There’s nothing as precious and irreplaceable as your personal photos and, with a little forethought and planning, there’s no reason to ever feel the heartbreak of losing even a single one of them to theft, broken devices, or disaster.
您可以更换所有东西,但您的照片除外 (You Can Replace Everything But Your Photos)
Insurance money will buy you a new computer if your house burns down. You can get a new phone if yours goes missing on the subway or takes a cold dip off the side of a boat. Financial documents can even be downloaded again from your bank. As miserable as it is to fix small problems like these, almost all the hardware and digital trappings of our lives can easily be rebuilt.
如果您的房屋被烧毁,保险金将为您购买新计算机。 如果您的地铁不见了或者从船边掉下来了,可以换个新电话。 财务文件甚至可以从您的银行再次下载。 解决诸如此类的小问题虽然很痛苦,但我们生活中几乎所有的硬件和数字陷阱都可以轻松地重建。
What you can’t do, however, is replace your photos if you lose them. With a single accident or hardware failure, that photo you love so much of your child but never got around to backing up is gone in the digital ether forever. Even worse is knowing that, after it happens, it would have been completely preventable if you’d just backed the damn things up.
但是,如果丢失,您将无法更换照片。 由于一次事故或硬件故障,这张照片让您的孩子如此之多,却从未得到过备份,因此永远不会出现在数字以太网中。 更糟糕的是,知道发生这种情况之后,如果您只是支持该死的事情,那将是完全可以避免的。

So today, we’re here to arm you with a multi-prong plan to ensure that nothing short of the end of the world as we know it (and perhaps not even that) will separate you from photos of your friends and family. Let’s start by learning some basic backup concepts and then jump into an clear actionable plan to secure all our photos.
因此,今天,我们在这里为您提供一个多管齐下的计划,以确保我们所知道的世界末日(甚至可能不会)将您与您的朋友和家人的照片区分开。 让我们从学习一些基本的备份概念开始,然后跳入一个明确的可行计划来保护我们所有的照片。
防弹备份计划:本地和远程,冷热备份 (The Bulletproof Backup Plan: Local and Remote, Hot and Cold)
“Backup” is a broad (and usually misunderstood) term. Not only are we going to show you how to properly backup your photos but we’re going to highlight some key backup concepts along the way so you know why we’re backing things up the way we are.
“备份”是一个广义的术语(通常被误解)。 我们不仅会向您展示如何正确备份照片,而且还将在此过程中重点介绍一些关键备份概念,以便您了解我们为什么要以自己的方式进行备份。
Before anything else, though we want you to understand one thing above all else: file syncing is not backup. A true backup is a copy of your file that isn’t linked to the state of the original. If you have photos from your kid’s Little League games on your computer and you burned them to a DVD, then that DVD is backup because the photos exist in two places and deleting them from your computer won’t delete them from the DVD.
首先,尽管我们希望您首先了解一件事:文件同步不是backup 。 真正的备份是未链接到原始状态的文件副本。 如果您有您的计算机上你的孩子的小联盟比赛的照片以及它们刻录到DVD,则该DVD是备份,因为在两个地方存在,从计算机中删除它们将不会从DVD删除这些照片。
When you sync files, however, with a service like Dropbox, whatever happens to one file happens to the other. You put a file in your Dropbox folder and it is automatically copied to the Dropbox servers. Feels like a backup, right? Except if you delete that file by accident, unless you notice that the file is gone within 30 day recovery window, the file is gone forever. While your photo backup routine can involve a service that syncs files, it should always also involve a service or method that creates a real stand alone backup that will stick around if the original file doesn’t.
但是,当您使用Dropbox之类的服务同步文件时,一个文件发生的一切都会发生在另一个文件上。 您将文件放在Dropbox文件夹中,该文件会自动复制到Dropbox服务器。 感觉像个备份吧? 除非您意外删除了该文件,否则除非您在30天的恢复窗口内注意到该文件已消失,否则该文件将永远消失。 当你的照片备份程序可以涉及到同步文件服务,它应该永远也涉及到创建一个真正独立的备份,如果原文件没有将坚持围绕服务或方法。
With that in mind, our very first order of business to ensure that we have duplicate copies of every photo we wish to preserve.
立即创建本地备份 (Create a Local Backup Immediately)

The absolute first thing you should do, if you don’t have one already, is create a local backup of all your photos. When it comes to convenience you can’t top a good local backup: it’s close by and very fast.
