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机器学习 预测模型

数据科学 , 机器学习 (Data Science, Machine Learning)

前言 (Preface)

Cardiovascular diseases are diseases of the heart and blood vessels and they typically include heart attacks, strokes, and heart failures [1]. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cardiovascular diseases like ischaemic heart disease and stroke have been the leading causes of deaths worldwide for the last decade and a half [2].

心血管疾病是心脏和血管疾病,通常包括心脏病发作,中风和心力衰竭[1]。 根据世界卫生组织(WHO)的研究,在过去的15年中,缺血性心脏病和中风等心血管疾病已成为全球死亡的主要原因[2]。

动机 (Motivation)

A few months ago, a new heart failure dataset was uploaded on Kaggle. This dataset contained health records of 299 anonymized patients and had 12 clinical and lifestyle features. The task was to predict heart failure using these features.

几个月前,一个新的心力衰竭数据集被上传到Kaggle上 。 该数据集包含299名匿名患者的健康记录,并具有12种临床和生活方式特征。 他们的任务是使用这些功能来预测心力衰竭。

Through this post, I aim to document my workflow on this task and present it as a research exercise. So this would naturally involve a bit of domain knowledge, references to journal papers, and deriving insights from them.

通过这篇文章,我旨在记录我有关此任务的工作流程,并将其作为研究练习进行介绍。 因此,这自然会涉及到一些领域知识,对期刊论文的引用以及从中得出的见解。

Warning: This post is nearly 10 minutes long and things may get a little dense as you scroll down, but I encourage you to give it a shot.


关于数据 (About the data)

The dataset was originally released by Ahmed et al., in 2017 [3] as a supplement to their analysis of survival of heart failure patients at Faisalabad Institute of Cardiology and at the Allied Hospital in Faisalabad, Pakistan. The dataset was subsequently accessed and analyzed by Chicco and Jurman in 2020 to predict heart failures using a bunch of machine learning techniques [4]. The dataset hosted on Kaggle cites these authors and their research paper.

该数据集最初由Ahmed等人在2017年发布[3],作为他们对巴基斯坦费萨拉巴德心脏病研究所和联合王国费萨拉巴德联合医院心力衰竭患者生存率分析的补充。 随后,Chicco和Jurman于2020年访问并分析了该数据集,以使用一系列机器学习技术预测心力衰竭[4]。 Kaggle托管的数据集引用了这些作者及其研究论文。

The dataset primarily consists of clinical and lifestyle features of 105 female and 194 male heart failure patients. You can find each feature explained in the figure below.

该数据集主要由105位女性和194位男性心力衰竭患者的临床和生活方式特征组成。 您可以找到下图中说明的每个功能。

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Fig. 1 — Clinical and lifestyle features of 299 patients in the dataset (credit: author)
图1 —数据集中299名患者的临床和生活方式特征(来源:作者)

项目工作流程 (Project Workflow)

The workflow would be pretty straightforward —


  1. Data Preprocessing — Cleaning the data, imputing missing values, creating new features if needed, etc.


  2. Exploratory Data Analysis — This would involve summary statistics, plotting relationships, mapping trends, etc.


  3. Model Building — Building a baseline prediction model, followed by at least 2 classification models to train and test.


  4. Hyper-parameter Tuning — Fine-tune the hyper-parameters of each model to arrive at acceptable levels of prediction metrics.


  5. Consolidating Results — Presenting relevant findings in a clear and concise manner.


The entire project can be found as a Jupyter notebook on my GitHub repository.

整个项目都可以在我的 GitHub 存储库中 找到,作为Jupyter笔记本

让我们开始! (Let’s begin!)

