
asp做新闻网站,企业qq下载,wordpress修改配置,济宁建设网站ad中电源插座怎么封装You may already know about smart outlets, or outlets with integrated USB ports. But you might be surprised at how many “normal” outlets you can actually buy for your house. They’re all built for different situations, and you want to …



You may already know about smart outlets, or outlets with integrated USB ports. But you might be surprised at how many “normal” outlets you can actually buy for your house. They’re all built for different situations, and you want to make sure that your house is equipped with the right outlet for the job. Here are the different kinds of electrical outlets you can buy.

您可能已经知道智能插座或带有集成USB端口的插座。 但是您可能会惊讶于实际上可以为您的房屋购买多少“普通”商店。 它们都是为不同情况而建造的,您需要确保您的房屋配备了正确的插座以完成工作。 您可以购买以下各种电源插座。

GFCI出口 (GFCI Outlets)


In pretty much every house where an outlet is close to a water source, you’ll likely find a GFCI outlet. GFCI stands for ground fault circuit interrupter, and it’s meant to quickly shut off power at that outlet when it detects a short circuit or a ground fault.

在几乎每个插座都靠近水源的房屋中,您可能会找到GFCI插座。 GFCI代表接地故障电路断路器,它的目的是在检测到短路或接地故障时Swift切断该插座的电源。

Normal electrical flow happens when the current comes through the hot wire and returns back through the neutral wire, but if electricity flows beyond that, the GFCI outlet will trip.


In other words, if you happen to be using a faulty hair dryer and your feet are wet, a short circuit from the hair dryer can cause the current to pass through you, to your wet feet, and into the ground, effectively electrocuting you. A GFCI outlet will kill power before the current can even remotely escape the hair dryer.

换句话说,如果您恰巧使用了故障的吹风机并且脚湿了,则吹风机的短路会导致电流流过您,流到湿脚并进入地面,从而有效地触电。 GFCI插座会在电流甚至无法远程吹干吹风机之前切断电源。

GFCI outlets are a bit more expensive than regular outlets, but they’re required to be installed in locations like the kitchen and bathroom. You can install a GFCI circuit breaker on your circuit breaker box (all houses built after 2014 should already have these), which will protect that entire circuit from ground faults, but they’re much more expensive than a few GFCI outlets. Plus, if you install a single GFCI outlet at the beginning of a circuit, all outlets following in that circuit will be protected anyway.

GFCI插座比普通插座贵一些,但是必须将它们安装在厨房和浴室等位置。 您可以在断路器箱上安装GFCI断路器(2014年以后建造的所有房屋都应该已经安装了这些断路器),这可以保护整个电路免受接地故障的影响,但是它们比一些GFCI插座贵得多。 另外,如果您在电路的开头安装单个GFCI插座,则该电路之后的所有插座将始终受到保护。

AFCI出口 (AFCI Outlets)


Another protective type of outlet that looks almost identical to a GFCI outlet is called an AFCI outlet, but it’s not quite as well known. AFCI stands for arc fault circuit interrupter, and it protects from “arcs”. Arcs happen when electricity jumps from one wire to another,. which can quickly cause a fire. Wire insulation can also prevent arcs from happening, but that old lamp of yours may have cracked insulation that exposes the wires, leaving you at risk.

看上去与GFCI插座几乎相同的另一种保护类型的插座称为AFCI插座,但它并不为人所知。 AFCI代表电弧故障断路器,它可以防止“电弧”。 当电流从一根电线跳到另一根电线时,就会发生电弧。 会Swift引起火灾。 电线绝缘还可以防止电弧的发生,但是您那盏旧灯的绝缘可能破裂,从而使电线暴露在外,从而使您处于危险之中。

Pretty much any modern house built after 1999 will already have AFCI circuit breakers installed at the circuit breaker box (or at least they should’ve been installed), but if you have an older house, you can install AFCI outlets at the beginning of every circuit, so that all outlets following in that circuit will be protected. Of course, in-ceiling light fixtures and other electrical devices not controlled by outlets won’t be protected, but that’s why you’d install an AFCI circuit breaker.