如果您还没有一个绝对的第一件事,那就是创建所有照片的本地备份。 为了方便起见,您无法获得良好的本地备份:它在附近并且非常快。
If your photos aren’t all in one place already, it’s time to collect them. This means you need to gather up all those SD cards from your camera you’ve been meaning to sort through, all the devices with photos stored on them (like you and your spouse’s smartphones), your laptop with those vacation photos from last year you never copied over to your desktop, and so on. Take a moment to think of everywhere you have photos scattered about (including places you probably have thought about in ages, like that old smartphone sitting in your desk drawer). Copy all those photos to a single folder on your computer, so it’s easy to organize them and back them up.
如果您的照片还不是全部放在一个地方,那么该是时候收集它们了。 这意味着您需要从您一直想进行分类的相机中收集所有这些SD卡,所有存储有照片的设备(例如您和配偶的智能手机),笔记本电脑以及去年的假期照片,永远不会复制到您的桌面上,依此类推。 花点时间想想您到处散布着照片的地方(包括您可能想过的地方,例如坐在办公桌抽屉中的旧智能手机)。 将所有这些照片复制到计算机上的单个文件夹中,以便轻松组织和备份它们。
Then, back all those photos up to an external drive. That’s it. You can back up the files manually, by dragging and dropping them, or you can use software like Windows’ built-in File History function or Crashplan, our favorite backup utility. (The best part is that Crashplan is that you can create local backups to folders, drives, and network drives, or even a friend’s house without paying for the service.)
然后,将所有这些照片备份到外部驱动器。 而已。 您可以通过拖放来手动备份文件,也可以使用Windows内置的“文件历史记录”功能或我们最喜欢的备份实用程序Crashplan之类的软件。 (最好的部分是Crashplan是您可以创建本地备份到文件夹,驱动器和网络驱动器,甚至是朋友家中,而无需支付服务费用。)
If you only have one external drive, we recommend leaving it unplugged when you aren’t using it. This is known as cold storage, and ensures your backups aren’t at the mercy of things like an electrical surge or malware attacking your computer. However, you can also use that external drive as hot storage—always plugged in to your PC—though we recommend getting a second external drive and using one as hot storage and one as cold storage, for extra security against computer crashes. (Don’t forget that external drives are cheap, and you can turn old hard drives into external drives on the cheap.)
如果您只有一个外部驱动器,建议您在不使用它时拔下电源。 这称为冷存储,可确保您的备份不受电涌或恶意软件攻击计算机的影响。 但是,您也可以将该外部驱动器用作热存储设备(始终插入您的PC中),尽管我们建议您购买第二个外部驱动器,并使用一个作为热存储设备,将一个作为冷存储设备,以防止计算机崩溃。 (不要忘了外部驱动器很便宜,而且您可以将旧硬盘变成便宜的外部驱动器。)
If you use two drives, we recommend rotating the hot and cold drives each week, so there is a complete backup on each one.
也将所有内容备份到云 (Back Up Everything to the Cloud, Too)

Once you have a local backup secured, and there is no risk that a single hard drive crash is going to wipe out your whole collection, the next step is to back up to the cloud. This is very important: local backups aren’t enough. If all the backups are physically in your home, then a fire can destroy them all in one swoop and you’ll lose those family photos forever. If you don’t have at least one offsite backup location, you’re not backing up properly.
一旦您保护了本地备份,并且没有任何硬盘崩溃将使您的整个数据库崩溃的风险,下一步就是备份到云中。 这非常重要:本地备份还不够。 如果所有备份都在您家里,那么大火会一口气将其全部摧毁,您将永远失去这些家庭照片。 如果您至少没有一个异地备份位置,则说明备份不正确。
We recommend a service like CrashPlan or Carbonite, which is designed to back up your entire computer (which you should be doing anyway). They usually cost around $5-6 a month or so. If purchasing a subscription to the aforementioned services or similar is in your budget, by all means do so as it kills two birds with one stone: you’ll be backing up not just your photos, but everything else too. Check out our full guide to Crashplan for info on how to set it up.
我们建议您使用CrashPlan或Carbonite之类的服务,该服务旨在备份您的整个计算机(无论如何您都应该这样做)。 他们通常每月花费约5-6美元。 如果您购买了上述服务或类似服务的订阅费用在您的预算之内,则一定要这样做,因为它用一颗石头杀死了两只鸟:您不仅要备份照片,还要备份其他所有内容。 查看我们的Crashplan完整指南,了解有关设置方法的信息。
If a full backup service isn’t in your budget, that doesn’t mean you’re left out in the cold. You can sign up for a free Google account if you don’t already have one and take advantage of their generous photo storage plan. Google Photos offers free unlimited photo storage for all your photos up to 16MP in resolution. If you need storage of larger photos or RAW photos you can upgrade to 100GB of storage for those too for only $1.99 a month. Install the Desktop Uploader on your computer, point it at your photos folder, and everything will back up automatically, without you ever having to think about it. You can also set your smartphone to automatically upload photos you take.