数据预处理 (Data Preprocessing)

Let’s read in the .csv file into a dataframe —


df = pd.read_csv('heart_failure_clinical_records_dataset.csv') is a quick way to get a summary of the dataframe data types. We see that the dataset has no missing or spurious values and is clean enough to begin data exploration.是获取数据框数据类型摘要的快速方法。 我们看到数据集没有丢失或伪造的值,并且足够干净以开始数据探索。

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 299 entries, 0 to 298
Data columns (total 13 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 age 299 non-null float64
1 anaemia 299 non-null int64
2 creatinine_phosphokinase 299 non-null int64
3 diabetes 299 non-null int64
4 ejection_fraction 299 non-null int64
5 high_blood_pressure 299 non-null int64
6 platelets 299 non-null float64
7 serum_creatinine 299 non-null float64
8 serum_sodium 299 non-null int64
9 sex 299 non-null int64
10 smoking 299 non-null int64
11 time 299 non-null int64
12 DEATH_EVENT 299 non-null int64
dtypes: float64(3), int64(10)
memory usage: 30.5 KB

But before that, let us rearrange and rename some of the features, add another feature called chk(which would be useful later during EDA) and replace the binary values in the categorical features with their labels (again, useful during EDA).

但是在此之前,让我们重新排列并重命名一些功能,添加另一个名为chk功能( 在EDA中稍后会 chk ),然后用其标签替换分类功能中的二进制值( 再次在EDA中使用 )。

df = df.rename(columns={'smoking':'smk',
'DEATH_EVENT':'death'})df['chk'] = 1df['sex'] = df['sex'].apply(lambda x: 'Female' if x==0 else 'Male')
df['smk'] = df['smk'].apply(lambda x: 'No' if x==0 else 'Yes')
df['dia'] = df['dia'].apply(lambda x: 'No' if x==0 else 'Yes')
df['anm'] = df['anm'].apply(lambda x: 'No' if x==0 else 'Yes')
df['hbp'] = df['hbp'].apply(lambda x: 'No' if x==0 else 'Yes')
df['death'] = df['death'].apply(lambda x: 'No' if x==0 else 'Yes')<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 299 entries, 0 to 298
Data columns (total 14 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 sex 299 non-null object
1 age 299 non-null float64
2 smk 299 non-null object
3 dia 299 non-null object
4 hbp 299 non-null object
5 anm 299 non-null object
6 plt 299 non-null float64
7 ejf 299 non-null int64
8 cpk 299 non-null int64
9 scr 299 non-null float64
10 sna 299 non-null int64
11 time 299 non-null int64
12 death 299 non-null object
13 chk 299 non-null int64
dtypes: float64(3), int64(5), object(6)
memory usage: 32.8+ KB

We observe that sex, dia, anm, hbp, smk anddeathare categorical features (object), while age, plt,cpk, ejf, scr, timeand sna are numerical features (int64 or float64). All features except death would be potential predictors and death would be the target for our prospective ML model.

我们观察到, sexdiaanmhbpsmkdeath的类别特征( 对象 ),而agepltcpkejfscrtimesna的数字功能(Int64的或float64)。death以外的所有功能都是潜在的预测因素,而death将成为我们预期的ML模型的目标。

探索性数据分析 (Exploratory Data Analysis)

A.数值特征汇总统计 (A. Summary Statistics of Numerical Features)

Since our dataset has many numerical features, it would be helpful to look at some aggregate measures of the data in hand, with the help of df.describe() (Usually, this method gives values up to 6 decimal places, so it would better to round it off to two by df.describe().round(2))

由于我们的数据集具有许多数值特征,因此在df.describe()的帮助下df.describe()手头数据的一些聚合度量将很有帮助( 通常,此方法最多可提供小数点后6位的值,因此最好到轮它关闭两个由 df.describe().round(2)

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  • Age: We can see that the average age of the patients is 60 years with most of the patients (<75%) below 70 years and above 40 years. The follow-up time after their heart failure also varies from 4 days to 285 days, with an average of 130 days.

    年龄 :我们可以看到患者的平均年龄为60岁,其中大多数患者(<75%)低于70岁且高于40岁。 他们心力衰竭后的随访时间也从4天到285天不等,平均为130天。

  • Platelets: These are a type of blood cells that are responsible for repairing damaged blood vessels. A normal person has a platelet count of 150,000–400,000 kiloplatelets/mL of blood [5]. In our dataset, 75% of the patients have a platelet count well within this range.

