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xbox one 越狱

xbox one 越狱

The Xbox One has integrated TV features and support for streaming media apps like Netflix and Hulu, but that isn’t where it ends. You can play video and music files you’ve ripped or downloaded by plugging in a USB drive or streaming them over your local network.

Xbox One具有集成的电视功能,并支持Netflix和Hulu等流媒体应用程序,但这还不是最终目的。 您可以插入USB驱动器或通过本地网络流式播放已翻录或下载的视频和音乐文件。

This is made possible by the Xbox Media Player app, which Microsoft released about nine months after the Xbox One was released. Sony also added a similar PS4 Media Player app to its console, so both the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 offer this feature.

Xbox Media Player应用程序使这成为可能,Microsoft在Xbox One发布大约九个月后发布了该应用程序。 索尼还在其控制台中添加了一个类似的PS4 Media Player应用程序,因此Xbox One和PlayStation 4均提供了此功能。

支持的文件类型 (Supported File Types)

The Xbox One Media Player app supports a wide variety of audio and video codecs, container formats, and image file types.  It even supports album art images stored in music folders. Here’s a list of what the app supports, straight from Microsoft:

Xbox One Media Player应用程序支持多种音频和视频编解码器,容器格式和图像文件类型。 它甚至支持存储在音乐文件夹中的专辑封面图像。 以下是直接从Microsoft获得的应用程序支持列表:

  • Music, Video, and Container Formats: 3GP audio, 3GP video, 3GP2, AAC, ADTS, .asf, AVI DivX, DV AVI, AVI uncompressed, AVI Xvid, H.264 AVCHD, M-JPEG, .mkv, .mov, MP3, MPEG-PS, MPEG-2, MPEG-2 HD, MPEG-2 TS, H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, MPEG-4 SP, WAV, WMA, WMA Lossless, WMA Pro, WMA Voice, WMV, WMV HD

    音乐,视频和容器格式:3GP音频,3GP视频,3GP2,AAC,ADTS,.asf,AVI DivX,DV AVI,未压缩的AVI,AVI Xvid,H.264 AVCHD,M-JPEG,.mkv,.mov, MP3,MPEG-PS,MPEG-2,MPEG-2 HD,MPEG-2 TS,H.264 / MPEG-4 AVC,MPEG-4 SP,WAV,WMA,WMA无损,WMA Pro,WMA语音,WMV,WMV高画质

  • Picture Formats: Animated GIF, BMP, JPEG, GIF, PNG, TIFF


In practice, almost anything you want to play or view should work fine. You’ll see an error message if you try to play something that isn’t supported.

实际上,几乎所有您想播放或观看的东西都应该可以正常工作。 如果您尝试播放不支持的内容,则会看到错误消息。

安装Xbox Media Player应用程序 (Install the Xbox Media Player App)

This app isn’t installed by default, so you’ll need to install it yourself from the Xbox Store. To launch the Xbox Store, head to My Games & Apps > Apps > Find more in the Xbox Store. Search for “media player” and install the Media Player app.

默认情况下未安装此应用程序,因此您需要自己从Xbox商店安装它。 要启动Xbox商店,请转到“我的游戏和应用”>“应用”>“在Xbox商店中查找更多”。 搜索“媒体播放器”并安装媒体播放器应用程序。

如何从USB驱动器播放视频和音乐 (How to Play Videos and Music From a USB Drive)

If you have a USB flash drive or external drive, you can use it to play videos on the Xbox One. The Xbox One supports USB 1, USB 2, and USB 3 drives. The drive must be formatted in FAT16, FAT32, exFAT, or NTFS. If you have a Windows PC, your USB drive will work on your Xbox One as long as your Windows PC can read it. If you have a Mac, be sure to format the drive as exFAT and not with a Mac-only file system like HFS+.

如果您有USB闪存驱动器或外部驱动器,则可以使用它在Xbox One上播放视频。 Xbox One支持USB 1,USB 2和USB 3驱动器。 该驱动器必须以FAT16, FAT32,exFAT或NTFS格式进行格式化。 如果您有一台Windows PC,只要您的Windows PC可以读取它,您的USB驱动器就可以在Xbox One上使用。 如果您使用的是Mac,请确保将驱动器格式化为exFAT,而不要使用仅Mac的文件系统(例如HFS +)格式化。

Connect the drive to your computer and copy your video, music, or picture files onto it. Eject it from your computer and connect it to one of the USB ports on your Xbox One. There Xbox One has three USB ports you can use: Two on the back of the console, and one on the side.

将驱动器连接到计算机,然后将视频,音乐或图片文件复制到计算机上。 从计算机弹出它,并将其连接到Xbox One的USB端口之一。 Xbox One可以使用三个USB端口:两个在控制台背面,一个在侧面。

Open the Media Player app and you’ll see your connected drive as an option. Select the drive and you can browse all the media files on it and play them, controlling the playback with your Xbox controller.

