2.集合中必存在唯一的一个 “最后元素” ;
3.除最后一个元素之外,均有 唯一的后继(后件);
4.除第一个元素之外,均有 唯一的前驱(前件);
1)逻辑上相邻的元素A(i) A(i+1),其存储位置也是相邻的;
- #define N 100
- typedef int data_t;//这样定义的目的是为了代码便于维护,如果下次表中数据类型为char,修改比较方便;
- typedef struct
- {
- data_t data[N];//表的存储空间
- int last;//当前表尾指针,对我们对数据的定位起到很大的作用
- }sqlist_t,*sqlink_t;//顺序表类型
指针 L 指向一个顺序表,我们的数据{a0,a1,a2........ last};
- sqlink_t L;
- L = (sqlink_t *)malloc(sizeof(sqlink_t));
这里我们定义的 int last ,可以表示{ } 、{ a0 }、{a0,a1}、{a0,a1......a99};
ai可以表示为 L->data[i] (0<=i<=L->last),一般情况下,0 < L->last < N,如果是空表{ },此时L->last = -1;
- #ifndef _SEQ_LIST_H_
- #define _SEQ_LIST_H_
- #include "datatype.h"
- #define MAX 100
- typedef struct {
- data_t data[MAX];
- int last; /* pointer to the position
- * in the array 'data' where
- * stores the last element of
- * the list
- */
- } seqlist_t;
- /*
- * create a list and init it as empty
- * Input : void
- * Output: void
- * Return: new list, NULL when failed
- */
- seqlist_t *CreateEmptySqlist();
- /*
- * destroy a list
- * Input : the list to be destroied.
- * Output: void
- * Return: void
- */
- void DestroySqlist(seqlist_t *list);
- /*
- * clear the list and reset it as empty
- * Input : the list to be cleared.
- * Output: void
- * Return: void
- */
- void ClearSqlist(seqlist_t *list);
- /*
- * judge if the list is empty
- * Input: the list to be tested.
- * Output: void
- * Return:
- * 1: list is empty
- * 0: not
- * -1: error, e.g. the list is invalid
- */
- int EmptySqlist(seqlist_t *list);
- /*
- * judge if the list is full
- * Input : the list to be tested.
- * Output: void
- * Return:
- * 1 : list is full
- * 0 : not
- * -1: error
- */
- int FullSqlist(seqlist_t *list);
- /*
- * get length of the list
- * Input : the list to be tested.
- * Output: void
- * Return:
- * >= 0: length of the list;
- * -1 : means error
- */
- int LengthSqlist(seqlist_t *list);
- /*
- * get data of element at specified position
- * Input :
- * list : the list to be operated.
- * at : the position where to get the element at,
- * position index starts from zero.
- * Output:
- * x : the data value returned
- * Return:
- * 0 : success;
- * -1: error, e.g. list is invalid; 'at' extends
- * the range of the list
- */
- int GetSqlist(seqlist_t *list, int at, data_t *x);
- /*
- * set/update data of element at specified position
- * Input :
- * list : the list to be operated.
- * at : the position at where to set the element,
- * position index starts from zero
- * x : the new data value
- * Output: void
- * Return:
- * 0 : success;
- * -1: error, e.g. list is invalid; 'at' extends the
- * range of the list
- */
- int SetSqlist(seqlist_t *list, int at, data_t x);
- /*
- * Insert element at the specified position. If the "at" exceed the
- * upper limit of the list, append the data at the end of the list.
- * e.g. insert a new data into a {}.
- * Input :
- * list : the list to be operated.
- * at : the position at which to insert the new element,
- * position index starts from zero.
- * x : the data to be inserted
- * Output: void
- * Return:
- * 0 : success;
- * <0: error
- */
- int InsertSqlist(seqlist_t *list, int at, data_t x);
- /*
- * delete the element by the position
- * Input :
- * list : the list to be operated.
