文件下载至storage_如何防止Storage Sense在Windows 10上删除下载的文件



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Storage Sense is the Disk Cleanup replacement for the modern world. It frees up space on your computer by deleting things like recycle bin contents, temporary internet files, and app temporary files. This also includes the Downloads folder, but you can change that if you don’t want Storage Sense emptying it.

Storage Sense是现代磁盘清理的替代品。 通过删除回收站内容,Internet临时文件和应用程序临时文件之类的内容,它可以释放计算机上的空间。 这也包括Downloads文件夹,但是如果您不希望Storage Sense清空它,则可以更改它。

We’ve mentioned before how the Free Up Space tool in Windows 10 will delete your downloads by default (though you can turn it off, too). Storage Sense is the automatic equivalent to that tool and is the intended replacement for the venerable Disk Cleanup tool. By default, Storage Sense treats your Downloads folder as a temp folder, deleting anything older than 30 days when it runs. If you use your Downloads as a more permanent storage area for downloads, you can prevent Storage Sense from deleting your downloads.

前面我们已经提到过Windows 10中的“释放空间”工具将如何默认删除您的下载内容(尽管您也可以将其关闭)。 Storage Sense是该工具的自动等同工具,并且是预期的磁盘清理工具的预期替代品。 默认情况下,Storage Sense会将您的Downloads文件夹视为临时文件夹,并在运行30天之前删除所有早于该日期的文件。 如果将“下载内容”用作更永久的下载存储区,则可以防止Storage Sense删除下载内容。

如何防止Storage Sense删除下载的文件 (How to Prevent Storage Sense From Deleting Your Downloaded Files)

Open the Settings app by pressing Win+I, then clicking on “System.”

通过按Win + I,然后单击“系统”来打开“设置”应用程序。

Click System Settings icon

On the left side of the System page, click the “Storage” category.


Click on Storage

Under the “Storage Sense” section on the right, click the “Change how we free up space automatically” link.

在右侧的“ Storage Sense”部分下,单击“更改我们如何自动释放空间”链接。

Change how Windows free up space

Now, open the “Delete files in my Downloads folder” drop-down menu and select the “Never” option.


Select never from drop-down menu

After you’ve completed this, Smart Sense continues to run periodically but leaves your precious downloads alone.

完成此操作后,Smart Sense会继续定期运行,但您的宝贵下载将独自保留。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/403009/how-to-prevent-storage-sense-from-deleting-your-downloaded-files-on-windows-10/






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