    血小板血小板 是负责修复受损血管的一种血细胞。 正常人的血小板计数为150,000–400,000血小板/ mL血液[5]。 在我们的数据集中,有75%的患者血小板计数在此范围内。

  • Ejection fraction: This is a measure (in %) of how much blood is pumped out of a ventricle in each contraction. To brush up a little human anatomy — the heart has 4 chambers of which the atria receive blood from different parts of the body and the ventricles pump it to back. The left ventricle is the thickest chamber and pumps blood to the rest of the body while the right ventricle pumps blood to the lungs. In a healthy adult, this fraction is 55% and heart failure with reduced ejection fraction implies a value < 40%[6]. In our dataset, 75% of the patients have this value < 45% which is expected because they are all heart failure patients in the first place.

    射血分数这是每次收缩中从脑室中抽出多少血液的量度(%)。 为了梳理一点人体解剖学,心脏有4个腔室,心房从身体的不同部位接收血液,心室将其泵回。 左心室是最厚的腔室,将血液泵送到身体的其余部分,而右心室则将血液泵到肺。 在健康的成年人中,这一比例为55%,而射血分数降低的心力衰竭意味着其值<40%[6]。 在我们的数据集中,有75%的患者的此值<45% ,这是可以预期的,因为他们首先都是心力衰竭患者。

  • Creatinine Phosphokinase: This is an enzyme that is present in the blood and helps in repairing damaged tissues. A high level of CPK implies heart failure or injury. The normal levels in males are 55–170 mcg/L and in females are 30–135 mcg/L [7]. In our dataset, since all patients have had heart failure, the average value (550 mcg/L) and median (250 mcg/L) are higher than normal.

    肌酐磷酸激酶这是一种存在于血液中的酶,有助于修复受损的组织。 高水平的CPK意味着心力衰竭或伤害。 男性的正常水平为55–170 mcg / L,女性为30–135 mcg / L [7]。 在我们的数据集中,由于所有患者都患有心力衰竭, 因此平均值(550 mcg / L)和中位数(250 mcg / L)高于正常水平。

  • Serum creatinine: This is a waste product that is produced as a part of muscle metabolism especially during muscle breakdown. This creatinine is filtered by the kidneys and increased levels are indicative of poor cardiac output and possible renal failure[8]. The normal levels are between 0.84 to 1.21 mg/dL [9] and in our dataset, the average and median are above 1.10 mg/dL, which is pretty close to the upper limit of the normal range.

    血清肌酐这是一种废物,是肌肉代谢的一部分,特别是在肌肉分解过程中。 肌酐被肾脏过滤,水平升高表明心输出量不良和可能的肾衰竭 [8]。 正常水平在0.84至1.21 mg / dL之间[9],在我们的数据集中,平均值和中位数高于1.10 mg / dL, 非常接近正常范围的上限

  • Serum sodium: This refers to the level of sodium in the blood and a high level of > 135 mEq/L is called hypernatremia, which is considered typical in heart failure patients [10]. In our dataset, we find that the average and the median are > 135 mEq/L.

    血清钠指血液中的钠水平,> 135 mEq / L的高水平被称为高钠血症,在心力衰竭患者中被认为是典型的 [10]。 在我们的数据集中,我们发现平均值和中位数> 135 mEq / L。

A neat way to visualize these statistics is with a boxenplot which shows the spread and distribution of values (The line in the center is the median and the diamonds at the end are the outliers).

