在Windows XP中对系统文件(页面文件和注册表)进行碎片整理

In the pursuit for performance, making sure your drive isn’t fragmented is a regular task. The problem is that Windows XP doesn’t allow certain system files to be defragmented without commercial software. What about free solutions?

在追求性能时,确保驱动器没有碎片是一项常规任务。 问题是Windows XP不允许在没有商业软件的情况下对某些系统文件进行碎片整理。 那免费的解决方案呢?

There’s a utility called PageDefrag from Sysinternals (Microsoft) that lets you do one single task, and it does it well. It runs as a boot-time process that defragments the system files before they are locked by XP.

Sysinternals(Microsoft)有一个名为PageDefrag的实用程序,可让您完成一项任务,并且效果很好。 它作为启动时进程运行,可在XP锁定系统文件之前对系统文件进行碎片整理。

Thanks to Reader Shawn for suggesting this as a topic.


Defragment Your System Files


When you open up the application, you’ll see a list of the system files and the number of fragments each file is in. Select the “Defragment at next boot” option, or you could even choose to defragment at every boot, although I wouldn’t necessarily recommend that.



When you reboot, you’ll be prompted by PageDefrag to hit a key if you don’t want to defragment now.



If you didn’t abort the defrag, you’ll now see the defragment in process. As you can see, mine didn’t need to be defragmented anyway…

如果您没有中止碎片整理,现在将看到正在进行的碎片整理。 如您所见,无论如何我的碎片都不需要整理…


If you selected the option to defragment on every boot but would like to remove it, you can open up the application and select “Don’t defragment (uninstall)”, and then click the OK button.



This should be an essential utility in any geek’s toolkit. Note that this isn’t a substitute for defragmenting your other files on a regular basis.

这应该是任何怪胎工具包中必不可少的工具。 请注意,这不能代替定期对其他文件进行碎片整理。

Download PageDefrag from Majorgeeks.com


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows/defragment-your-system-files-pagefile-and-registry-in-windows-xp/





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