化妆品网站的建设 论文/一元手游平台app

化妆品网站的建设 论文,一元手游平台app,电子商务网站建设总结报告,平面设计的软件都有什么JavaScript享元模式 通过两个例子的对比来凸显享元模式的特点:享元模式是一个为了提高性能(空间复杂度)的设计模式,享元模式可以避免大量非常相似类的开销。 第一实例,没有使用享元模式,计算所花费的时间和空间使用程度。 要求为&…





/*** 制造商* 型号* 拥有者* 车牌号码* 最近一次登记日期*/var Car = function(make,model,year,owner,tag,renewDate){this.make = make;this.model = model;this.year = year;this.owner = owner;this.tag = tag;this.renewDate = renewDate;this.getMake = function(){return this.make;}}


//装饰者 .. 计算函数的耗时var simpleProfiler = function(componet){this.componet = componet;this.action = function(methodName){var self = this;var method = componet[methodName];//如果是函数那就进行装饰if(typeof method == "function"){var startDate = new Date().getTime();//开始时间
                method.apply(self.componet,arguments);var endDate = new Date();//结束时间alert(endDate - startDate);                }}}    


var ca = new Array();function addCar(){this.begin = function(){for (var i = 0; i < 4150000; i++) {ca.push(new Car("BMW","宝马","2017-10-18","","GBMW88","2017-10-19"));}}}new simpleProfiler(new addCar()).action("begin")



/*** 制造商* 型号* 拥有者* 车牌号码* 最近一次登记日期*/var Car = function(make,model,year){this.make = make;this.model = model;this.year = year;this.getMake = function(){return this.make;}}


//单例模式的简单工厂var myCarInfo = function(){this.createCar = function(make,model,year,owner,tag,renewDate){var c = carInfoFactory(make,model,year);c["owner"] = owner;c["tag"] = tag;c["renewDate"] = renewDate;return c;}}var carInfoFactory = (function(){var carInfo = {};return function(make,model,year){if(carInfo[make+model+year]){return carInfo[make+model+year];}else{var newCar = new Car(make,model,year);carInfo[make+model+year] = newCar;return newCar;a}}})();


var test = new myCarInfo();var startDate = new Date().getTime();var ca = new Array();for (var i = 0; i < 4150000; i++) {ca.push(test.createCar("BMW","宝马","2017-10-18","","GBMW88","2017-10-19"))}var endDate = new Date();alert(endDate - startDate);






posted on 2017-10-19 21:44 WFaceBoss 阅读(...) 评论(...) 编辑 收藏






mac屏幕截图On a Mac, you can take screenshots with a few quick keyboard shortcuts. But Mac OS X also includes more powerful screenshot tools, too. Here are some of the many ways you can get a screenshot on OS X. 在Mac上&#xff0c;您可以使用一些快速的键盘快…


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