直观显示这些统计数据的一种好方法是使用boxenplot ,该boxenplot显示值的分布和分布( 中间的线是中位数,而末端的菱形是异常值 )。

fig,ax = plt.subplots(3,2,figsize=[10,10])
num_features_set1 = ['age', 'scr', 'sna']
num_features_set2 = ['plt', 'ejf', 'cpk']
for i in range(0,3):
sns.boxenplot(df[num_features_set1[i]], ax=ax[i,0], color='steelblue')
sns.boxenplot(df[num_features_set2[i]], ax=ax[i,1], color='steelblue')
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Fig. 2 — Visualising the summary statistics for numerical features of the dataset
图2 —可视化数据集数值特征的摘要统计

B.分类特征摘要统计 (B. Summary Statistics of Categorical Features)

The number of patients belonging to each of the lifestyle categorical features can be summarised with a simple bar plot .

可以通过简单的bar plot总结属于每种生活方式分类特征的患者人数。

fig = plt.subplots(figsize=[10,6])bar1 = df.smk.value_counts().values
bar2 = df.hbp.value_counts().values
bar3 = df.dia.value_counts().values
bar4 = df.anm.value_counts().values
ticks = np.arange(0,3, 2)
width = 0.3, bar1, width=width, color='teal', label='smoker'), bar2, width=width, color='darkorange', label='high blood pressure')*width, bar3, width=width, color='limegreen', label='diabetes')*width, bar4, width=width, color='tomato', label='anaemic')plt.xticks(ticks+1.5*width, ['Yes', 'No'])
plt.ylabel('Number of patients')
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Fig. 3 — Total number of patients in each lifestyle categorical feature

Additional summaries can be generated using the crosstab function in pandas. An example is shown for the categorical feature smk . The results can be normalized with respect to either the total number of smokers (‘index’) or the total number of deaths (‘columns’). Since our interest is in predicting survival, we normalize with respect to death.

可以使用pandas中的crosstab功能生成其他摘要。 显示了分类特征smk的示例。 可以根据吸烟者总数( “指数” )或死亡总数( “列” )对结果进行标准化。 由于我们的兴趣在于预测生存,因此我们将死亡归一化。

pd.crosstab(index=df['smk'], columns=df['death'], values=df['chk'], aggfunc=np.sum, margins=True)pd.crosstab(index=df['smk'], columns=df['death'], values=df['chk'], aggfunc=np.sum, margins=True, normalize='columns').round(2)*100
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We see that 68% of all heart failure patients did not smoke while 32% did. Of those who died, 69% were non-smokers while 31% were smokers. Of those who survived, 67% were non-smokers and 33% were smokers. At this point, it is difficult to say, conclusively, that heart failure patients who smoked have a greater chance of dying.

我们发现68%的心力衰竭患者不吸烟,而32%的人吸烟。 在死亡者中 ,不吸烟者占69%,吸烟者占31%。 在幸存者中 ,不吸烟者占67%,吸烟者占33%。 在这一点上,很难说得出结论,吸烟的心力衰竭患者死亡的机会更大。

In a similar manner, let’s summarise the rest of the categorical features and normalize the results with respect to deaths.


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  • 65% of the Male and 35% of the Female heart patients died.

  • 48% of the patients who died were anemic while 41% of the patients who survived were anemic as well.

  • 42% of the patients who died and 42% who survived were diabetic.

  • 31% of the dead were smokers while 33% of the survivors were smokers.

  • 41% of those who died had high blood pressure, while 33% of those who survived had high blood pressure as well.


Based on these statistics, we get a rough idea that the lifestyle features are almost similarly distributed amongst those who died and those who survived. The difference is the greatest in the case of high blood pressure, which could perhaps have a greater influence on the survival of heart patients.

根据这些统计数据,我们可以粗略了解一下,生活方式特征在死者和幸存者之间的分布几乎相似。 在高血压的情况下,差异最大,这可能对心脏病患者的生存产生更大的影响。

C.探索数字特征之间的关系 (C. Exploring relationships between numerical features)

The next step is to visualize the relationship between features. We start with the numerical features by writing a single line of code to plot a pair-wise plotting of features using seaborn’s pairplot

下一步是可视化要素之间的关系。 我们从数字特征开始,编写一行代码以使用seaborn的对图绘制特征的pairplot

sns.pairplot(df[['plt', 'ejf', 'cpk', 'scr', 'sna', 'death']], 
hue='death', palette='husl', corner=True)
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Fig. 4— Pair-wise scatterplots between numerical features in the dataset

We observe a few interesting points —


  • Most of the patients who died following a heart failure seem to have a lower Ejection Fraction that those who survived. They also seem to have slightly higher levels of Serum Creatinine and Creatine Phosphokinase. They also tend to be on the higher side of 80 years.

