洛谷 P3184 [USACO16DEC]Counting Haybales数草垛
Farmer John has just arranged his NN haybales (1 \leq N \leq 100,0001≤N≤100,000 ) at various points along the one-dimensional road running across his farm. To make sure they are spaced out appropriately, please help him answer QQ queries (1 \leq Q \leq 100,0001≤Q≤100,000 ), each asking for the number of haybales within a specific interval along the road.
The first line contains NN and QQ .
The next line contains NN distinct integers, each in the range 0 \ldots 1,000,000,0000…1,000,000,000 , indicating that there is a haybale at each of those locations.
Each of the next QQ lines contains two integers AA and BB (0 \leq A \leq B \leq 1,000,000,0000≤A≤B≤1,000,000,000 ) giving a query for the number of haybales between AA and BB , inclusive.
You should write QQ lines of output. For each query, output the number of haybales in its respective interval.
4 6 3 2 7 5 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 7 4 6 8 10
2 2 3 4 1 0
思路:区间求和 难度:普及/提高-

#include<cstdio> #define N 10000005 using namespace std; int n, m, x, y; struct nond {int ll, rr;int sum; }tree[4*N]; void up(int now) {tree[now].sum = tree[now*2].sum+tree[now*2+1].sum; } void build(int now, int l, int r) {tree[now].ll = l; tree[now].rr = r;if(l == r) {tree[now].sum = 0;return ;}int mid = (l+r) / 2;build(now*2, l, mid);build(now*2+1, mid+1, r);up(now); } void change(int now, int s) {if(tree[now].ll == tree[now].rr) {tree[now].sum ++;return ;}int mid = (tree[now].ll+tree[now].rr) / 2;if(s<=mid) change(now*2, s);else change(now*2+1, s);up(now); } int query(int now, int l, int r) {if(tree[now].ll==l && tree[now].rr==r) {return tree[now].sum;}int mid = (tree[now].ll+tree[now].rr) / 2;if(l<=mid && mid<r) return query(now*2, l, mid) + query(now*2+1, mid+1, r);else if(r<=mid) return query(now*2, l, r);else return query(now*2+1, l, r); } int main() {int a[100005] = {0}, maxn = -1;scanf("%d%d", &n, &m);for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {scanf("%d", &a[i]);if(a[i] > maxn) maxn = a[i];}build(1, 1, maxn);for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) change(1, a[i]);for(int i = 1; i <= m; i++) {scanf("%d%d", &x, &y);if(x > maxn) { printf("0\n"); continue; }printf("%d\n", query(1, x, y));}return 0; }
正解:运用 c++中的 lower_bound、upper_bound

#include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<iostream> #include<algorithm> #define MAXN 100010 using namespace std; int n, m, q, tot; int pos[MAXN], hash[MAXN]; int main() {scanf("%d%d", &n, &q);for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) scanf("%d", &pos[i]);sort(pos+1, pos+1+n);for(int i = 1; i <= q; i++) {int x, y; scanf("%d%d", &x, &y);cout << upper_bound(pos+1, pos+n+1, y) - lower_bound(pos+1, pos+n+1, x) << ‘\n’;}return 0; }
PS:lower_bound(val) :返回容器中第一个值大于等于val 的元素的 iterator 位置
upper_bound(val) :返回容器中第一个值大于val 的元素的 iterator 位置