
If you have the right hardware, Windows 10 lets you unlock your computer with nothing but a smile. However, Microsoft’s facial recognition isn’t always spot-on. Here’s how to help Windows recognize you better.
如果您拥有合适的硬件,则Windows 10可以让您笑容无忧地解锁计算机。 但是,微软的面部识别并不总是如此。 这是帮助Windows更好地识别您的方法。
Before you go through these steps, you’ll need to have Windows Hello with facial recognition enabled. If you haven’t set this up, you can check out our guide here. Windows Hello requires a compatible webcam, but fortunately there are some pretty good ones out there.
在执行这些步骤之前,您需要启用启用了面部识别的Windows Hello。 如果您尚未进行设置,则可以在此处查看我们的指南。 Windows Hello需要兼容的网络摄像头,但是幸运的是,那里有一些不错的摄像头。
Once you’ve got facial recognition set up, search for Settings in the Start menu.

Next, click on Accounts.

In the side bar, click “Sign-in options.”

Scroll down and click on the “Improve recognition” button.

A new window will appear to walk you through the process. Click on “Get started.”
将会出现一个新窗口,以引导您完成此过程。 点击“开始使用”。

Next, you’ll have to log in using Windows Hello. You can use facial recognition or the PIN you had to create when activating facial recognition. Once you’ve signed in, click OK.
接下来,您必须使用Windows Hello登录。 您可以使用面部识别或激活面部识别时必须创建的PIN。 登录后,单击“确定”。

Windows will turn on your camera and start analyzing your face. Sit still for a moment or two and let it do its thing. Look directly at the camera and keep your face still.
Windows将打开相机并开始分析您的脸部。 静坐一两分钟,让它做自己的事情。 直接看摄像机,保持脸部静止。

Once it’s finished, click Close.

You can go through this process as many times as you need to. As Windows notes on the last screen, if you wear glasses, you may want to do this once with them on and once off. Ideally it should continue working even if you grow a beard or wear a hat, for example, but if Windows Hello ever stops recognizing you, try running through this process again.
您可以根据需要多次执行此过程。 正如Windows在最后一个屏幕上所指出的那样,如果您戴眼镜,则可能需要先打开眼镜再关闭一次。 理想情况下,即使您留着胡须或戴帽子,它也应继续工作,但是,如果Windows Hello不再识别您,请尝试再次执行此过程。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/300023/how-to-improve-facial-recognition-in-windows-10/