    死于心力衰竭的大多数患者的射血分数似乎比那些幸存者低。 他们的血清肌酐和肌酸磷酸激酶水平似乎也略高。 他们也往往处于80年的较高地位。
  • There are no strong correlations between features and this can be validated by calculating the Spearman R correlation coefficient (We consider the spearman because we are not sure about the population distribution from which the feature values are drawn).

    特征之间没有很强的相关性,可以通过计算Spearman R相关系数来验证( 我们考虑使用spearman,因为我们不确定从中得出特征值的总体分布 )。

df[['plt', 'ejf', 'cpk', 'scr', 'sna']].corr(method='spearman')
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  • As observed, the correlation coefficients are moderately encouraging for age-serum creatinine and serum creatinine-serum sodium. From literature, we see that with age, the serum creatinine content increases [11], which explains their slightly positive relationship. Literature also tells us [12] that the sodium to serum creatinine ratio is high in the case of chronic kidney disease which implies a negative relationship between the two. The slight negative correlation coefficient also implies the prevalence of renal issues in the patients.

    如观察到的, 年龄-血清肌酐血清肌酐-血清钠的相关系数适度令人鼓舞 。 从文献中我们看到,随着年龄的增长,血清肌酐含量增加[11],这说明了它们之间的正相关关系 。 文献还告诉我们[12],在慢性肾脏疾病的情况下,钠与血清肌酐的比例较高,这意味着两者之间存在负相关关系 。 轻微的负相关系数也意味着患者中肾脏疾病的患病率。

D.探索分类特征之间的关系 (D. Exploring relationships between categorical features)

One way of relating categorical features is to create a pivot table and pivot about a subset of the features. This would give us the number of values for a particular subset of feature values. For this dataset, let’s look at the lifestyle features — smoking, anemic, high blood pressure, and diabetes.

一种关联分类要素的方法是创建数据透视表并围绕要素的子集进行透视。 这将为我们提供特征值特定子集的值数量。 对于此数据集,让我们看一下生活方式特征-吸烟,贫血,高血压和糖尿病。

lifestyle_surv = pd.pivot_table(df.loc[df.death=='No'], 
aggfunc=np.sum)lifestyle_dead = pd.pivot_table(df.loc[df.death=='Yes'],
aggfunc=np.sum)fig, ax= plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=[15,6])
sns.heatmap(lifestyle_surv, cmap='Greens', annot=True, ax=ax[0])
sns.heatmap(lifestyle_dead, cmap='Reds', annot=True, ax=ax[1])
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Fig. 5— Heatmap of the number of patients in each subset of lifestyle features

A few insights can be drawn —


  • A large number of the patients did not smoke, were not anemic and did not suffer from high blood pressure or diabetes.

  • There were very few patients who had all the four lifestyle features.

  • Many of the survivors were either only smokers or only diabetic.

  • The majority of the deceased had none of the lifestyle features, or at the most were anemic.

  • Many of the deceased were anemic and diabetic as well.


E.探索所有功能之间的关系 (E. Exploring relationships between all features)

An easy way to combine categorical and numerical features into a single graph is bypassing the categorical feature as a hue input. In this case, we use the binary death feature and plot violin-plots to visualize the relationships across all features.

