A Comcast Xfinity website was leaking Wi-Fi names and passwords, meaning now is a good time to change your Wi-Fi passcode.
Comcast Xfinity网站泄漏了Wi-Fi名称和密码,这意味着现在是更改Wi-Fi密码的好时机。
The site, intended to help new customers set up new routers, could easily be fooled into revealing the location of and password for any customer’s Wi-Fi network. A customer ID and a house or apartment number was all would-be attackers needed to get full access to your network, along with your full address.
该站点旨在帮助新客户设置新路由器,很容易被愚弄,无法透露任何客户的Wi-Fi网络的位置和密码。 要完全访问您的网络以及您的完整地址,所有潜在的攻击者都将是客户ID和房屋号。
Here’s Zack Whittaker, writing for ZDNet:
这是Zack Whittaker,为ZDNet撰写:
ZDNet obtained permission from two Xfinity customers to check their information. We were able to obtain their full address and zip code—which both customers confirmed.
ZDNet获得了两个Xfinity客户的许可以检查其信息。 我们能够获得他们的完整地址和邮政编码,这两个客户都已确认。
The site returned the Wi-Fi name and password—in plaintext—used to connect to the network for one of the customers who uses an Xfinity router. The other customer was using his own router—and the site didn’t return the Wi-Fi network name or password.
该站点以纯文本形式返回了Wi-Fi名称和密码,用于使用Xfinity路由器的一位客户连接到网络。 另一个客户正在使用自己的路由器-该站点未返回Wi-Fi网络名称或密码。
Comcast removed this feature after Whittaker’s article was published, but there’s always the chance someone grabbed your password before that happened. Changing your Wi-Fi password now is the only way to make sure no one has it. Here’s our guide to changing your Wi-Fi password, and here are Comcast’s instructrions.
惠特克(Whittaker)的文章发表后,康卡斯特(Comcast)取消了此功能,但是总有人会在此之前抓住您的密码。 现在更改您的Wi-Fi密码是确保没有密码的唯一方法。 这是我们更改Wi-Fi密码的指南,这是Comcast的说明。
It should be noted that this bug only affected Comcast customers who are renting a Comcast router. So not only can buying your own router save you $120 a year, it also protects you from Comcast’s security blunders. We highly recommend you do that.
应当指出,此错误仅影响租用Comcast路由器的Comcast客户。 因此,购买自己的路由器不仅可以每年为您节省120美元,而且还可以保护您免受Comcast的安全漏洞影响。 我们强烈建议您这样做。
Photo credit: Rob Wilson/Shutterstock.com
图片来源: Rob Wilson / Shutterstock.com
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/comcast-leaked-customer-wi-fi-logins-in-plaintext-change-your-passcode-now/