sketch怎么移动图层_什么是Photoshop Express,Fix,Mix和Sketch移动应用程序?



Adobe’s approach to mobile apps seems to be “The More, The Better”. Right now, there are five Photoshop branded apps available for iOS and Android.

Adobe的移动应用程序方法似乎是“越多越好”。 目前,有五个适用于iOS和Android的Photoshop品牌应用程序。

They include:


  • Photoshop Express (iOS, Android).

    Photoshop Express( iOS , Android )。

  • Photohop Fix (iOS, Android).

    Photohop Fix( iOS , Android )。

  • Photoshop Mix (iOS, Android).

    Photoshop Mix( iOS , Android )。

  • Photoshop Sketch (iOS, Android).

    Photoshop Sketch( iOS , Android )。

  • Photoshop Lightroom CC (iOS, Android).

    Photoshop Lightroom CC( iOS , Android )。

Each of these apps takes a different part of Photoshop (or Lightroom’s) core functionality and adapts it to mobile devices. You can use them all on your phone or tablet, although you will definitely have a better experience if you’re using something like an iPad Pro rather than a cheap phone with a small screen.

这些应用程序均采用Photoshop(或Lightroom)核心功能的不同部分,并使其适应移动设备。 您可以在手机或平板电脑上全部使用它们,尽管如果使用iPad Pro之类的设备而不是廉价的小屏幕手机,肯定会获得更好的体验。

While you only need a free, basic Adobe account to use the Photoshop mobile apps, you get more functionality and better syncing between apps (as well as easy syncing to the desktop versions of Photoshop and Lightroom) if you’re a Creative Cloud subscriber.

尽管您仅需一个免费的基本Adobe帐户即可使用Photoshop移动应用程序,但如果您是Creative Cloud订阅者,则可以获取更多功能并更好地在应用程序之间进行同步(以及轻松同步到Photoshop和Lightroom的桌面版本)。

Photoshop Express (Photoshop Express)

Photoshop Express was Adobe’s first major attempt to make a Photoshop mobile app. It’s been around for a few years and is the most general (and least Photoshop-like) app available.

Photoshop Express是Adobe制作Photoshop移动应用程序的首次重大尝试。 它已经存在了几年,并且是可用的最通用的(也是最不像Photoshop的)应用程序。

Photoshop Express offers basic editing tools, resizing and cropping, Instagram-esque filters, RAW image support, blemish removal, text overlays, borders, and a really good collage maker. It’s basically a very competent, if generic, mobile image editor that syncs with Adobe’s Creative Cloud and other apps. If you’re a Creative Cloud user, that’s probably reason enough to use it. If you’re not, there are better mobile image editors out there, like Snapseed (iOS, Android).

Photoshop Express提供了基本的编辑工具,大小调整和裁剪,Instagram风格的滤镜,RAW图像支持,除斑,文本覆盖,边框以及非常好的拼贴制作工具。 从本质上讲,它是一款非常称职的移动图像编辑器,可以与Adobe的Creative Cloud和其他应用程序同步。 如果您是Creative Cloud用户,则可能足以使用它。 如果不是这样,那么那里会有更好的移动图像编辑器,例如Snapseed( iOS , Android )。

Photoshop修复 (Photoshop Fix)

Photoshop Fix takes Photoshop’s image retouching and restoring features and puts them in a mobile app. With it, you can heal blemishes, adjust the shape of facial features using liquify, smooth or sharpen skin, dodge and burn your image, add vignettes, and perform basic image adjustments like brightening or adding contrast.

Photoshop Fix具有Photoshop的图像润饰和还原功能,并将其放入移动应用程序中。 有了它,您就可以修复瑕疵,使用液化来调整脸部特征的形状,使皮肤光滑或锐化,减淡并燃烧图像,添加渐晕效果并执行基本的图像调整,例如增亮或增加对比度。

Photoshop Fix packs a lot of power into a mobile app. You can do some semi-serious retouching, especially of selfies taken with your smartphone. While using your finger is a bit blunt, if you’re using a stylus and a tablet, you might actually prefer Fix’s tools to the one’s in Photoshop on your computer.

Photoshop Fix将很多功能集成到移动应用程序中。 您可以进行一些半认真的修饰,尤其是使用智能手机拍摄的自拍照。 虽然用手指有点钝,但是如果您使用的是手写笔和数位板,则实际上可能更喜欢Fix的工具,而不是计算机上Photoshop中的工具。

While I’m not sure how many people need Fix, it can definitely make any selfie you post to Instagram look exceptional, and it shows just how powerful smartphones and tablets are that Adobe is able to get it to run on mobile devices.