如果您的预算中没有完整的备份服务,那并不意味着您就被冷落了。 如果您还没有免费的Google帐户,可以注册一个免费的Google帐户,并利用其慷慨的照片存储计划。 Google相册为您的所有照片提供高达16MP分辨率的免费无限制照片存储空间。 如果您需要存储较大的照片或RAW照片,则可以将这些存储空间升级到100GB,每月仅需1.99美元。 在您的计算机上安装Desktop Uploader ,将其指向您的照片文件夹,所有内容都会自动备份,而您无需考虑它。 您还可以将智能手机设置为自动上传拍摄的照片。
If you subscribe to Amazon Prime, Amazon Photo is included and also great—it offers absolutely unlimited photo storage with no cap, like Google Photos, on resolution or format. There isn’t an official uploader like Google, but Amazon endorses odrive for the task—the features available in the free odrive account are more than sufficient to sync all your photos, using odrive’s desktop syncing tool, to your Amazon account.
如果您订阅了Amazon Prime,则包括Amazon Photo ,它也很棒-它提供了绝对无限的照片存储空间,没有分辨率或格式的上限,例如Google Photos。 没有像Google这样的官方上载者,但是Amazon认可odrive可以完成这项任务-免费的odrive帐户中可用的功能已足以使用odrive的桌面同步工具将所有照片同步到您的Amazon帐户。
Even if you already have a whole-computer solution like Crashplan, you may still want to check out the aforementioned solutions from Google and Amazon. Not only are they free or very cheap (and adding them into your backup routine means you have two remote backups in different locations) but they have tons of awesome photo-centered features like the ability to sort through your photos by faces, share photos easily with friends and family, and even order prints.
即使您已经拥有像Crashplan这样的全计算机解决方案,您仍然可能想从Google和Amazon中查看上述解决方案。 它们不仅是免费的还是非常便宜的(将它们添加到您的备份例程中意味着您在不同位置具有两个远程备份),而且它们具有大量以照片为中心的出色功能,例如按脸部对照片进行分类,轻松共享照片的功能与朋友和家人,甚至订购照片。
走得更远 (Going Even Further)

At this point, you should be patting yourself on the back as simply having a second backup and home and your photos uploaded to a cloud service puts you in the tiny minority of the population that takes backing up their photos seriously. These are the most important steps you should take, and if you really want to back up your photos, they are not optional.
在这一点上,您应该轻拍一下自己,因为只需简单地进行第二次备份和存储,并将您的照片上传到云服务中,就可以使少数人群认真地备份照片。 这些是您应该采取的最重要的步骤,如果您确实要备份照片,则不是可选的。
If you want to go even further, though, you can. Say you have a local hot backup, a local cold backup, and a remote hot backup. You could go even further with a local cold backup, like storing a backup drive in a safe deposit box.
但是,如果您想走得更远,可以。 假设您有一个本地热备份,一个本地冷备份和一个远程热备份。 您可以使用本地冷备份进行更进一步的操作,例如将备份驱动器存储在保险箱中。
If you do this, make sure you rotate your drives regularly, so they’re kept up to date. We also recommend you use encryption to secure the contents of the drive in case it is lost or stolen. If you use a tool like Crashplan to copy the photos to the drive, then the data is already encrypted. Otherwise there are numerous solutions out there for encrypting your data like TrueCrypt, Bitlocker, or any number of alternatives.
如果这样做,请确保定期旋转驱动器,以使驱动器保持最新状态。 我们还建议您使用加密来保护驱动器中的内容,以防万一丢失或被盗。 如果使用Crashplan之类的工具将照片复制到驱动器,则数据已被加密。 否则,有很多解决方案可以加密您的数据,例如TrueCrypt , Bitlocker或任何其他替代方案。
It may seem extreme, but the more types of backup you have, the more bulletproof your system will be.
With this backup strategy deployed, your photos will be as safe as safe can be. So happy with your digital photo backup workflow that you want to tackle preserving printed family photographs? The same backup strategy we applied to your digital photos can be applied to your traditional photos if you scan them and bring them into your digital collection.
部署此备份策略后,您的照片将尽可能安全。 对您的数码照片备份工作流程感到满意,以至于想解决保留打印的家庭照片的问题? 如果您扫描传统照片并将其纳入数字收藏库,则可以将与我们应用于数码照片相同的备份策略应用于传统照片。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/279059/never-lose-a-photo-again-the-complete-guide-to-bulletproof-photo-backups/