
Staying connected may be hard no matter what network you are on, and in flight Wi-Fi isn’t pervasive enough to count on. Here are tips and tricks to keep yourself entertained when unplugged and traveling.
无论您使用什么网络,保持连接都可能很困难,而且飞行中的Wi-Fi普及程度不足以依靠。 以下是一些技巧和窍门,可在拔下插头和旅行时保持娱乐。
Image Via MarinaAvila
音视频 (Audio and Video)

Little keeps us entertained like the music and movies we love. There are plenty of ways to keep occupied online with YouTube, Hulu, and Netflix but what happens when your cord is cut? Obviously DVDs are not practical when traveling so here are a few easy ways to get your movies and TV shows on your computer, phone, iPod, or portable gaming system with ease.
没有什么能让我们像喜欢的音乐和电影那样使我们娱乐。 有很多方法可以使YouTube,Hulu和Netflix保持在线状态,但是当您切断电源线时会发生什么? 显然,DVD在旅行时不实用,因此这里有一些简单的方法可以轻松地在计算机,电话,iPod或便携式游戏系统上获取电影和电视节目。
How to Rip a DVD to your Hard Drive and Play it on your PC
Rip a TV Series DVD and Convert to Individual H.264 MP4 files
翻录电视连续剧DVD并转换为单独的H.264 MP4文件
Simplify DVD to MP4 Conversion with VidCoder
Simple Drag and Drop Video Conversion for Android, iPhone, and PSP with Miro
Lets not forget you can also download YouTube videos for offline viewing or set up Miro to download some of the fantastic Revision3 shows before you leave.
读写 (Reading and Writing)

If music and movies aren’t your cup of tea, we also have a plethora of how-tos to get your favorite book or article onto your eReader of choice.
Read Mobi eBooks on Kindle for PC
Read Kindle Books On Your Computer with Kindle for PC
使用Kindle for PC在计算机上阅读Kindle电子书
Save Web Articles to Read Later with Instapaper
Create an eBook or PDF from Wikipedia Articles for Offline Reading
Convert Word Documents to ePub Format for Your eReader or iBooks
If you are a gamer then you probably already have some great games stored on your laptop or mobile device to keep you entertained on a trip to Mars. But what if you are a casual gamer and don’t have an expansive library stored on your laptop?
如果您是游戏玩家,那么您可能已经在笔记本电脑或移动设备上存储了一些很棒的游戏,以使您在火星之旅中保持娱乐。 但是,如果您是休闲游戏玩家,并且笔记本电脑上没有存储扩展库,该怎么办?
For some flash based games you can download the .swf file to your laptop for offline playing using the Firefox Unplug addon. If you are looking for some of the flash games we have featured on the site over the years, check out the list of Friday fun articles we have posted.
对于某些基于Flash的游戏,您可以将.swf文件下载到笔记本电脑中,以使用Firefox Unplug插件离线播放。 如果您正在寻找多年来我们在网站上精选的Flash游戏,请查看我们发布的星期五有趣文章列表。
生产率 (Productivity)

For some people work doesn’t stop when you are on vacation. However transitioning all of your work to Google docs doesn’t seem like that great of an idea if you won’t be online for an extended period of time. Here are some tips to make those cloud apps work locally so you can use them offline.
对于某些人来说,休假时工作不会停止。 但是,如果您长时间不在线,将所有工作都转换为Google文档似乎不是一个好主意。 以下是一些技巧,可以使这些云应用程序在本地运行,以便您可以离线使用它们。
How To Export Documents from Google Docs to Your Computer
Edit Office Web Apps Documents Offline On Your Desktop
在桌面上离线编辑Office Web Apps文档
Use Evernote Offline on Your iPhone or iPod Touch for Free
免费在iPhone或iPod Touch上离线使用Evernote
How to Download Google Maps for Offline Use
There are also plenty of options available to building a wiki and taking it with you on the go.
Build Your Own Personal Wiki Accessible from Any PC
DokuWiki on a stick
Run MediaWiki from a USB drive
With all of these options available your only enemy will be the batteries that give life to your electronics, and maybe your drunk uncle but we can’t help you with that.
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/39126/use-your-pc-to-keep-yourself-entertained-while-traveling-for-the-holidays/