





Basic information

Name: yjbys

Gender: male

Education: bachelor's political landscape:

Birthday: the 1985-12-16 national: han

Marital status: married native: henan xinxiang

Height: 178 cm weight: a secret

Major: computer work experience: 10 years

Expect work location: xinxiang


Industry/position: computer/IT industry technical director, project manager expected monthly salary: 6000 yuan nature of work: full-time

Industry/position: computer/IT industry to undertake the Internet technology and operation outsourcing project anticipated salary: negotiable nature of work: there is no limit

App/industry/position: computer IT industry development, PHP, website programmers expect salary: negotiable nature of work: a part-time job

Industry/position: web development, computer/IT industry android ios, PHP programmer expected monthly salary: 6000 yuan nature of work: there is no limit

Education experience

School name: anyang normal college major: computer information management study in time: the 2002-04-09-2002-04-09 degree: bachelor

Language ability

Language: English ability: skilled

Work experience

Company name: Internet technology

Working time: 0000-0000-00-00

Company size: 10 ~ 100

Department: technical department

Job classification: computer/IT industry technical director

Position monthly salary: 4000 and above

Job description: the technical director

Company name: line on net

Working time: the 2014-03-21-2014-03-21

Company size: keep it a secret

Department: technical department

Job classification: computer/IT industry technical director

Position monthly salary: 4000 and above

Job description: good at riding a net during the inauguration, responsible for technical management, architecture design, android, ios app development. Front frame design, website operation management, taobao shop operation, etc

Company name: rebate network & women street

Working time: 0000-0000-00-00

Company size: 10 ~ 100

Department: technical department

Job classification, computer/IT industry technical director/manager

Position monthly salary: 3000-3999

Job description: technical director, the whole project technical director, responsible for website, app side development, website operation decisions, double tenth help company profit of 200000

Company name: xinxiang talent net

Working time: the 2010-10-25-2010-10-25

Company size: 10 ~ 100

Department: technical department

Web development engineer job classification: computer/IT industry

Position monthly salary: 2000-2999

Job description: responsible for the development of talent network program, database optimization, and self-study mobile app development independently developed talent net (android) android mobile client, the company network management

Company name: henan architectural design institute

Working time: the 2008-06-19-2008-06-19

Company size: 10 ~ 100

Department: network transaction

Job classification: computer programmer/IT industry

Position monthly salary: 1500-1999

Job description: site construction, network promotion, network maintenance


Basic information

Name: yjbys

Gender: male

Education: college political landscape:

Birthday: national: han

Marital status: single Native place:

Height: confidential weight: confidential

Professional: software technology working experience: college graduates

Expect work location: xinxiang


Java development industry/position: computer/IT industry expected monthly salary: negotiable nature of work: full-time

Education experience

School name: changzhou institute of technology of profession of mechanical and electrical specialty: software technology study time: the 2013-09-01-2013-09-01 degree: college degree

Language ability

Language: Java skills: good

Work experience

Company name: zhejiang figure - science and technology co., LTD

Working time: the 2016-03-21-2016-03-21

Company size: keep it a secret

Department: development

Java development job classification: computer/IT industry

Position monthly salary: keep it a secret






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