
做医药中间体的外贸网站,网站页面优化方法,镇江网站制作费用,香橙派wordpress序 本文主要研究一下flink Table的OrderBy及Limit 实例 Table in tableEnv.fromDataSet(ds, "a, b, c"); Table result in.orderBy("a.asc");Table in tableEnv.fromDataSet(ds, "a, b, c");// returns the first 5 records from the sorted …

本文主要研究一下flink Table的OrderBy及Limit


Table in = tableEnv.fromDataSet(ds, "a, b, c");
Table result = in.orderBy("a.asc");Table in = tableEnv.fromDataSet(ds, "a, b, c");// returns the first 5 records from the sorted result
Table result1 = in.orderBy("a.asc").fetch(5); // skips the first 3 records and returns all following records from the sorted result
Table result2 = in.orderBy("a.asc").offset(3);// skips the first 10 records and returns the next 5 records from the sorted result
Table result3 = in.orderBy("a.asc").offset(10).fetch(5);
  • orderBy方法类似sql的order by;limit则由offset及fetch两个方法构成,类似sql的offset及fetch



class Table(private[flink] val tableEnv: TableEnvironment,private[flink] val logicalPlan: LogicalNode) {//......def orderBy(fields: String): Table = {val parsedFields = ExpressionParser.parseExpressionList(fields)orderBy(parsedFields: _*)}def orderBy(fields: Expression*): Table = {val order: Seq[Ordering] = fields.map {case o: Ordering => ocase e => Asc(e)}new Table(tableEnv, Sort(order, logicalPlan).validate(tableEnv))}def offset(offset: Int): Table = {new Table(tableEnv, Limit(offset, -1, logicalPlan).validate(tableEnv))}def fetch(fetch: Int): Table = {if (fetch < 0) {throw new ValidationException("FETCH count must be equal or larger than 0.")}this.logicalPlan match {case Limit(o, -1, c) =>// replace LIMIT without FETCH by LIMIT with FETCHnew Table(tableEnv, Limit(o, fetch, c).validate(tableEnv))case Limit(_, _, _) =>throw new ValidationException("FETCH is already defined.")case _ =>new Table(tableEnv, Limit(0, fetch, logicalPlan).validate(tableEnv))}}//......
  • Table的orderBy方法,支持String或Expression类型的参数,其中String类型最终是转为Expression类型;orderBy方法最后使用Sort重新创建了Table;offset及fetch方法,使用Limit重新创建了Table(offset方法创建的Limit其fetch为-1;fetch方法如果之前没有指定offset则创建的Limit的offset为0)



case class Sort(order: Seq[Ordering], child: LogicalNode) extends UnaryNode {override def output: Seq[Attribute] = child.outputoverride protected[logical] def construct(relBuilder: RelBuilder): RelBuilder = {child.construct(relBuilder)relBuilder.sort(order.map(_.toRexNode(relBuilder)).asJava)}override def validate(tableEnv: TableEnvironment): LogicalNode = {if (tableEnv.isInstanceOf[StreamTableEnvironment]) {failValidation(s"Sort on stream tables is currently not supported.")}super.validate(tableEnv)}
  • Sort继承了UnaryNode,它的构造器接收Set类型的Ordering,其construct方法使用relBuilder.sort来构建sort条件



abstract class Ordering extends UnaryExpression {override private[flink] def validateInput(): ValidationResult = {if (!child.isInstanceOf[NamedExpression]) {ValidationFailure(s"Sort should only based on field reference")} else {ValidationSuccess}}
}case class Asc(child: Expression) extends Ordering {override def toString: String = s"($child).asc"override private[flink] def toRexNode(implicit relBuilder: RelBuilder): RexNode = {child.toRexNode}override private[flink] def resultType: TypeInformation[_] = child.resultType
}case class Desc(child: Expression) extends Ordering {override def toString: String = s"($child).desc"override private[flink] def toRexNode(implicit relBuilder: RelBuilder): RexNode = {relBuilder.desc(child.toRexNode)}override private[flink] def resultType: TypeInformation[_] = child.resultType
  • Ordering是一个抽象类,它有Asc及Desc两个子类



case class Limit(offset: Int, fetch: Int = -1, child: LogicalNode) extends UnaryNode {override def output: Seq[Attribute] = child.outputoverride protected[logical] def construct(relBuilder: RelBuilder): RelBuilder = {child.construct(relBuilder)relBuilder.limit(offset, fetch)}override def validate(tableEnv: TableEnvironment): LogicalNode = {if (tableEnv.isInstanceOf[StreamTableEnvironment]) {failValidation(s"Limit on stream tables is currently not supported.")}if (!child.isInstanceOf[Sort]) {failValidation(s"Limit operator must be preceded by an OrderBy operator.")}if (offset < 0) {failValidation(s"Offset should be greater than or equal to zero.")}super.validate(tableEnv)}
  • Limit继承了UnaryNode,它的构造器接收offset及fetch参数,它的construct方法通过relBuilder.limit来设置offset及fetch


  • Table的orderBy方法类似sql的order by;limit则由offset及fetch两个方法构成,类似sql的offset及fetch
  • Table的orderBy方法,支持String或Expression类型的参数,其中String类型最终是转为Expression类型;orderBy方法最后使用Sort重新创建了Table;offset及fetch方法,使用Limit重新创建了Table(offset方法创建的Limit其fetch为-1;fetch方法如果之前没有指定offset则创建的Limit的offset为0)
  • Sort继承了UnaryNode,它的构造器接收Set类型的Ordering,其construct方法使用relBuilder.sort来构建sort条件;Ordering是一个抽象类,它有Asc及Desc两个子类;Limit继承了UnaryNode,它的构造器接收offset及fetch参数,它的construct方法通过relBuilder.limit来设置offset及fetch


  • OrderBy, Offset & Fetch




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