



Earlier this week we asked you to share your tips, tricks, and techniques for staying connected when you’re away from your home broadband connection. Now we’re back with a roundup of what you said.

本周早些时候,我们要求您分享在离开家庭宽带连接时保持连接的提示,技巧和技术。 现在,我们对您所说的内容进行了总结。

Mooching Wi-Fi was an old standby in everyone’s bag of tricks. The more densely populate the area you live in the better the chances you’ll find an open node to connect to. Twalorn weighs in:

Mooching Wi-Fi是每个人的绝招。 您居住的区域人口越密集,找到开放节点连接的机会就越大。 Twalorn的体重:

I rely only on free Wi-Fi (cafes,restaurants,unprotected home signals, etc.) for my Wi-Fi capable phone =’( but i’m saving up for a Galaxy SII with data plan =D

我仅使用免费的Wi-Fi(咖啡厅,餐厅,不受保护的家庭信号等)来获得支持Wi-Fi的手机='(但我为使用数据计划= D的Galaxy SII节省了钱)

On the opposite side of things, Steve-O-Rama shares why he doesn’t mooch free Wi-Fi and uses his smartphone instead:


For me, it’s almost always through my smart phone (HTC Incredible); if not via the phone itself, I use PdaNet to connect my netbook. I will NOT use Wi-Fi at a coffee shop or location other than my own apartment or my parents’ home, where *I* am the only person with (reasonable) access to the wireless routers at each.

对我来说,几乎总是通过我的智能手机(HTC Incredible); 如果不通过电话本身,我将使用PdaNet连接上网本。 除了我自己的公寓或父母的住所以外,我不会在咖啡店或其他地方使用Wi-Fi,因为我*是*唯一可以(合理)访问每个路由器的人。

I just don’t trust Starbucks, or their customers, to provide me with a secure wireless experience. Am I paranoid? Yes, very. But then again if I’m away from home and *need* greater bandwidth than my smartphone can provide for Internet access, I ain’t likely using it to check the weather or if the Mudhens won; I’d be doing work or accessing private data.

我只是不信任星巴克或其客户为我提供安全的无线体验。 我是偏执狂吗? 是的,非常。 但是话又说回来,如果我出门在外,并且*需要*比我的智能手机可以提供的更大的带宽来访问互联网,那么我就不太可能用它来检查天气或Mudhens是否获胜。 我会做工作或访问私人数据。

We’re with you Steve, which is why we configured our laptops to route through our home broadband connection via secure tunnel. Anyone who is interested in encrypting their Wi-Fi hotspot traffic should check out our tutorial here.

我们与您在一起Steve,这就是为什么我们将笔记本电脑配置为通过安全隧道通过家庭宽带连接进行路由的原因。 对加密Wi-Fi热点流量感兴趣的任何人都应该在此处查看我们的教程。

Smartphones with high speed connections and the ability to tether to other devices factored into most readers away-from-home plans. Blisk was one of the many readers who has found his smartphone does everything he needs it to do:

拥有高速连接并能够与其他设备绑定的智能手机已成为大多数读者远离家乡的计划的因素。 Blisk是发现他的智能手机可以完成他需要做的所有事情的众多读者之一:

I use my Droid X. I do everything I would do on a computer on it. I read the blogs I follow, Twitter (which I do primarily on my phone anyway), and email all on my phone when I’m not at home. There are somethings I can’t do easily like watch some podcasts, but other than that, I’m covered. I mainly just use my phone’s 3G when I’m not home, so it’s a bit slow for streaming video.

我使用DroidX。我可以在计算机上完成所有操作。 我阅读了我关注的博客,Twitter(无论如何我主要还是在手机上阅读),并在不在家时通过手机发送全部电子邮件。 有一些我无法轻易完成的事情,例如观看一些播客,但除此之外,我也很满意。 我主要是在不在家时才使用手机的3G,所以流视频有点慢。

For those who use their phone as a Wi-Fi hotspot, J. Howe offers a warning:


However, while I was experimenting with my phone settings and another friend who has a different android model, I found that the default setting for both phone is open security, meaning that anyone who is out wardriving will take advantage of that and leave you with a hefty data access bill from your provider. Just a fair warning out to those who aren’t as tech savvy.

但是,当我尝试使用手机设置以及另一个拥有不同android型号的朋友时,我发现两款手机的默认设置均为开放安全性,这意味着任何外向的人都会利用它,并给您留下一个您提供商的大量数据访问账单。 向那些不懂技术的人发出公平的警告。

That was certainly our experience when we first installed Wi-Fi Tether on a rooted Android phone. If you are wirelessly tethering your to your phone make sure the connection is secure!

当我们第一次在有根的Android手机上安装Wi-Fi Tether时,这当然就是我们的经验。 如果您通过无线方式将手机连接到手机,请确保连接牢固!

Other readers went for the full mobile hot spot package, like Jeff:


I use my Optimus V unlimited 3G data plan from Virgin Mobile only $25/month US. It allows me to setup my own wifi hotspot for my laptop if needed. But usually just carry the smartphone. Stay connected with email, Skype, Sipdroid VOIP, Skyfire web browser and Teamviewer for remote sessions to PC’s.

我使用来自Virgin Mobile的Optimus V无限3G数据套餐,每月仅需$ 25。 如果需要,它可以让我为笔记本电脑设置自己的wifi热点。 但通常只需携带智能手机即可。 保持与电子邮件,Skype,Sipdroid VOIP,Skyfire Web浏览器和Teamviewer的连接,以便与PC进行远程会话。

Finally we have Rein Couperus who has the distinction of being the only reader who used a mobile connection so far reaching he can check his email from the North Pole:

最后,我们有Rein Couperus,他的独特之处在于,他是迄今为止使用移动连接的唯一读者,他可以从北极查看他的电子邮件:

You probably don’t believe it, but there are places on earth without 3G or Wi-Fi, even without GPRS or phone service. There are even places without electricity… When I am on the North Pole I use PSKmail to connect to the internet. Slow, but it’s there, even if all satellites are broken…

您可能不相信它,但是即使没有GPRS或电话服务,地球上仍有很多地方没有3G或Wi-Fi。 甚至还有没有电的地方……当我在北极时,我使用PSKmail连接到互联网。 速度很慢,但是即使所有卫星都坏了,它也在那里...

If you’ve never heard of PSKmail, this overview is an interesting look at how people in remote locations (research stations, sail boats, etc.) are able to send and receive email.


It’s not too late to sound off in the comments here or in the original discussion. How do you stay connected away from home?

在这里发表评论或在原始讨论中发表意见还为时不晚。 您如何远离家保持联系?

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/69798/what-you-said-how-do-you-stay-connected-away-from-home/





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