我现在是时候谈论处理NULL引用的软件工程中真正的“ 可选 ”了。
托尼·霍尔(Tony Hoare)坦言,他发明了空(Null)犯了数十亿美元的错误。 如果您还没有看过他的演讲,那么我建议您看一下Null-References-The-Billion-Dollar-Mistake 。
我将与null分享一些反模式 ,以及如何使用Optional或MayBe之类的抽象方法解决它。
public class Person {final String firstName;final String lastName;final String email; // This can be nullfinal String phone; //This can be null
//Not using optionalif (p.email != null) {System.out.println("Sending email to " + p.email);}if (p.phone != null) {System.out.println("Calling " + p.phone);}
这就是多年来所做的。 具有收集结果的另一种常见模式。
List<Person> p = searchPersonById("100");if (p.isEmpty()) {System.out.println("No result");} else {System.out.println("Person" + p.get(0));}
Optional<String> phone = contactNumber(p);Optional<String> email = email(p);if (phone.isPresent()) {System.out.println("Calling Phone " + phone.get());}if (email.isPresent()) {System.out.println("Sending Email " + email.get());}
这样做好一点,但是通过在代码中添加if / else块,将Optional的所有好处都抛弃了。
//Always HappyOptional<String> phone = contactNumber(p);Optional<String> email = email(p);System.out.println("Calling Phone " + phone.get());System.out.println("Sending Email " + email.get());
在这种情况下,我们将扩展Person对象并添加Home属性。 并非每个人都可以拥有房屋,因此最好不要使用该房屋。 让我们看看在这种情况下联系人场景如何工作
//Nested Propertyif (p.getHome() != null) {System.out.println("Sending Postal mail " + p.getHome().address);}if (p.getHome() != null && p.getHome().getInsurance() != null) {System.out.println("Sending Notification to insurance " + p.getHome().getInsurance().getAgency());}
//Address has priority , first home and then Officeif (p.home != null) {System.out.println("Contacted at home address " + p.home.address);return; // Magical return for early exit}if (p.office != null) {System.out.println("Contacted at office address " + p.office.address);return; // Magical return for early exit}
public Optional<String> getEmail() {return Optional.ofNullable(email);}public Optional<String> getPhone() {return Optional.ofNullable(phone);}
是的,允许将其设为“可选”,没有人会为此而绞尽脑汁,并且可以毫无恐惧地随意这样做。 更改完成后,我们可以编写如下内容
//Use Optionalp.getEmail().ifPresent(email -> System.out.println("Sending email to " + email));p.getPhone().ifPresent(phone -> System.out.println("Calling " + phone));//Optional for Collection or Search type of requestOptionalIt looks neat, first step to code without explicit if else on application layer.
Use some power of Optional
//Use IfPresent & other cool thingsphone.filter(number -> hasOptIn(number)).ifPresent(number -> System.out.println("Calling Phone " + number));email.filter(m -> hasOptIn(m)).ifPresent(m -> System.out.println("Sending Email " + m));
Optional is just like stream, we get all functional map,filter etc support. In above example we are checking for OptIn before contacting.
Always happy optional
Always happy optional that calls "get" without check will cause runtime error on sunday midnight, so it advised to use ifPresent
//Don't do thisSystem.out.println("Calling Phone " + phone.get());System.out.println("Sending Email " + email.get());//Use ifPresent to avoid runtime errorphone.ifPresent(contact -> System.out.println("Sending email to " + contact));email.ifPresent(contact -> System.out.println("Calling " + contact));
Nested Optional
p.getHome().ifPresent(a -> System.out.println("Sending Postal mail " + a.address));p.getHome().flatMap(Person.Home::getInsurance).ifPresent(a -> System.out.println("Sending Notification to insurance " + a.agency));
Flatmap does the magic and handles null check for home and convert insurance object also.
Priority based default
//Address has priority , first home and then OfficeOptional<String> address = Stream.of(person.getHome().map(Home::getAddress), person.getOffice().map(Office::getAddress)).filter(Optional::isPresent).map(Optional::get).findFirst();address.ifPresent(add -> System.out.println("Contacting at address " + add));
This example is taking both home & office address and pick the first one that has value for sending notification. This particular pattern avoids lots of nested loops.
Else branch
Optional has lots of ways to handle else part of the scenario like returning some default value(orElse) , lazy default value (orElseGet) or throw exception(orElseThrow).
What is not good about optional
Each design choice has some trade off and optional also has some. It is important to know what are those so that you can make careful decision.
Memory indirection
As optional is container , so every access to value need extra jump to get real value. Optional is not good choice for element in array or collection.
No serialization
I think this is good decision by Jdk team that does not encourage people to make instance variable optional. You can wrap instance variable to Optional at runtime or when required for processing.
翻译自: https://www.javacodegeeks.com/2020/03/hands-on-optional-value.html