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意见 (Opinion)

When I first wanted to learn programming, I coded along to a 4 hour long YouTube tutorial.


Great,” I thought after finishing the course. “I know how to code now!

好极了 ,”完成课程后我想。 “ 我现在知道如何编码!

I was excited! I wanted to learn more.

我很兴奋! 我想了解更多。

So I took another tutorial.


Then….. I took another.


And yet another.


Sound familiar?


This went on for some time, until I finally gave up on trying to learn how to code.


I was so used to structured classes, and there seemed to be no well-defined syllabus that would take me from “zero to hero” in coding.


Well, at least I tried. Now I know this isn’t for me,” I thought to myself.

好吧,至少我尝试过。 现在我知道这不适合我 ,”我对自己想。

Fast forward a year later, after talking to a few programmers and doing some reading of my own, I realized I was stuck in something called a tutorial trap.


什么是教程陷阱? (What Is The Tutorial Trap?)

The tutorial trap is really easy to fall into.


You want to learn to code. Someone out there promises to make you a programmer if you take their course.

您想学习编码。 如果您上了这门课程,那么有人会许诺让您成为一名程序员。

You take the course.


You do this again and again, with new frameworks and languages.


This is a very tricky situation to be in, especially since you actually feel like you’re learning something during each tutorial.


Unfortunately, you are unable to apply anything you have learnt. You can’t come up with your own piece of code to solve a problem, let alone create an entire project from scratch.

不幸的是,您无法应用所学到的任何东西。 您无法提出自己的代码来解决问题,更不用说从头开始创建整个项目了。

If this is you, then its time to break out of the tutorial trap.


突破教学陷阱 (Breaking Out of The Tutorial Trap)

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Laurentiu Iordache on Laurentiu Iordache摄于UnsplashUnsplash

If you’re reading this article because you want a well-defined syllabus to become a programmer, you’re in the wrong place.


Everybody’s path towards learning to code is different. I will simply point you in the right direction based on what worked for me.

每个人学习编码的途径都不同。 我只会根据对我有用的内容,为您指明正确的方向。

To break out of the tutorial trap, you first need to stop taking tutorials.


If you have taken one or two online courses, you know the basic syntax and operators.


  • Variables

  • Functions

  • Control Flow

  • Loops

  • Arrays


Once you are familiar with the basics and how these work, move on!


All online courses will teach you the same thing, and taking more than one is just going to waste your time.


知道这一点后,继续进行一些小的编码挑战。 (After you know this, move on and start doing some small coding challenges.)

Image for post
Photo by Jukan Tateisi on Unsplash
Jukan Tateisi在Unsplash上拍摄的照片

My personal favourite is a website called HackerRank. They have challenges with varying difficulty levels.

我个人最喜欢的是一个名为HackerRank的网站。 他们面临的挑战具有不同的难度级别。

This is a great way to get started with programming once you know the basics. It will help you familiarise yourself with the language.

一旦掌握了基础知识,这就是开始编程的好方法。 它将帮助您熟悉该语言。

These challenges might be a little intimidating at first, since it is your first time solving a problem without coding along.


If you get stuck along the way, looking at another person’s code will also really help you start thinking. (Don’t just copy paste their code, try to understand how they solve it.)

如果您一路陷入困境,那么查看他人的代码也将真正帮助您开始思考。 ( 不要只是复制粘贴他们的代码,而是尝试了解他们如何解决它。)

As you look at other people’s code, you will notice that they are all different. There is always more than one way to look at a problem, and so many different approaches you can take.

当您查看其他人的代码时,您会发现他们都是不同的。 解决问题总是有不止一种方法,因此可以采取许多不同的方法。

This will really change the way you think as a programmer, and improve your ability to code.


专案,专案,专案 (Projects, Projects, Projects)

Image for post
Photo by Jo Szczepanska on Unsplash
Jo Szczepanska在Unsplash上拍摄的照片

Once you have developed some confidence in your ability to code without following a tutorial, you can start with projects!


开始之前请牢记最终产品 (Have an end-product in mind before you start)

When I first started out in the data analytics field, I read the same piece of advice everywhere.


Do projects!


However, I had no idea what projects to do. Everytime I started something, it would go nowhere and I would never end up completing it.

但是,我不知道要做什么项目。 每当我开始做某事时,它就无济于事,而且我永远也不会最终完成它。

This is because I had no solid goal in mind.


When creating a project, always have one solid end goal in mind. Also, make sure it is a project you are interested in doing. Otherwise you’ll never end up completing it.

创建项目时,始终牢记一个坚实的最终目标。 另外,请确保这是您感兴趣的项目。 否则,您将永远无法完成它。

这是一个例子: (Here’s an example:)

You want to analyze trends in the music industry over time.


End goal: Finding patterns in music trends over time, with data such as artist name and genre.


In order to do this, you will first need to collect the data.


This can be done with the help of a web scraper or an API. This will require quite a lot of coding, and is a great intermediate level coding project by itself.

这可以借助网络抓取器或API来完成 。 这将需要大量的编码,并且本身就是一个很好的中级编码项目。

Then, you will need to clean the data. This is a simple task, but can be very time consuming because of just how messy the data can be.

然后,您将需要清除数据。 这是一个简单的任务,但由于数据可能非常混乱,因此可能非常耗时。

You don’t need to have high level programming skills to perform data analytic tasks. Most of what needs to be done is data manipulation, which doesn’t require much logic to do.

您无需具备高级编程技能即可执行数据分析任务。 大部分需要做的是数据操作,不需要太多的逻辑即可完成。

Finally, you can perform the actual analysis. You will need to know how to use visualization libraries in order to do this, which are pretty easy to pick up on. Matplotlib and Seaborn are two popular Python visualization libraries.

最后,您可以执行实际分析。 您将需要知道如何使用可视化库来执行此操作,这很容易上手。 Matplotlib和Seaborn是两个流行的Python可视化库。

而已! (That’s it!)

This is just a rough idea on the steps you should take to learn coding for data science.


I understand that data science is a field that attracts people from various different backgrounds. If you are from a non-technical background, the coding part may seem really intimidating at first.

我了解数据科学是一个吸引来自不同背景的人们的领域。 如果您来自非技术领域,那么编码部分起初似乎确实令人生畏。

Everyone seems to be writing these really complex, large pieces of code that don’t make sense.


但是,您需要记住,每个人都从某个地方开始。 (However, you need to remember that everyone starts somewhere.)

Even the best programmer started out with “Hello World,” and you just need to be patient.

即使是最好的程序员,也都是从“ Hello World”开始的,您只需要耐心等待即可。

Give yourself some time to learn, and embrace the learning curve. Just like learning to swim, drive, or ride a bike, learning to code doesn’t happen overnight. It takes a lot of practice and staring at a computer screen to get there.

给自己一些时间来学习,并拥抱学习曲线。 就像学习游泳,开车或骑自行车一样,学习编码并不是一overnight而就的。 这需要大量的练习,并且盯着计算机屏幕才能到达那里。

I hope this article was helpful, thanks for reading!


Making mistakes simply means you are learning faster — Weston H Agor

犯错误只是意味着您学习得更快— Weston H Agor

翻译自: https://towardsdatascience.com/how-to-learn-coding-for-data-science-28df2705dac9





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