

Many of us are struggling to prioritize our learning as a working professional or aspiring data scientist. We’re told that we need to learn so many things that at times it can be overwhelming. Recently, I’ve felt like there could be a better way to organize my own learning path as a data professional. This weekend, I decided to create and finish a meta-project to guide my own professional development journey. Luckily, I rediscovered the project management tool Monday.com to help me.

M之外的任何我们都在努力学习我们优先考虑的工作的专业或有抱负的数据科学家。 有人告诉我们,我们需要学习很多东西,以至于有时它可能会令人难以承受。 最近,我觉得可以找到一种更好的方式来组织自己作为数据专业人员的学习道路。 这个周末,我决定创建并完成一个元项目,以指导我自己的职业发展旅程。 幸运的是,我重新发现了项目管理工具Monday.com以帮助我。

monday.com is a project management tool that enables organizations to manage tasks, projects, and teamwork.


I was introduced to Monday.com when I worked as a project manager in the civil engineering industry. We used it to track leads and keep tabs on our project portfolio’s performance. Whenever we would gain a new lead, we’d add it to our “Leads” dashboard. When we won a contract, we’d add it to the “Ongoing Projects” dashboard. Even our CEO used it to track monthly and quarterly sales performance. It didn’t occur to me until recently that I could use it to project manage my own data science journey.

我在土木工程行业担任项目经理时被介绍给Monday.com。 我们使用它来跟踪线索并密切关注项目组合的绩效。 每当我们获得新的线索时,都会将其添加到“领导”仪表板中。 赢得合同后,我们会将其添加到“正在进行的项目”仪表板中。 甚至我们的首席执行官都使用它来跟踪每月和每季度的销售业绩。 直到最近,我才开始使用它来管理自己的数据科学之旅。

Note: I am in no way affiliated with Monday.com or Udacity.com.


Here’s my own learning management board that I created in 1.5 hours.


This has helped me lay everything out that I want to learn, set hard deadlines for when I need to complete projects, and visually assess what’s a high priority.


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You can also see a Kanban table here that is commonly used by project managers in software development.

I challenge you to create your own free personal Monday.com dashboard. Ideally, this meta-project should take you less than 2 hours — if it takes more than that, your tasks are too granular and you need to step back and think about the big picture. By completing this meta-project, you’ll not only be organizing your own learning, but you’ll also be able to show employers that you have project management skills and soft skills that are often overlooked in traditional data science curriculums. Discussing your learning management dashboards will show that you’re organized, serious about learning, and forward-thinking.

我要求 您创建自己的免费个人Monday.com信息中心。 理想情况下,此元项目应该花费您不到2个小时的时间-如果花费的时间更多,则您的任务过于精细,您需要退后一步,考虑一下全局。 通过完成此元项目, 您不仅可以组织自己的学习,而且还可以向雇主展示您具有在传统数据科学课程中经常被忽略的项目管理技能和软技能。 讨论您的学习管理仪表板将表明您有组织,认真学习和有远见。

There are a number of varying roles that data professionals can take on. However, the bulk of employers are looking for people who:

数据专业人员可以扮演许多不同的角色。 但是,大多数雇主正在寻找以下人员:

  • Prioritize tasks

  • Can coordinate work dependencies

  • Have the ability to work on multiple concurrent projects and interface with all levels within the organization.

  • Work with stakeholders who have competing priorities

  • Can communicate clear milestones and deliverables


By creating your personal work dashboard, you can show that you’re prioritizing learning X over Y (prioritizing tasks). You’re also acknowledging that you may not be able to do X project before learning Z skill (work dependencies). Your own learning journey may present topics that have competing priorities (stakeholder management).

通过创建个人工作仪表板,您可以表明您将学习X优先于Y(优先任务)。 您还承认,在学习Z技能(工作依赖性)之前,您可能无法进行X项目。 您自己的学习历程可能会提出具有相互竞争重点的主题(利益相关者管理)。

Should I learn this new machine learning algorithm before improving the existing work on my GitHub profile? Your answer: No, it’s a higher priority to improve the documentation of current projects in my repositories first.

在改进GitHub个人资料上的现有工作之前,我应该学习这种新的机器学习算法吗? 您的回答:不,首先要改进我存储库中当前项目的文档,这是当务之急。

Do I really need to complete this project before I apply for jobs? Your answer: According to my job search timeline, I need to have my work portfolio ready by September 25th. So yes, I do need to spend more time finishing this project because it will be crucial to discuss it in my application.

在申请工作之前,我真的需要完成这个项目吗? 您的答案:根据我的求职时间表,我需要在9月25日之前准备好我的工作档案。 是的,我确实需要花更多的时间来完成这个项目,因为在我的应用程序中讨论它至关重要。

You can even create a board for applying to jobs, interviewing, and networking. I went from this:

Ÿ欧甚至可以创建一个局申请职位,面试和网络。 我从这里出发:

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To this:


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Parting thoughts. I hope this project gives you some clarity on how to manage your learning. It definitely has helped me look back and celebrate my achievements, and to also envision the path ahead. This will be a project that I return to time and time again — I hope you return to it as well.

P arting想法。 我希望这个项目能使您对如何管理学习有所了解。 它无疑帮助了我回顾和庆祝我的成就,并且也构想了前进的道路。 这将是我一次又一次返回的项目-希望您也能返回。

翻译自: https://towardsdatascience.com/2-hour-meta-project-project-manage-your-data-science-learning-6d7f344a10cd





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