目标跟踪 facebook

It seems like everyone is tracking our location now. Not surprisingly, Facebook Messenger can also transmit a significant amount of information on your location activity. If you use Messenger, here’s how to make sure it’s not reporting your location to others.
似乎每个人都在跟踪我们的位置。 毫不奇怪,Facebook Messenger还可以传输有关您的位置活动的大量信息。 如果您使用Messenger,请按照以下方法确保它不会向其他人报告您的位置。
We know Google does it, and if you use an Apple device, you have to enable location tracking for certain features and apps to work correctly. Basically, any portable device or modern operating system has location-oriented features baked into it. Even your web browser utilizes your location to deliver results specific to where you’re residing.
我们知道Google会这样做,并且如果您使用Apple设备,则必须启用某些功能和应用程序的位置跟踪才能正常运行。 基本上,任何便携式设备或现代操作系统都具有面向位置的功能。 甚至您的Web浏览器都利用您的位置来提供特定于您所居住位置的结果。
Facebook Messenger has always had location reporting built into it, but as it turns out, this could be (and probably is) a boon for stalkers and creeps because they can build a very detailed accounting of everywhere you go (as long as you chat on Messenger throughout the day).
Facebook Messenger始终内置位置报告,但事实证明,这可能(可能是)吸引潜行者和小偷,因为它们可以对您到处的任何地方进行非常详细的统计(只要您在聊天时一整天的Messenger)。
To prove this point, one enterprising Facebook intern created a Marauder’s Map, which lets anyone generate an actual map pinpointing everywhere a Messenger user goes.
为了证明这一点,一个进取的Facebook实习生创建了一个Marauder's Map ,它使任何人都可以生成实际的地图,以精确地指出Messenger用户所到之处。
While the Marauder’s Map is now gone, the lesson is not, and Facebook was quick to issue an update that turns the location feature off by default. That said, if you do have it enabled, either by accident or you simply don’t know better, here are detailed instructions on exactly how to disable it.
尽管“掠夺者的地图”已经消失了,但没有教训,而Facebook很快发布了一项更新,默认情况下关闭了位置功能。 就是说,如果您确实启用了它,或者是出于偶然,或者您根本不了解它,这里是有关如何禁用它的详细说明。
检查Messenger的位置报告是否已启用 (Checking Whether Messenger’s Location Reporting is Enabled)
Like we said, from now on Messenger’s location feature should be disabled by default when you install it. This is less of a concern with the iOS version of the app simply because of the way iOS handles permissions. With the Android version, however, you have to be a little more attentive. Still, we’ll cover both versions so you know what it is involved.
就像我们说的那样,从现在开始,安装Messenger时默认情况下应禁用它的位置功能。 仅仅因为iOS处理权限的方式,这与应用程序的iOS版本无关紧要。 但是,使用Android版本时,您必须更加专心。 尽管如此,我们仍将介绍这两个版本,以便您知道其中涉及的内容。
On Android, you can tell when the location service is on because there will be an icon in your chat windows. If the icon is blue, it means that the location option is enabled and active.
在Android上,由于聊天窗口中会显示一个图标,因此您可以告知定位服务何时开启。 如果图标为蓝色,则表示位置选项已启用并处于活动状态。

If you see the icon but it is grayed out, it means that location is enabled but inactive, but only for that particular chat.

Tapping the icon lets you toggle location on and off manually, but it will always be active for each new Messenger conversation.
If location is enabled for Messenger on your iPhone or iPad, when you tap the pin icon along the bottom, it will paste a map of your current location into your chat. Thus, instead of reporting your location every time you send a message to your conversation partner, they can see where you are but only if you choose to reveal that information.
如果在iPhone或iPad上为Messenger启用了位置信息,则在点击底部的图钉图标时,它将当前位置的地图粘贴到聊天中。 因此,他们不会在每次向对话伙伴发送消息时报告您的位置,而是可以看到您的位置,但前提是您选择显示该信息。

If location is disabled in the iOS Messenger app, you’ll see the following message, which will whisk you to the settings to turn it on if you wish.
如果在iOS Messenger应用中禁用了位置信息,您将看到以下消息,如果需要,它将跳至设置以将其打开。

As we inferred earlier, it is more difficult to turn on location tracking on your iPhone or iPad because of this warning dialog.
关闭位置 (Turning Location Off)
To turn off the location feature in the Android app, you need to tap the settings gear at the top of the app’s screen, then scroll down and tap off “Location”.

iOS handles location permissions on the OS level, meaning you have to allow Messenger to use your location in the system settings. When you access these settings on your iPhone or iPad, the choices will be to turn it off completely or allow it while using the app.
iOS在操作系统级别处理位置权限,这意味着您必须允许Messenger在系统设置中使用您的位置。 当您在iPhone或iPad上访问这些设置时,可以选择将其完全关闭或在使用该应用程序时允许它。

If you use Messenger, then we recommend you check out how it is set up before starting any new chats. It’s still very much possible that you’re using an older version that doesn’t automatically disable the location feature if you use Android.
如果您使用Messenger,那么我们建议您在开始任何新的聊天之前检查一下它的设置。 您仍然很有可能使用的是较旧版本,如果您使用Android,该版本不会自动禁用位置功能。
This is hardly the first Facebook-related annoyance we’ve talked about. We’ve always disliked all those game requests and birthday notifications, but this is actually something that could prove harmful to an unaware user.
这几乎不是我们谈论的第一个与Facebook相关的烦恼。 我们一直不喜欢所有这些游戏请求和生日通知,但这实际上可能对不知情的用户有害。
While it’s certainly encouraging that Facebook actually took steps to protect user privacy from potentially invasive or even dangerous tracking activity, that it took them so long is still unfortunate. Hopefully current Messenger users will pay attention to and keep up on their app updates. At the very least, if you’re reading this, you now know what to do.
尽管确实令人鼓舞的是,Facebook实际上已采取措施保护用户隐私免遭潜在的入侵甚至危险的跟踪活动之害,但花了这么长时间仍然是不幸的。 希望当前的Messenger用户可以关注并保持他们的应用更新。 至少,如果您正在阅读本文,那么您现在知道该怎么做。
Please let us know if you have any questions or comments by sharing your feedback with us in our discussion forum.
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/219611/how-to-turn-off-facebook-messengers-location-tracking-if-it-is-on/
目标跟踪 facebook