Google Calendar is a phenomenal web application for managing your calendars, but so many of us are still forced to use Outlook at work. The good thing is you can have the best of both worlds by subscribing to your Google Calendar from Outlook.
Google日历是用于管理日历的出色的Web应用程序,但是我们中许多人仍然被迫在工作中使用Outlook。 好消息是,通过从Outlook订阅Google日历,您可以两全其美。
The first thing you’ll have to do is get your Google Calendar iCal link. Just open your Google Calendar and go to Settings \ Calendar.
您要做的第一件事就是获取Google Calendar iCal链接。 只需打开您的Google日历,然后转到设置\日历即可。
Pick the calendar you want to sync with Outlook. Now in the Private Address field click on the ICAL button. This will show you your private Calendar address. Copy this address to the clipboard.
选择您要与Outlook同步的日历。 现在,在“专用地址”字段中,单击“ ICAL”按钮。 这将显示您的私人日历地址。 将此地址复制到剪贴板。
Now open Outlook and go to Tools \ Account Settings.
In Account Settings choose the Internet Calendars tab, click on New… and Paste the URL you just copied from Google into the location and click Add.
在“帐户设置”中,选择“ Internet日历”选项卡,单击“新建...”,然后将刚从Google复制的URL粘贴到该位置,然后单击“添加”。
You then get to the subscriptions screen. Give the calendar a name and description and click OK.
然后,您进入订阅屏幕。 给日历命名和描述,然后单击“确定”。
You can now see the calendar in the list in the Outlook sidebar panel.
That is all there is to it! Now I can view my Google Calendar side by side with my personal or work calendar!
这就是全部! 现在,我可以同时查看我的Google日历和个人或工作日历了!