在1999年以后建造的所有现代房屋中,几乎都已经在断路器箱上安装了AFCI断路器(或者至少应该安装),但是如果您的房屋较旧,则可以在每个房屋的开头安装AFCI插座。电路,以便保护该电路后面的所有插座。 当然,不受插座控制的天花板照明灯具和其他电气设备也不会受到保护,但这就是为什么要安装AFCI断路器的原因。

You aren’t required to add AFCI protection to existing circuits in your older house, but if you were building an addition onto your house and needed to add more circuits, those new circuits would need to be AFCI protected and up to code.


20A插座 (20A Outlets)


Aside from protected outlets, the different kinds of outlets don’t stop there. Most regular outlets in your house are rated for 15 amps (15A). This means that the circuit that the outlet is connected to can handle up to 15 amps of electricity. Every electronic device has an amperage rating. Most smartphones charge at around 1 amp, and tablets are around 2-2.5 amps. Microwaves use about 5 amps and larger appliances obviously use more.

除了受保护的网点之外,各种网点也不止于此。 您家中大多数常规插座的额定电流为15安(15A)。 这意味着插座所连接的电路最多可以处理15安培的电流。 每个电子设备都有安培数额定值。 大多数智能手机的充电电流约为1安培,而平板电脑的充电电流约为2-2.5安培。 微波使用大约5安培的电流,较大的电器显然使用更多的电流。

However, thanks to 20A circuits and 20A outlets, you can use more power-thirsty devices without the breaker tripping, since they can support 25% more load. You’ll usually find 20A circuits and breakers in kitchens, laundry rooms, and garages, which is where most of the power-thirsty appliances are located.

但是,得益于20A电路和20A插座,您可以使用更多的电力需求设备而不会使断路器跳闸,因为它们可以支持25%的负载。 通常,在厨房,洗衣房和车库中会发现20A的电路和断路器,这是大多数节电设备所处的位置。

If you’re not sure if an outlet or circuit is rated at 20A, a good way to tell is if the outlet has a little notch added into the left-side prong opening. This means that it’s a 20A outlet and the circuit that it’s on is rated at 20A.

如果不确定电源插座或电路的额定电流是否为20A,最好的判断方法是在电源插座的左侧插脚开口中是否增加了一个凹口。 这意味着这是一个20A的插座,并且其接通的电路的额定电流为20A。

A word of warning, though: You can’t simply replace a 15A circuit and outlet with 20A versions. 20A circuits use thicker wiring inside the walls, allowing it to carry more electrical current, whereas 15A circuits use thinner wiring. However, you can use a 15A outlet on a 20A circuit–just make sure that your power-hungry appliance isn’t plugged into that specific outlet, and instead is plugged into a proper 20A receptacle. Anything else can be plugged into the 15A outlet without a problem.

不过要提一个警告:您不能简单地用20A版本替换15A电路和插座。 20A电路在壁内使用较粗的布线,从而可以承载更多的电流,而15A电路则使用较细的布线。 但是,您可以在20A的电路上使用15A的插座-只要确保您的耗电设备没有插入该特定的插座,而是插入了正确的20A插座即可。 任何其他东西都可以毫无问题地插入15A插座。

开关插座 (Switched Outlets)

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Do you want to be able to control the power of an outlet and turn on and off whenever you want? Some houses already have light switches hooked up to some outlets, but if not, you can get a switched outlet, which is a receptacle that includes one outlet, and a switch that turns it on and off.

您是否希望能够控制插座的电源并在需要时打开和关闭电源? 有些房屋已经在某些插座上连接了电灯开关,但是如果没有,您可以得到一个开关插座,它是一个插座,其中包括一个插座,以及一个用于开关该插座的开关。

Something like this can be great if you have something plugged into an outlet, but you don’t want it on the whole time. You can simply flip the switch on the receptacle to turn it on or off.

如果您将某些东西插入电源插座,那么这样的事情可能会很棒,但是您一直都不想这样做。 您只需打开插座上的开关即可将其打开或关闭。

You can also use this sort of outlet to create your own switched extension cord of sorts, where the extension cord itself will always have power, but you’re adding on a second outlet that is controlled with the switch. I have something like this for my shop vac so that I don’t have to bend down underneath the workbench to turn it on and off every time. Instead, I have the shop vac plugged into the switched outlet, while other tools are always ready to go and plugged into the extension cord.

