
西安网站建设方案外包,培训心得体会总结简短,咨询网站开发,网站建设流程心得Historically, when you turn your phone on its side, the screen rotates. To keep this from happening, you can lock the orientation. But with Android P, Google included a way to have to the best of both worlds. 从历史上看,当您将手机侧放时&#xff…

Historically, when you turn your phone on its side, the screen rotates. To keep this from happening, you can lock the orientation. But with Android P, Google included a way to have to the best of both worlds.

从历史上看,当您将手机侧放时,屏幕会旋转。 为了防止这种情况发生,您可以锁定方向。 但是,借助Android P,Google提供了一种兼具两全其美的方式。

This new feature, which doesn’t seem to have an exact name, allows the display to be rotated on a per-app bases. But here’s the catch: it only works when rotation lock is enabled. But that’s what makes it so simply brilliant.

这项似乎没有确切名称的新功能使显示可以基于每个应用程序旋转。 但是这里有个问题:仅在启用旋转锁定时它才有效。 但这就是它如此出色的原因。

Here’s how it works. Lock the screen rotation by pulling down the notification shade and tapping the Auto-rotate button (black is off). Now, fire up an app that you’re sure will rotate and turn the screen.

运作方式如下。 下拉通知栏并点击“自动旋转”按钮(黑色关闭),以锁定屏幕旋转。 现在,启动一个您确定会旋转并旋转屏幕的应用程序。

A little rotate button should show up in the corner of the navigation bar—tap it to rotate the screen. To go back to the “regular” orientation, turn the phone again. The button will appear again and you can flip it back.

导航栏的角落应该会出现一个小小的旋转按钮,点击以旋转屏幕。 要返回“常规”方向,请再次转动手机。 该按钮将再次出现,您可以将其向后翻转。

With this feature, you can make sure the screen doesn’t rotate when you don’t want it to, but still flip specific apps into the alternation orientation when you need to. Since it works on a per-app basis, you’ll have control over display orientation like never before.

借助此功能,您可以确保在不需要时屏幕不会旋转,但在需要时仍可将特定应用翻转为交替显示方向。 由于它是基于每个应用程序的,因此您可以前所未有地控制显示方向。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/google-hid-an-awesome-per-app-auto-rotate-feature-in-android-p/





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