将分类特征和数字特征组合到单个图形中的一种简单方法是绕过分类特征作为hue输入。 在这种情况下,我们使用二进制death特征并绘制小提琴图以可视化所有特征之间的关系。

fig,ax = plt.subplots(6, 5, figsize=[20,22])
cat_features = ['sex','smk','anm', 'dia', 'hbp']
num_features = ['age', 'scr', 'sna', 'plt', 'ejf', 'cpk']
for i in range(0,6):
for j in range(0,5):
sns.violinplot(data=df, x=cat_features[j],y=num_features[i], hue='death', split=True, palette='husl',facet_kws={'despine':False}, ax=ax[i,j])
ax[i,j].legend(title='death', loc='upper center')
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Fig. 6— Violinplots for relating numerical and categorical features in the dataset

Here are a few insights from these plots —


  • Sex: Of the patients who died, the ejection fraction seems to be lower in males than in females. Also, the creatinine phosphokinase seems to be higher in males than in females.

    性别 :在死亡的患者中,男性的射血分数似乎低于女性。 另外,男性的肌酐磷酸激酶似乎高于女性。

  • Smoking: A slightly lower ejection fraction was seen in the smokers who died than in the non-smokers who died. The creatinine phosphokinase levels seem to be higher in smokers who survived, than in non-smokers who survived.

    吸烟 :死亡的吸烟者的射血分数比未死亡的非吸烟者略低。 存活的吸烟者的肌酐磷酸激酶水平似乎高于存活的非吸烟者。

  • Anemia: The anemic patients tend to have lower creatinine phosphokinase levels and higher serum creatinine levels, than non-anemic patients. Among the anemic patients, the ejection fraction is lower in those who died than in those who survived.

    贫血 :与非贫血患者相比,贫血患者的肌酐磷酸激酶水平和血清肌酐水平较高。 在贫血患者中,死亡者的射血分数低于幸存者。

  • Diabetes: The diabetic patients tend to have lower sodium levels and again, the ejection fraction is lower in those who died than in the survivors.

    糖尿病 :糖尿病患者的钠水平较低,而且死亡者的射血分数比幸存者低。

  • High Blood Pressure: The ejection fraction seems to show greater variation in deceased patients with high blood pressure than in deceased patients without high blood pressure.

    高血压 :高血压的死者的射血分数似乎比没有高血压的死者更大。

I hope you found this useful. The steps for building ML models, tuning their hyper-parameters, and consolidating the results will be shown in the next post.

希望您觉得这有用。 建立ML模型,调整其超参数以及合并结果的步骤将在下一篇文章中显示。




机器学习 预测模型




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Diffie Hellman密钥交换

In short, the Diffie Hellman is a widely used technique for securely sending a symmetric encryption key to another party. Before proceeding, let’s discuss why we’d want to use something like the Diffie Hellman in the first place. When transmitting data o…


I understand that type variance is not fundamental to writing Scala code. Its been more or less a year since Ive been using Scala for my day-to-day job, and honestly, Ive never had to worry much about it. 我了解类型差异并不是编写Scala代码的基础。 自从我在日…


之前我是使用wangduanduan.github.io作为我的博客地址&#xff0c;后来觉得麻烦&#xff0c;有把博客关了。最近有想去折腾折腾。先看效果&#xff1a; 如果你不了解js.org可以看看我的这篇文章:一个值得所有前端开发者关注的网站 前提 已经有了github pages的…


linkedin爬虫Finding great mentors are hard to come by these days. With so much information and so many opinions flooding the internet, finding an authority in a specific field can be quite tough.这些天很难找到优秀的导师。 互联网上充斥着如此众多的信息和众多…

重学TCP协议(4) 三次握手

1. 三次握手 请求端&#xff08;通常称为客户&#xff09;发送一个 S Y N段指明客户打算连接的服务器的端口&#xff0c;以及初始序号。这个S Y N段为报文段1。服务器发回包含服务器的初始序号的 S Y N报文段&#xff08;报文段2&#xff09;作为应答。同时&#xff0c;将确认序…


为什么80%的码农都做不了架构师&#xff1f;>>> HashMap 摘要 HashMap是Java程序员使用频率最高的用于映射(键值对)处理的数据类型。随着JDK&#xff08;Java Developmet Kit&#xff09;版本的更新&#xff0c;JDK1.8对HashMap底层的实现进行了优化&#xff0c;例…