打开Media Player应用程序,您将看到已连接的驱动器作为一个选项。 选择驱动器,您就可以浏览并播放所有媒体文件,并使用Xbox控制器控制播放。

如何从您的计算机流媒体文件 (How to Stream Media Files From Your Computer)

Alternatively, you can skip the USB drive entirely and stream a video from your computer to your Xbox One using DLNA. You could also use a network attached storage (NAS) device as a DLNA media server if you have one.

或者,您可以完全跳过USB驱动器,并使用DLNA将视频从计算机流式传输到Xbox One。 您也可以将网络连接存储(NAS)设备用作DLNA媒体服务器。

To do this, you’ll need to set up a DLNA server on your PC or Mac first. Microsoft recommends–and officially supports–Windows Media Player as a DLNA server. This feature was introduced in Windows 7, and it still works on Windows 8, 8.1, and 10. If you use a Mac, you’ll need to find a third-party DLNA server like Plex.

为此,您需要首先在PC或Mac上设置DLNA服务器。 Microsoft建议并正式支持Windows Media Player作为DLNA服务器。 该功能是Windows 7中引入的,在Windows 8、8.1和10上仍然可以使用。如果使用Mac,则需要找到第三方DLNA服务器(例如Plex) 。

To activate the DLNA server included with Windows, open the Control Panel, search for “media,” and click the “Media streaming options” link under Network & Sharing Center. Click the “Turn on media streaming” button here. This makes the files available in your Music, Pictures, and Videos libraries available for streaming. (So if your video file isn’t in your Videos folder already, you’ll want to put it there now.)

要激活Windows随附的DLNA服务器,请打开“控制面板”,搜索“媒体”,然后单击“网络和共享中心”下的“媒体流选项”链接。 单击此处的“打开媒体流”按钮。 这样可以使音乐,图片和视频库中的文件可供流式传输。 (因此,如果您的视频文件尚未位于“视频”文件夹中,则需要立即将其放在那里。)

Once you have a DLNA server set up, it will appear in your Xbox One’s Media Player app as an option alongside any connected USB drives, allowing you to browse and stream media files stored in your media libraries.

设置DLNA服务器后,它会作为选项出现在Xbox One的Media Player应用程序中,与所有连接的USB驱动器一起显示,使您可以浏览和流式传输存储在媒体库中的媒体文件。

如何使用“播放到”或“投射到设备”流媒体文件 (How to Stream Media Files With “Play To” or “Cast to Device”)

You can also use the “Play To” feature to play music from your computer to your Xbox One. This feature is now called “Cast to Device” on Windows 10, but it’s still called “Play To” on the Xbox One. It also relies on DLNA in the background. However, you don’t have to set up a DLNA server. You just browse to the media files on your computer and tell Windows to play them on your Xbox One.

您还可以使用“播放到”功能将音乐从计算机播放到Xbox One。 在Windows 10上,此功能现在称为“投射到设备”,但在Xbox One上仍称为“播放至”。 它还在后台依赖DLNA。 但是,您不必设置DLNA服务器。 您只需浏览到计算机上的媒体文件,然后告诉Windows在Xbox One上播放它们即可。

This feature was introduced in Windows 7, and it still works on Windows 8, 8.1, and 10.

此功能是Windows 7中引入的,但仍适用于Windows 8、8.1和10。

To do this, ensure the appropriate option is enabled on your Xbox One. Head to Settings > All Settings > Preferences > Game DVR & Streaming and ensure the “Allow Play To Streaming” option is enabled.

为此,请确保在Xbox One上启用了适当的选项。 转到设置>所有设置>首选项>游戏DVR和流媒体,并确保启用了“允许播放流媒体”选项。

To play music or video files on your Xbox One, just right-click them in File Explorer or Windows Explorer and use the “Cast to Device” or “Play To” menu to select your Xbox One.

要在Xbox One上播放音乐或视频文件,只需在文件资源管理器或Windows资源管理器中右键单击它们,然后使用“投射到设备”或“播放到”菜单来选择Xbox One。

A small Windows Media Player window will appear, and you can use to to manage your playlist and control playback from your computer. You can also control playback on the console itself with your Xbox One controller.

将出现一个小的Windows Media Player窗口,您可以使用它来管理播放列表并控制计算机上的播放。 您还可以使用Xbox One控制器在控制台本身上控制播放。

If you haven’t yet installed the Movies & TV app on your Xbox One, you’ll be prompted to do so. The page for the app on the Xbox Store will open–just select “Install” to install it. You’ll have to install the app before the “Play To” or “Cast to Device” streaming will work.

如果尚未在Xbox One上安装“影视”应用程序,则系统会提示您安装。 Xbox Store上的应用程序页面将打开-只需选择“安装”即可安装。 您必须先安装该应用,然后才能播放“播放到”或“广播到设备”流。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/255016/how-to-play-video-and-music-files-on-your-xbox-one/

xbox one 越狱





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