this指针 java_彻底理解Java中this指针


抽象的讲,this指针就是一个Implicit Parameter,那到底什么是Implicit Parameter,请看下文详解。

Implicit Parameter

Parameters to an instance method

Recall that a parameter is a value that is given to a method as input - see: click here

Methods can have one or moreparameters

You can pass one or more inputs into a method by specifying the value as parameters when you invoke the method.

We have learned that instance methods have two different kinds of parameters:

Explicit parameter that is passed by specifying the parameter in the parenthesis of a method call.

Implicit parameter that is passed by specifying an object variable (object reference) before the name of a method.



The parameters between the brackets/parenthesisof the method call are called explicit parameters

Examples: the values in red are explicit parameters



box.translate(10, 20);

double x = 4.0, y = 6.0;

box.translate(x, y);

NOTE: these statement must be contained in some method, and most likely, they will be in different methods (because their actions are kinda "unrelated". I have omitted the method for brevity - just want to show you how to identify explicit parameters

Accessing an explicit parameter variable inside the method

Accessing an explicit parameter variable inside a method is very simple:

To use an explicit parameter variable inside a method, you simply refer the parameter variable by its name


public void deposit(double amount)


balance = balance + amount;


(Because this is so trivial, I did not dwell on it when we discuss the implementation of the methods.

I dwell on it now because I will show you how to access the implicit parameter variable next.)

Implicit parameter


The object variable before the method namein the method call are called implicit parameters

The object on which you invoke a method is also as a parameter in the method call, because if you use a different object in the method call, the operation is performed on a different object (i.e., the behavior of the method is modified):



The first call updates the balance instance variable in harrysChecking, while the second call updates the balance instance variable in momsSaving

Accessing the Implicit parameter inside the method

There is exactly ONE implicit parameter variable in every method.

Java has assigned a special name (a keyword) to identify this implicit parameter variable

The keyword that Java (and C++) uses to refer to the implicit parameter variable is called this

It must be written with all lower case letters

The obvious question that you will be asking is:


What value does the implicit parameter variable this contain ???

You can figure the answer to this question by using analogy...

Consider the following two pieces of program fragments:

public void deposit(double amount)


balance = balance + amount;


(1) harrysChecking.deposit(700);

(2) momsSaving.deposit(500);


What is the value of the (explicit parameter variable) amountin the case (1) ?

amount= 700


And what is the value of the (explicit parameter variable) amountin the case (2) ?

amount= 500

OK, it's time to apply the analogy:


What is the value of the (implicit parameter variable) thisin the case (1) ?

this= harrysChecking !!!


And what is the value of the (implicit parameter variable) thisin the case (2) ?

this= momsSaving !!!

Here is a pictorial representation on what's going on inside the computer when momsSaving.deposit(500) is called:


As you know, object variables such as harrysChecking and momsSaving are used to locate the instance variables of an object - see: click here

Since the object variable (harrysChecking in case (1) and momsSaving in case (2)) is passed to the implicit parameter variable this in the method call, the method can use this to obtain the correct instance variables !!!

(That's how the magic works....)

Important Fact:

The implicit parameter variable this is an object reference variable and is used to locate the instance variables of the object

It remains to show you how the implicit parameter variable this is used...


public void deposit(double amount)


balance = balance + amount;


public void deposit(double amount)


this.balance = this.balance + amount;


Notice that the variable balance is an instance variable in the object that is being referenced by the implicit parameter variable this

Java assumes that a variable name that does not any a name of a parameter variable or a local variablemust refer to an instance variable

That's why you don't need to write this before the variable balance

A case that necessitate the use of this

It is rare that you need to use the implicit parameter variable this

Here is one case where it is necessary to use this, but it is only so, because of a very bad choice of nomenclature:

the name of (one of the) parameter variable is the sameas the name of the instance variable

Example where you need to use this in the method:

public void deposit(double amount)


balance = balance + amount;


public void deposit(double balance)


balance = balance + balance;


The deposit() on the right will not work properly....

You can fix this by using this:

public void deposit(double balance)


this.balance = this.balance + balance;


DEMO Program:(BankAccount class with this)                                                 589636d070c2ee59176e0b3da8da7edb.png file: click here file: click here

Compile with:   javac

Run with:   java BankAccountTester

Now edit and remove the this., compile and run the program again...

The method deposit() can no longer increase the balance in a BankAccount object...

Question: WHY NOT ???

The name balance matches the name of a parameter variableand thus, the name balance refers to the parameter variableand not to the instance variable





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