
AMUL:阿南德牛奶联盟有限公司 (AMUL: Anand Milk Union Limited)

AMUL is an abbreviation of Anand Milk Union Limited. It is an Indian milk product cooperative dairy organization that is based in the small town of Anand in the state of Gujarat. AMUL is the major producer of milk products and milk in India. The company is recognized by leading the way of the white revolution in India. It is praised as an accomplished co-operative business representation that has raised the empowerment to the people of villages. Out of common village women, it has produced many mini-entrepreneurs.

AMUL是Anand Milk Union Limited的缩写 。 它是一家印度奶制品合作社乳制品组织,总部位于古吉拉特邦的Anand小镇。 AMUL是印度奶制品和牛奶的主要生产商。 该公司以引领印度白色革命的方式而受到认可。 人们称赞它是一种完善的合作社业务代表,它增强了乡村人民的权能。 在普通的乡村妇女中,它产生了许多微型企业家。

At present, AMUL is a prominent brand that is organized and controlled by the Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd. (GCMMF). This cooperative organization is owned by more than three million milk producers. In more than forty countries, its products are offered. The profits of this organization in the years 2014 and 2015, was more than three billion dollars.

目前, AMUL是由古吉拉特邦合作牛奶销售联合会有限公司(GCMMF)组织和控制的著名品牌。 该合作组织由三百万多家牛奶生产商拥有。 在40多个国家/地区提供其产品。 该组织在2014年和2015年的利润超过30亿美元。

AMUL: Anand Milk Union Limited

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历史 (History)

  • On 19 December 1946, Amul was founded as an Indian cooperative dairy in a small town of Anand in Khaira district in the state of Gujarat. This organization was established by Dr. Verghese Kurien and in 1970; it organized the White Revolution of India.

    1946年12月19日,Amul在古吉拉特邦Khaira区的一个小镇Anand成立,当时是一家印度合作乳制品厂。 该组织由Verghese Kurien博士于1970年成立; 它组织了印度的白色革命。

  • In 1973, the Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd., a top marketing organization of these district cooperatives, was established to unite organized strength and expand the market at the same time as saving on advertising and staying away from competing against each other. The brand name Amul, which the Kaira Union had with it from 1955, was reassigned to GCMMF. The GCMMF is the leading food products marketing organization in India. It is the top marketing organization of the dairy cooperatives of Gujarat.

    1973年,成立了古吉拉特邦合作牛奶销售联合会有限公司,这是这些地区合作社的顶级营销组织,目的是团结组织力量,扩大市场,同时节省广告并避免相互竞争。 自1955年以来,Kaira Union拥有的品牌名称Amul被重新分配给GCMMF。 GCMMF是印度领先的食品营销组织。 它是古吉拉特邦乳制品合作社的顶级营销组织。

  • In 1999, it was honored with the "Best of all" Rajiv Gandhi National Quality Award.


  • At present, the CEO of this business corporation is R.S. Sodhi.

    目前,该商业公司的首席执行官是RS Sodhi。

用法 (Usage)

  • The list of milk products of Amul has an extensive collection such as flavored milk, cheese, Butter, Ghee, Dahi, Milk powder, Chocolate, Shrikhand, Ice cream and many additional varieties of dairy products.


  • Amul Pro is a brown beverage introduced by Amul, which is the same as Horlicks and Bournvita.

    Amul Pro是Amul推出的一种棕色饮料,与Horlicks和Bournvita相同。

  • The first sports drink by the name of Stamina was introduced by Amul in 2006.


  • The highly well-known product of Amul is Amul butter.


  • Every month for the last 50 years, Amul achieves a large amount of recognition from his new poster/ billboard.






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