前置交换机数据交换The DNC Data Science team builds and manages dozens of models that support a broad range of campaign activities. Campaigns rely on these model scores to optimize contactability, volunteer recruitment, get-out-the-vote, and many other piec…


下载mysql这里是通过安装Yum源rpm包的方式安装,所以第一步是先下载rpm包 1.打开Mysql官网, 点击如图选中的按钮 点击如图框选的按钮 把页面拉倒最下面,选择对应版本下载,博主这里用的是CentOS7 下载完成后上传到服务器,由于是yum源的安装包,所以…

Docker 入门(1)虚拟化和容器

1 虚拟化 虚拟化是为一些组件&#xff08;例如虚拟应用、服务器、存储和网络&#xff09;创建基于软件的&#xff08;或虚拟&#xff09;表现形式的过程。它是降低所有规模企业的 IT 开销&#xff0c;同时提高其效率和敏捷性的最有效方式。 1.1 虚拟化用于程序跨平台兼容 要…


量子相干与量子纠缠My goal here was to build a quantum deep neural network for classification tasks, but all the effort involved in calculating errors, updating weights, training a model, and so forth turned out to be completely unnecessary. The above circu…

Python -- xlrd,xlwt,xlutils 读写同一个Excel



知识力量The most common way to store data is in what we call relational form. Most systems get analyzed as collections of independent data points. It looks something like this:存储数据的最常见方式是我们所谓的关系形式。 大多数系统作为独立数据点的集合进行分析…

SCCM PXE客户端无法加载DP(分发点)映像

上一篇文章我们讲到了一个比较典型的PXE客户端无法找到操作系统映像的故障&#xff0c;今天再和大家一起分享一个关于 PXE客户端无法加载分发点映像的问题。具体的报错截图如下&#xff1a;从报错中我们可以看到&#xff0c;PXE客户端已经成功的找到了SCCM服务器&#xff0c;并…

Docker 入门(2)技术实现和核心组成

1. Docker 的技术实现 Docker 的实现&#xff0c;主要归结于三大技术&#xff1a; 命名空间 ( Namespaces )控制组 ( Control Groups )联合文件系统 ( Union File System ) 1.1 Namespace 命名空间可以有效地帮助Docker分离进程树、网络接口、挂载点以及进程间通信等资源。L…

marlin 三角洲_带火花的三角洲湖:什么和为什么?

marlin 三角洲Let me start by introducing two problems that I have dealt time and again with my experience with Apache Spark:首先&#xff0c;我介绍一下我在Apache Spark上的经历反复解决的两个问题&#xff1a; Data “overwrite” on the same path causing data l…


eda分析Most data analysis problems start with understanding the data. It is the most crucial and complicated step. This step also affects the further decisions that we make in a predictive modeling problem, one of which is what algorithm we are going to ch…


项目说明 1、项目文件结构 2、项目主要接口及其实现 &#xff08;1&#xff09;Index&#xff1a; 首页页面&#xff1a;展示商品功能&#xff0c;可登录或查看商品详细信息 &#xff08;2&#xff09;登录&#xff1a;/ApiLogin 3、dao层 数据持久化层&#xff0c;把商品和用户…


In Part I, I took you through the data gathering and compilation required to rank Census tracts by the four features identified by Jane Jacobs as the foundation of a great neighborhood:在第一部分中 &#xff0c;我带您完成了根据简雅各布斯(Jacobs Jacobs)所确定…

Docker 入门(3)Docke的安装和基本配置

1. Docker Linux下的安装 1.1 Docker Engine 的版本 社区版 ( CE, Community Edition ) 社区版 ( Docker Engine CE ) 主要提供了 Docker 中的容器管理等基础功能&#xff0c;主要针对开发者和小型团队进行开发和试验企业版 ( EE, Enterprise Edition ) 企业版 ( Docker Engi…