
Finally: a Rubik’s cube that can solve itself. A maker named Human Controller built it in Japan, and you can see it in action right now.
最后:一个可以解决自身问题的魔方。 一家名为Human Controller的制造商在日本制造了它,您现在就可以看到它的实际应用。
There are two kinds of people in the world: people who can’t solve Rubik’s cubes, and people who can (and are really smug about it). If you’re in the first group, like I am, there is something very satisfying about seeing the puzzle solve itself. Check it out:
世界上有两种人:无法解决魔方的人,以及能够做到(而且对此感到自满的)人。 如果您像我一样属于第一批人,那么看到难题能够解决自己会感到非常满意。 看看这个:
It’s hypnotic, right? I like watching it jump around. Here’s another video, this time with the creator holding the cube.
催眠吧? 我喜欢看它跳来跳去。 这是另一个视频,这次是创建者手持立方体。
I could watch this all day, and would honestly consider spending money on one if it ever became a commercial product. Someone has to sell these eventually, right?
我可以整天看这件事,并且如果它成为一种商业产品,我会诚实地考虑花钱买一个。 最终必须要有人出售,对吗?
See more images of the project here (via Hacker News).
在此处查看该项目的更多图片(通过Hacker News )。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/watch-this-rubiks-cube-solve-itself/