use strict
console.log(loading function);
var aws require(aws-sdk);
var docClient new aws.DynamoDB.DocumentClient();
aws.config.regionap-southeast-1;exports.handler function(event,context,cal…
C 语言的逻辑运算符包括三种: 逻辑运算符可以将两个关系表达式连接起来.
Suppose exp1 and exp2 are two simple relational expressions, such as cat > rat and debt 1000 . Then you can state the following:
■ exp1 && exp2 is true only if bo…
tokio 是 rust 生态中流行的异步运行时框架。在实际生产中我们如果希望 tokio 应用程序与特定的 cpu core 绑定该怎么处理呢?这次我们来聊聊这个话题。
use tokio::runtime;
pub fn main() {let rt runtime::Builder::new_mu…