Photoshop混合 (Photoshop Mix)

Photoshop Mix is the mobile take on Photoshop’s layout and compositing tools. You can remove and replace objects from your images, combine multiple images, work with different layers and blend modes, perform basic image edits, and otherwise just mix different images together into a single composite. For example, you could use Photoshop Mix follow along quite closely with my article on how to create a lightsaber in the desktop version of Photoshop.

Photoshop Mix是Photoshop布局和合成工具的移动版。 您可以从图像中删除和替换对象,组合多个图像,使用不同的图层和混合模式,执行基本的图像编辑,否则只需将不同的图像混合到一个合成中即可。 例如,您可以使用Photoshop Mix紧跟我的文章,即有关如何在桌面版Photoshop中创建光剑的文章。

Like Photoshop Fix, Photoshop Mix is a great app and an incredible tech demo that works best on a tablet. I use it occasionally when I want to quickly combine a few different image assets on the go.

与Photoshop Fix一样,Photoshop Mix是一款出色的应用程序,并且是一款令人难以置信的技术演示,在平板电脑上效果最佳。 当我要在旅途中快速组合一些不同的图像资产时,有时会使用它。

Photoshop素描 (Photoshop Sketch)

Photoshop Sketch takes Photoshop’s painting engine and brings it to mobile devices. If you’re familiar with Photoshop’s brush features, you’ll be right at home in Sketch. You can use different brushes to digitally paint new artwork or work on existing images. You have total control over the different brush effects, color, opacity, and more. You can even work with shapes to make painting easier.

Photoshop Sketch继承了Photoshop的绘画引擎并将其带到移动设备中。 如果您熟悉Photoshop的笔刷功能,那么您将在家中使用Sketch。 您可以使用不同的笔刷以数字方式绘制新作品或处理现有图像。 您可以完全控制不同的画笔效果,颜色,不透明度等。 您甚至可以使用形状来简化绘画。

Sketch is probably the best of the Photoshop branded apps. Its features fit most natively with the kind of things people tend to do on their phones or tablets. It’s a really great digital art app and well worth checking out.

Sketch可能是Photoshop品牌应用程序中最好的。 它的功能最适合于人们倾向于在手机或平板电脑上进行的操作。 这是一个非常出色的数字艺术应用程序,非常值得一试。

Photoshop Lightroom CC (Photoshop Lightroom CC)

Photoshop Lightroom is Adobe’s photo organization app and RAW image editor. The mobile version fulfils the same purpose, and if you’re a Creative Cloud subscriber, syncs all your photos and edits with your regular Lightroom Library. You can sort, rate, tag, and edit all the images on your device or synced through the Creative Cloud. The editing features aren’t as powerful as Photoshop, but they’re more than enough for most things. I edit 90% of my images in Lightroom without ever sending them to Photoshop.

Photoshop Lightroom是Adobe的照片组织应用程序和RAW图像编辑器。 移动版本实现了相同的目的,并且如果您是Creative Cloud订户,则可以将所有照片和编辑内容与常规的Lightroom库同步。 您可以对设备上或通过Creative Cloud同步的所有图像进行排序,评分,标记和编辑。 编辑功能不如Photoshop强大,但对于大多数功能来说已经足够了。 我在Lightroom中编辑了90%的图像,而没有将它们发送到Photoshop。

Unlike the other apps, Lightroom keeps some features, like local adjustments and RAW editing, locked away behind a Premium subscription. If you’re a Creative Cloud subscriber you automatically get the Premium features; if not, you can get them, and 100GB of online storage, for $4.99 a month.

与其他应用程序不同,Lightroom保留了某些功能(如本地调整和RAW编辑),这些功能锁定在高级订阅之后。 如果您是Creative Cloud订户,您将自动获得高级功能; 如果没有,您可以以每月4.99美元的价格获得它们以及100GB的在线存储空间。

Lightroom is a lot more than just an image editor. If you’re going to seriously start using it on your mobile devices, it will most likely replace the Photos app as your go-to image browser.

Lightroom不仅仅是图像编辑器。 如果您打算认真地在移动设备上使用它,它很可能会取代“照片”应用程序作为您的首选图像浏览器。

Adobe has a lot of different Photoshop apps and each serves a purpose. Now you should have some idea which one to use when.

Adobe有很多不同的Photoshop应用程序,每个应用程序都有其用途。 现在您应该知道何时使用哪个。







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