- * at : the position at which to delete the element,
- * position index starts from zero
- * Output : void
- * Return :
- * 0 : success;
- * !0 : error
- */
- int DeleteSqlist(seqlist_t *list, int at);
- #endif /* _SEQ_LIST_H_ */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include "seqlist.h"
- seqlist_t *CreateEmptySqlist()
- {
- seqlist_t *list;
- list = (seqlist_t *)malloc(sizeof(seqlist_t));
- if(list != NULL)
- {
- list->last = -1;//list->last初始化,空表中,list-last = -1;
- }
- return list;
- }
- void DestroySqlist(seqlist_t *list)
- {
- if (list == NULL)
- return ;
- free(list);
- return;
- }
- void ClearSqlist(seqlist_t *list)
- {
- if (list == NULL)
- return ;
- list->last = -1;//清空线性表
- }
- int EmptySqlist(seqlist_t *list)
- {
- if (list == NULL)
- return -1;
- if(list->last == -1)//空表的标志
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
- }
- int FullSqlist(seqlist_t *list)
- {
- if (list == NULL)
- return -1;
- if (MAX - 1 == list->last)
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
- }
- int LengthSqlist(seqlist_t *list)
- {
- if (list == NULL)
- return -1;
- else
- return (list->last + 1);
- }
- int GetSqlist(seqlist_t *list, int at, data_t *x) //data_t *x为出参
- {
- if(list == NULL || at < 0 || at > list->last)
- return -1;
- *x = list->data[at];
- return 0;
- }
- int SetSqlist(seqlist_t *list, int at, data_t x)//data_t x为入参
- {
- if(list == NULL || at < 0 || (at > list->last))
- return -1;
- list->data[at] = x;
- return 0;
- }
- int InsertSqlist(seqlist_t *list, int at, data_t x)
- {
- int j;
- if(list == NULL || at < 0 || FullSqlist(list))
- return -1;
- if(at > list->last)//此情况比较特殊,如表中长度是50,却要插在60前面,我们这里将其插在50后面,即at = list->last + 1
- {
- at = list->last + 1;//若是空表{},list->last为-1,此时将其放在第0位;
- }
- else
- {
- for(j = list->last; j >= at; j--)
- {
- list->data[j+1] = list->data[j];
- }
- }
- list->data[at] = x;
- list->last++;//list->last要+1
- return 0;
- }
- int DeleteSqlist(seqlist_t *list, int at)
- {
- int i;
- if(list == NULL || at < 0 || (at > list->last))
- return -1;
- for(i = at + 1; i <= list->last;i++)
- list->data[i-1] = list->data[i];
- list->last--;
- return 0;
- }
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include "seqlist.h"
- #include "datatype.h"
- void iterate_list(seqlist_t *list)
- {
- int i;
- printf("list.last = %d, list = {", list->last);
- for (i = -1; i < list->last;) {
- printf("%d,", list->data[++i]);
- }
- if (LengthSqlist(list) > 0)
- printf("\b}\n");
- else
- printf("}\n");
- }
- int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
- {
- int i;
- int length;
- data_t a[10] = {2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20};
- data_t x;
- seqlist_t *list;
- list = CreateEmptySqlist();
- if (list == NULL)
- return -1;
- for(i = 0; i < 10;i++)
- {
- if((InsertSqlist(list,i,a[i])) < 0)
- break;
- }
- iterate_list(list);
- length = LengthSqlist(list);
- printf("The length of the list is %d\n",length);
- GetSqlist(list,4,&x);
- printf("The NO.4 data of the list is %d\n",x);
- SetSqlist(list,4,5);
- GetSqlist(list,4,&x);
- printf("After updataing! The NO.4 data of the list is %d\n",x);
- printf("Delete data[4]!\n");
- DeleteSqlist(list,4);
- GetSqlist(list,4,&x);
- printf("Now data[4] = %d\n",x);
- printf("Now the legth of the list is %d\n",LengthSqlist(list));
- ClearSqlist(list);
- if(EmptySqlist(list))
- printf("The list is empty!\n");
- printf("Now the legth of the list is %d\n",LengthSqlist(list));
- DestroySqlist(list);
- printf("The list is destroyed!\n");
- return 0;
- }
- OBJS = seqlist.o main.o
- CFLAGS = -c -g -Wall
- CC = gcc
- Test:$(OBJS)
- $(CC) -o Test -g $(OBJS)
- main.o:main.c seqlist.h datatype.h
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) main.c
- seqlist.o:seqlist.c seqlist.h datatype.h
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) seqlist.c
- clean:
- rm -rf Test *.o
- fs@ubuntu:~/qiang/list$ make
- gcc -c -g -Wall seqlist.c
- gcc -c -g -Wall main.c
- gcc -o Test -g seqlist.o main.o
- fs@ubuntu:~/qiang/list$ ./Test
- list.last = 9, list = {2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20}
- The length of the list is 10
- The NO.4 data of the list is 10
- After updataing! The NO.4 data of the list is 5
- Delete data[4]!
- Now data[4] = 12
- Now the legth of the list is 9
- The list is empty!
- Now the legth of the list is 0
- The list is destroyed!