攻防 logmein

Whether you’re at work and forgot some file on your home computer, want to play some music on a train, or just want to move some files between your computers, accessing your files from anywhere is a life saver.
What we are going to do is download and install Hamachi, setup a network name and password and then join the network from another computer. Still think it’s hard? Here’s a detailed how-to, but first let’s get to know Hamachi.
我们要做的是下载并安装Hamachi,设置网络名称和密码,然后从另一台计算机加入网络。 还是觉得很难? 这是详细的操作方法,但首先让我们了解Hamachi。
Hamachi is a VPN client. It creates a Virtual Private Network over a public network like the Internet. When this client runs, it implements a virtual network adapter, and you’re given an additional IP address that identifies you on any virtual network you join. You then create a virtual network by name, assigning it a password. Now anyone running the Hamachi client can join your network by connecting to it by name, and supplying the password.
Hamachi是VPN客户端。 它通过公共网络(如Internet)创建虚拟专用网络。 运行此客户端时,它将实现一个虚拟网络适配器,并为您提供一个附加IP地址,该IP地址可以在您加入的任何虚拟网络上标识您的身份。 然后,通过名称创建虚拟网络,并为其分配密码。 现在,运行Hamachi客户端的任何人都可以通过按名称连接到网络并提供密码来加入您的网络。
Note: LogMeIn Hamachi is not a remote control application so you don’t get control of the computers, you just access the network shares files.
注意:LogMeIn Hamachi不是远程控制应用程序,因此您无法控制计算机,您只需访问网络共享文件即可。
We’ll start by downloading LogMeIn Hamachi from the link at the end of the article. Get it installed then fire it up. Once you start it, it will tell you to click the Power On button so press it.
我们将从文章结尾的链接开始下载LogMeIn Hamachi。 安装它,然后启动它。 一旦启动它,它将告诉您单击“开机”按钮,然后按一下。

When the dialog pops-up enter a name for this computer then click create.

Now Hamachi is up and running but we need a network to connect all the computers. Click on Create a new network to create one.
现在,Hamachi已启动并正在运行,但是我们需要一个网络来连接所有计算机。 单击创建新网络以创建一个。

When this window pops-up enter the Network ID and a password

After entering the Network ID (name) and the password click create and the network will be created immediately. The network is created but there is only one computer in the network. To get other computers in the same network you’ll have to install Hamachi on them and set it up just like you did on the first computer but instead of creating a new network, click join an existing network and enter the network ID and the password.
输入网络ID(名称)和密码后,单击创建,网络将立即创建。 网络已创建,但网络中只有一台计算机。 要使其他计算机处于同一网络中,必须像在第一台计算机上一样在其上安装Hamachi并进行设置,但不要创建新网络,而是单击加入现有网络并输入网络ID和密码。 。

Congratulations! You have got your own network and can access all the computers that are connected to it. Just right-click the computer that you want to access and select Browse. You will see the shared files just like you do with computers on you LAN network.Let’s try it, right-click and select Browse
恭喜你! 您拥有自己的网络,可以访问与其连接的所有计算机。 只需右键单击要访问的计算机,然后选择浏览。 您将看到共享文件,就像在LAN网络上的计算机一样。让我们尝试一下,右键单击并选择浏览

These are the files, folders and printers that are shared on the target computer.

LogMeIn Hamachi has two great features. First, all connection are encrypted so you are safe. Second, it is transparent, meaning all technical stuff are done behind the scenes so no IP address, Gateway Address or DNS is required to be set. Awesome!
LogMeIn Hamachi具有两个重要功能。 首先,所有连接均已加密,因此安全。 其次,它是透明的,这意味着所有技术工作都是在后台完成的,因此不需要设置IP地址,网关地址或DNS。 太棒了!
Download LogMeIn Hamachi
下载LogMeIn Hamachi
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/77164/beginner-how-to-use-logmein-hamachi-to-access-your-files-anywhere/
攻防 logmein