If you want to share a cool game on your iOS device but not let everyone read your email, Locktopus offers a simple app-by-app lockdown solution.
Locktopus is a super simple application for jailbroken iOS devices. Install the app from the BigBoss repository through Cydia, go to the system menu and set a password–more specifically, change the default from “password” to something a little more clever–and then tap and hold any application icon on your springboard screen as though you wanted to move or delete it. When the icons begin to vibrate and the little delete X appears in the upper corner you’ll have a new addition, as seen in the screenshot here, of a small lock icon. Tap the icon to lock the app. From that point forward every time someone attempts to launch the app they’ll have to enter the password.
Locktopus是越狱的iOS设备的超级简单应用程序。 通过Cydia从BigBoss存储库安装应用程序,进入系统菜单并设置密码-更具体地说,将默认值从“ password”更改为更巧妙的名称-然后在跳板屏幕上点击并按住任何应用程序图标,如下所示:尽管您想移动或删除它。 当图标开始振动并且小删除X出现在右上角时,您将添加一个新的小锁图标(如此处的屏幕截图所示)。 点击图标以锁定应用程序。 从那时起,每次有人尝试启动该应用程序时,都必须输入密码。
It’s a great app for keeping your private stuff private–email, instant messages, medical apps–and for setting up a device for a child to use. You can lock down, for example, Safari, Settings, and YouTube to keep them from getting into trouble online but keep them easily accessible for the adult users. Hit up the link below to read more about it and then visit the BigBoss repository via Cydia on your jailbroken iOS to install it. Locktopus is $2, a large sum to pay for a feature that should have been included in iOS but a small sum to pay for such a handy application.
这是一款出色的应用程序,用于将您的私人物品(电子邮件,即时消息,医疗应用程序)保密,并设置设备供儿童使用。 您可以锁定,例如Safari,设置和YouTube,以防止它们上网麻烦,但使成年用户可以轻松访问它们。 点击下面的链接以了解更多信息,然后在越狱的iOS上通过Cydia访问BigBoss存储库以进行安装。 Locktopus是2美元,对于要在iOS中包含的功能来说,这笔钱很大,但对于此类方便的应用程序来说,笔钱很小。
Locktopus [BigBoss Cydia Repository]
Locktopus [BigBoss Cydia存储库]
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/93688/locktopus-locks-down-individual-apps-on-ios-devices/