Wiener过程是连续时间随机过程,以纪念Norbert Wiener命名。 通常用于用随机成分表示噪音或财务状况。
可以计算几何布朗运动以可视化某些界限(以分位数表示)以暗示绝对范围。 为了进行计算,需要以下参数:
- µ(mu):平均百分比
- σ(sigma):方差
- t:时间段
- v:初始值
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.util.*;
import static java.lang.Math.sqrt;
import static java.lang.Math.exp;public class WienerProcess {/*** Run the Wiener process for a given period and initial amount with a monthly value that is added every month. The* code calculates the projection of the value, a set of quantiles and the brownian geometric motion based on a* random walk.** @param mu mean value (annualized)* @param sigma standard deviation (annualized)* @param years projection duration in years* @param initialValue the initial value* @param monthlyValue the value that is added per month* @param breaks quantile breaks* @return a List of double arrays containing the values per month for the given quantile breaks*/public static List<double[]> getProjection(double mu, double sigma, int years, int initialValue,int monthlyValue, double[] breaks) {double periodizedMu = mu / 12;double periodizedSigma = sigma / Math.sqrt(12);int periods = years * 12;List<double[]> result = new ArrayList<double[]>();for (int i = 0; i < periods; i++) {double value = initialValue + (monthlyValue * i);NormalDistribution normalDistribution = new NormalDistribution(periodizedMu * (i + 1),periodizedSigma * sqrt(i + 1));double bounds[] = new double[breaks.length];for (int j = 0; j < breaks.length; j++) {double normInv = normalDistribution.inverseCumulativeProbability(breaks[j]);bounds[j] = value * exp(normInv);}result.add(bounds);}return result;}
- 亩:0.05(或5%)
- sigma:0.1(或10%)
- 初始值:7000
- 每月增加:100
- 时间:6年
- 该代码可从Github获得。 它带有Swing GUI来输入值并根据计算结果绘制图表。
- 维基百科:维纳过程
- 维基百科:几何布朗运动