您也可以使用这种插座来创建您自己的那种开关延长线,其中延长线本身将始终具有电源,但是您要添加第二个由开关控制的插座。 我的商店真空储物柜有类似的东西,这样我就不必弯下腰在工作台下面每次打开和关闭它。 取而代之的是,我将商店vac插入了已开关的插座,而其他工具始终可以使用,并已插入了延长线。

USB插座 (USB Outlets)

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We wish outlets with integrated USB ports would just come standard in houses. However, they’re still hard to find and are rarely installed by default in new homes. Thankfully, you can easily install them yourself in your own home.

我们希望带有集成USB端口的插座成为房屋的标准配置。 但是,仍然很难找到它们,并且默认情况下很少在新家中安装它们。 值得庆幸的是,您可以轻松地将它们自己安装在自己的家中。

There are all different kinds of USB-equipped outlets. Perhaps the best option are ones that still come with two regular outlet receptacles, but squeeze in two USB ports for charging your mobile devices. You can also get one that replaces both receptacles with four USB ports. Both of these outlets can charge your devices up to 4 amps, so your tablets will charge at full speed.

有各种不同的配备USB的插座。 也许最好的选择是仍然带有两个常规插座的设备,但要挤压两个USB端口为移动设备充电。 您还可以获得一个用四个USB端口替换两个插座的插座。 这两个插座都可以为您的设备充电高达4 A的电流,因此您的平板电脑可以全速充电。

Of course, you might be better off with just a USB wall charger, that way you don’t have to do any electrical work and you’ll still have the regular outlet there when you need it. But if you like things to be clean and streamlined, a big blocky USB charger might not appeal to you, which is where these special USB outlets come in handy.

当然,仅使用USB壁式充电器可能会更好,这样您就无需进行任何电气工作,并且仍然可以在需要时使用常规插座。 但是,如果您喜欢干净整洁的东西,那么大块的USB充电器可能就不会吸引您,这是这些专用USB插座派上用场的地方。

智能插座 (Smart Outlets)

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If you want to take things to a new level in your house, you can get smart outlets, which are regular outlets, but can be controlled from your smartphone. This means that you can turn the outlet on and off from anywhere in the world using your phone.

如果您想将房子的生活提升到一个新的高度,则可以获得智能插座,它们是常规的插座,但可以通过智能手机进行控制。 这意味着您可以使用手机在世界任何地方打开和关闭电源。

We’ve covered a couple of different options in the past, including the Belkin WeMo Switch and the ConnectSense, but these are merely adapters that you plug into a regular outlet. Instead, you can get smart-enabled receptacles that replace any traditional outlet. You’ll need some kind of smarthome hub, since it communicates over Z-Wave, but you likely already have one if you’re even considering getting these kinds of outlets.

过去,我们介绍了两个不同的选项,包括Belkin WeMo Switch和ConnectSense ,但这些只是您插入常规插座中的适配器。 取而代之的是,您可以获得取代所有传统插座的智能插座。 您将需要某种智能家居集线器,因为它通过Z-Wave进行通信,但是如果您甚至考虑购买此类插座,则可能已经拥有一个。

If you’re thinking about making some electrical upgrades in your house, even if it’s as basic as just getting some adapters, it’s a good idea to get to know what types of outlets you have around your house and what they can do and can’t do. Plus, it’s good to know whether or not a new large appliance will actually work in your house, or if it will simply put too much load on your circuit breaker. As always, you can install these yourself, but if you’re the least bit uncomfortable, it’s probably a good idea to hire a professional.

如果您正在考虑对房屋进行一些电气升级,即使只是购买一些适配器一样基本,那么最好了解一下房屋周围有哪些类型的插座以及它们可以做什么和可以做什么。做。 另外,很高兴知道新的大型设备是否真正可以在您的房屋中正常工作,或者它是否只会给您的断路器带来太大的负担。 和往常一样,您可以自己安装这些,但是如果您一点也不舒服,那么雇用专业人员可能是个好主意。







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