Have you ever copied something to the clipboard that you don’t want to leave there in case somebody else is going to use your computer? Sure, you can copy something else to the clipboard real quick, but can’t you just make a shortcut or hotkey to clear it?
您是否曾经将不想复制的东西复制到剪贴板上,以防其他人使用您的计算机? 当然,您可以将其他内容真正快速地复制到剪贴板上,但是您是否只能通过快捷方式或热键来清除它呢?
And of course you can, with the built-in clip.exe utility in Windows 7 or Vista. It’s not really meant for clearing the clipboard, but with a little command line magic in a shortcut, we can make it do just that.
当然,您可以使用Windows 7或Vista中的内置clip.exe实用程序。 并不是真正要清除剪贴板,而是在快捷方式中添加了一点命令行魔术,我们可以做到这一点。
Note: This is also useful if you copied a very large amount of data to the clipboard and you don’t want it wasting memory anymore.
Create a Shortcut Icon to Clear the Clipboard
Right-click on the desktop or elsewhere, and choose New \ Shortcut from the menu.
Then in the shortcut location box, enter the following command:
cmd /c “echo off | clip”
cmd / c“回显| 夹”
At this point you’ll have an icon that will immediately clear the clipboard… but we can tweak it a bit further.
Right-click on the icon and choose Properties, and then change the Run drop-down to “Minimized” to make sure you don’t see the command prompt. You can also assign a shortcut key here.
右键单击该图标,然后选择“属性”,然后将“运行”下拉菜单更改为“最小化”,以确保看不到命令提示符。 您也可以在此处分配快捷键。
If you click the Change Icon button and then browse down to this file, you can find a clipboard icon:
%SystemRoot%\ system32 \ shell32.dll
Now we’ve got a nice-looking icon that will clear out the clipboard:
Note: If you are using Windows XP, you can download clip.exe from Microsoft. Just save the file in the Windows directory and the rest of the hack should work for you.
注意:如果使用Windows XP,则可以从Microsoft下载clip.exe 。 只需将文件保存在Windows目录中,其余的hack就可以为您工作。