CocoaAsyncSocket 套接字

CocoaAsyncSocket   套接字


Asynchronous socket networking library for Mac and iOS




GCDAsyncSocket and AsyncSocket are TCP/IP socket networking libraries. Here are the key features available in both:


  • Native objective-c, fully self-contained in one class.
    No need to muck around with sockets or streams. This class handles everything for you.

  • 原生的OC,完整的一个类,不需要你去染指sockets或者是流,这个类帮你搞定了所有的封装。
  • Full delegate support
    Errors, connections, read completions, write completions, progress, and disconnections all result in a call to your delegate method.

  • 完整的代理来支持Errors,链接,读操作,写操作,进度以及断开链接,所有的这些都在代理方法中调用。
  • Queued non-blocking reads and writes, with optional timeouts.
    You tell it what to read or write, and it handles everything for you. Queueing, buffering, and searching for termination sequences within the stream - all handled for you automatically.

  • 非阻塞队列读写,可以设置超时时间。你来决定什么时候读什么时候写,之后这个类来帮你搞定剩下的事情。入队、缓存、用流查询目的地序列都会自动的运行。
  • Automatic socket acceptance.
    Spin up a server socket, tell it to accept connections, and it will call you with new instances of itself for each connection.

  • 自动套接字接收。连接上服务器,告知它接受链接,之后,它会自己创建一个实例对象来维持这次链接。
  • Support for TCP streams over IPv4 and IPv6.
    Automatically connect to IPv4 or IPv6 hosts. Automatically accept incoming connections over both IPv4 and IPv6 with a single instance of this class. No more worrying about multiple sockets.

  • 支持IPv4以及IPv6的TCP流。自动连接IPv4或者IPv6的主机。自动接收来自IPv4或者IPv6的连接,只用一个实例对象,你不用担心重复的套接字。
  • Support for TLS / SSL
    Secure your socket with ease using just a single method call. Available for both client and server sockets.

  • 支持TLS/SSL,加密你的socket,只需调用一个方法,支持服务器或者客户机套接字。

GCDAsyncSocket is built atop Grand Central Dispatch:


  • Fully GCD based and Thread-Safe
    It runs entirely within its own GCD dispatchqueue, and is completely thread-safe. Further, the delegate methods are all invoked asynchronously onto a dispatch_queue of your choosing. This means parallel operation of your socket code, and your delegate/processing code.

  • 基于GCD以及完全的线程安全,它内置了GCD线程池。
  • The Latest Technology & Performance Optimizations
    Internally the library takes advantage of technologies such as kqueue's to limit system calls and optimize buffer allocations. In other words, peak performance.

AsyncSocket wraps CFSocket and CFStream:


  • Fully Run-loop based
    Use it on the main thread or a worker thread. It plugs into the NSRunLoop with configurable modes.
  • 基于Run-loop,在主线程或者一个其他线程中使用,它会用一些配置来插入到NSRunLoop中。




GCDAsyncUdpSocket and AsyncUdpSocket are UDP/IP socket networking libraries. Here are the key features available in both:


  • Native objective-c, fully self-contained in one class.
    No need to muck around with low-level sockets. This class handles everything for you.

  • 原生的OC,完整的一个类,不需要你去染指sockets或者是流,这个类帮你搞定了所有的封装。
  • Full delegate support.
    Errors, send completions, receive completions, and disconnections all result in a call to your delegate method.

  • 完整的代理来支持Errors,链接,读操作,写操作,进度以及断开链接,所有的这些都在代理方法中调用。
  • Queued non-blocking send and receive operations, with optional timeouts.
    You tell it what to send or receive, and it handles everything for you. Queueing, buffering, waiting and checking errno - all handled for you automatically.

  • 非阻塞队列读写,可以设置超时时间。你来决定什么时候读什么时候写,之后这个类来帮你搞定剩下的事情。入队、缓存、用流查询目的地序列都会自动的运行。
  • Support for IPv4 and IPv6.
    Automatically send/recv using IPv4 and/or IPv6. No more worrying about multiple sockets.

  • 支持IPv4以及IPv6的TCP流。自动连接IPv4或者IPv6的主机。自动接收来自IPv4或者IPv6的连接,只用一个实例对象,你不用担心重复的套接字。

GCDAsyncUdpSocket is built atop Grand Central Dispatch:


  • Fully GCD based and Thread-Safe
    It runs entirely within its own GCD dispatchqueue, and is completely thread-safe. Further, the delegate methods are all invoked asynchronously onto a dispatch_queue of your choosing. This means parallel operation of your socket code, and your delegate/processing code.
  • 基于GCD以及完全的线程安全,它内置了GCD线程池。

AsyncUdpSocket wraps CFSocket:


    • Fully Run-loop based
      Use it on the main thread or a worker thread. It plugs into the NSRunLoop with configurable modes.
    • 基于Run-loop,在主线程或者一个其他线程中使用,它会用一些配置来插入到NSRunLoop中。









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