chrome 悬停大图插件_Google Chrome浏览器的悬停卡:我不想要的我最喜欢的新东西

chrome 悬停大图插件

chrome 悬停大图插件

If you only have a handful of open tabs in Google Chrome, it’s easy to tell what they are. But as you start to collect more tabs (or make the window smaller), it gets harder. That’s where Hover Cards come in.

如果您在Google Chrome浏览器中只有少数几个打开的标签页,那么很容易分辨出它们的含义。 但是随着您开始收集更多标签(或缩小窗口),它会变得越来越难。 那就是悬停卡进来的地方。

Chrome中的什么是悬停卡? (What Are Hover Cards in Chrome?)

Google Chrome’s Hover Cards feature allows you to see more info about an open tab by simply hovering the mouse over it. The feature is currently hidden behind a flag in the Stable (75), and Beta (75) builds, so it’s not quite ready for primetime just yet—but I’ve been using it for weeks and haven’t had any issues. Here’s a peek at what it looks like in action:

Google Chrome的“悬浮卡”功能使您只需将鼠标悬停在打开的标签上即可查看有关该标签的更多信息。 该功能目前隐藏在稳定(75)标志的后面,和Beta(75)构建,所以它不是完全成熟,只是还没有,但我已经使用好几个星期了,还没有任何问题。 看一下实际运行情况:

Pretty snazzy, right? Just wait—it gets even better. There’s a separate flag that also enables an image preview, so you get not only the site name and address but also a quick preview image of the page. Like so:

很时髦吧? 请稍候-它会变得更好。 有一个单独的标志也可以进行图像预览,因此您不仅可以获取站点名称和地址,还可以获取页面的快速预览图像。 像这样:

I found the image preview to be a bit much—it takes up a lot of space, and I honestly don’t need to see a preview. However, I can see how this could be valuable—like when doing online shopping and comparing several products on the same site. How many times have you had 19 Amazon tabs open trying to figure out which thing to buy? Hover Card Image Previews would be killer for quick navigation in a situation like that.

我发现图像预览有点多-它占用了很多空间,老实说,我不需要看到预览。 但是,我看到了它的价值,例如在网上购物和比较同一网站上的几种产品时。 您有多少次打开19个Amazon标签页,试图弄清楚该买什么? 悬停卡图像预览在这种情况下将是快速浏览的杀手kill。

But as it stands, Hover Cards by itself (without the preview) is so useful I’m not sure how I lived without it. I do a lot of research and often end up with dozens of open tabs, which is where Hover Cards shows its value. It makes finding the particular tab I’m looking for so much easier. I didn’t realize how much I need this until I got it.

但是就目前而言,“悬停卡”本身(没有预览)非常有用,我不确定没有它如何生活。 我进行了大量研究,并常常最终获得数十个打开的标签,这是“悬浮卡”显示其价值的地方。 它使查找我要查找的特定选项卡变得非常容易。 直到我知道了,我才意识到我需要多少。

If you’re into it, here’s how you can get it now.


如何在Chrome中启用悬停卡(和预览图像) (How to Enable Hover Cards (and Preview Images) in Chrome)

First things first, make sure you’re running the latest version of Chrome. Jump into the Settings menu by clicking the three dots in the upper right, then navigating to Help > About Chrome.

首先,请确保您正在运行最新版本的Chrome。 点击右上角的三个点,进入“设置”菜单,然后导航至“帮助”>“关于Chrome”。

If you’re up to date, it will tell you here. If there’s an update available, let it download and install, then restart your browser to complete the installation.

如果您是最新的,它将在这里告诉您。 如果有可用的更新,请下载并安装,然后重新启动浏览器以完成安装。

Once you’re running the latest, fire up a new tab and head to chrome://flags to get started.


From here, you can go a couple of ways, but the easiest is to search for the term “Hover” in the search bar. This will bring up both relevant options: Tab Hover Cards and Tab Hover Card Images.

从这里开始,您可以采用几种方法,但是最简单的方法是在搜索栏中搜索“悬停”一词。 这将显示两个相关选项:“ Tab悬停卡”和“ Tab悬停卡图像”。

Click the dropdown box next to the option you want to enable (or both if you’re about that life), then choose “Enabled.” It’s worth noting that Tab Hover Cards has “Enabled,” “Enabled B,” and “Enabled C” options—I couldn’t find a discernable difference between the three, so go with the main “Enabled” option.

点击您要启用的选项旁边的下拉框(如果您的寿命是两者,则单击两者旁边),然后选择“启用”。 值得注意的是,Tab Hover卡具有“已启用”,“已启用B”和“已启用C”选项-我找不到这三个选项之间的明显区别,因此请使用主要的“已启用”选项。

Once enabled, hit the “Relaunch Now” button at the bottom to restart your browser.


There you, and there you go—enjoy your new (potentially life-changing) Hover Cards! I hope you find them as useful as I have.

在那里,就可以享受新的(可能改变生活的)悬停卡! 我希望您发现它们像我一样有用。


chrome 悬停大图插件




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