwer1234'                            
 7 # 软件ID,开发者分成必要参数。登录开发者后台【我的软件】获得!
 8 appid       = 6372                                     
10 # 软件密钥,开发者分成必要参数。登录开发者后台【我的软件】获得!
11 appkey      = '9b672eb204d7eede7ddeda5a87d7be08'    
13 # 图片文件
14 filename    = 'getimage.jpg'                        
16 # 验证码类型,# 例:1004表示4位字母数字,不同类型收费不同。请准确填写,否则影响识别率。在此查询所有类型 http://www.yundama.com/price.html
17 codetype    = 1004
19 # 超时时间,秒
20 timeout     = 10                                    
22 # 检查
23 if (username == 'username'):
24     print('请设置好相关参数再测试')
25 else:
26     # 初始化
27     yundama = YDMHttp(username, password, appid, appkey)
29     # 登陆云打码
30     uid = yundama.login();
31     print('uid: %s' % uid)
33     # 查询余额
34     balance = yundama.balance();
35     print('balance: %s' % balance)
37     # 开始识别,图片路径,验证码类型ID,超时时间(秒),识别结果
38     cid, result = yundama.decode(filename, codetype, timeout);
39     print('cid: %s, result: %s' % (cid, result))






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