



Dealing with computers day in and day out can be a harrowing experience.  In difficult times, or even when things are idle, finding some spirituality can help cope with the experience—Techies: I give you the Eightfold Noble Geek Path.

日复一日地处理计算机可能会令人痛苦。 在困难时期,甚至是闲着的时候,找到一些灵性可以帮助您应对这种经历-技术人员:我给您八重贵族怪胎之路。

The Noble Geek Path outlines eight aspects that closely mirror the Buddhist tenets of the Eightfold Noble Path, and they are divided into three categories:  wisdom, ethical conduct, and concentration. They’re just more geeky.

贵族怪胎之路概述了八个方面,这些方面与八卦高尚之路的佛教信条极为相似,分为八类:智慧,道德行为和专注。 他们只是更令人讨厌。

Editor’s Note: we’re not advocating a particular brand of religion here, just having some fun. For the love of FSM, please leave the religious flame wars at home. Image by Okko Pyykkö

编者注:我们在这里不提倡某种宗教品牌,只是为了获得一些乐趣。 对于FSM的热爱,请将宗教火焰大战留在家中。 图片由OkkoPyykkö提供



Image by Yatri Trivedi; The Geek Vow in Sanskrit (“I go to the refuge of the web.”)

图片由Yatri Trivedi提供; 梵语中的极客誓言(“我去网上避难所。”)

Right Data is the basis for Geekdom.  In order to understand, you must have a basis for knowledge, and knowledge comes from both experience and study.  Your data should have integrity, and you must use constant MD5 checksums to be sure that it is properly copied.  You must patch files so that they improve, and you must organize it for easy retrieval.

正确的数据是Geekdom的基础。 为了理解,您必须具有知识的基础,知识来自经验和学习。 您的数据应具有完整性,并且必须使用恒定的MD5校验和以确保已正确复制。 您必须打补丁文件以便改善它们,并且必须组织它以便于检索。

Right Motivation guides the practice of Right Data.  Your decisions over morality and technological progress should be firmly rooted in Right Data, and having a proper motivation is essential to accomplishing this.  Right Motivation should always be guided by the principles of user-friendliness, but can be confined to a targeted base of users to better enhance usability and productivity.  The ability to see your user-base and take decisions with Right Data as context should harmonize with end-users and developers alike.

正确动机指导正确数据的实践。 您对道德和技术进步的决定应牢牢扎根于正确的数据,而拥有适当的动力对实现这一目标至关重要。 正确的动机应该始终以用户友好性原则为指导,但可以限制在特定的用户群中,以更好地提高可用性和生产力。 查看用户群并根据权限数据进行决策的能力应与最终用户和开发人员保持一致。

道德准则 (Ethical Conduct)


Right Partitioning allows you to separate and manage data.  Unix permissions are not preserved in FAT32, and the NTFS “hidden” flag isn’t respected in HFS+.  Ext3 is backwards compatible as ext2, but journaling is lost.  Each partition serves a purpose, and each file system has its strengths and weaknesses.  As such, you should take care when copying files back and forth to not alter its integrity.  Each system has its ins and outs, and only through co-operation can data be properly passed from one to another without loss of quality or attributes. 

正确分区允许您分离和管理数据。 FAT32中未保留Unix权限,HFS +中未考虑NTFS“隐藏”标志。 Ext3与ext2向后兼容,但是日志丢失。 每个分区都有其用途,每个文件系统都有其优点和缺点。 因此,在来回复制文件时,应注意不要改变其完整性。 每个系统都有其来龙去脉,只有通过合作,数据才能正确地从一个传递到另一个,而不会损失质量或属性。

Partitioning helps this, but only when it contributes to the overall functioning of the system, and not when it is just for partitioning’s sake.  Sometimes, partitions should be merged, or used simultaneously for one system, and so on.  Partitioning should be used for the overall unity of the system.  This is not limited to hard drives; gadgets, ideas, and people should harmonize through optimal organization for the overall unity of geek-kind. Image by KamikaZen

分区可以帮助实现这一点,但只有在它有助于系统的整体功能时才起作用,而不是仅仅出于分区的目的。 有时,应合并分区,或将其同时用于一个系统,依此类推。 分区应用于系统的整体统一性。 这不仅限于硬盘驱动器; 小工具,创意和人应该通过最佳组织来协调,以实现怪胎的整体统一。 图片由KamikaZen

Right Backup allows for preservation.  Incremental backups are extremely helpful, but full system backups are essential.  No loss of data should occur if it can be helped, and timely recovery is of crucial importance.  Do not take unnecessary risks with irrecoverable data.  All users’ data is equally valuable, so do not let anyone be without backup.  This applies to all data, digital and otherwise.

Right Backup允许保留。 增量备份非常有用,但是完整的系统备份至关重要。 如果可以帮助,就不会丢失任何数据,及时恢复至关重要。 不要对不可恢复的数据承担不必要的风险。 所有用户的数据同样有价值,因此不要让任何人都无法备份。 这适用于所有数字数据和其他数据。

Right Security goes hand in hand with backup.  Data stewardship is as much every admin’s responsibility as it is every user’s.  Each should do their part towards building a secure environment for all, and helpfully encourage others to do the same.  In this way, you can more efficiently contribute towards the end-user’s (as well as developer’s) experience.  Applying this in a real-life way means to assess risk-taking behaviors and work for the well-being of geeks everywhere.  Right Security is integral to laying the path for digital harmony.

Right Security与备份并驾齐驱。 数据管理与每个用户一样,是每个管理员的责任。 每个人都应尽自己的一份力量为所有人建立一个安全的环境,并有益地鼓励其他人也这样做。 这样,您可以更有效地为最终用户(以及开发人员)的体验做出贡献。 以现实生活的方式应用此方法意味着评估冒险行为,并为世界各地的怪胎带来福祉。 正确的安全性是奠定数字和谐之路不可或缺的部分。

浓度 (Concentration)

computer graveyard mandala

Image by Bastiaan Bakker, “Computer Graveyard Mandala”

巴斯蒂安·巴克( Bastiaan Bakker)的图片,“计算机墓地曼陀罗”

Right Administration is the application of the Eightfold Noble Geek Path to not just the systems that bring people together, but to the users themselves.  Principles of systems do not always apply to people, at least not in a ready form, and neither do principles of dealing with people apply directly to systems.  Being able to differentiate between the two and respond accordingly is important.  Interpretation of rules and ethics can vary from person to person, and there is no universal transition layer.  Because of this, it takes focus and study, and an entirely separate set of skills to be able to both administrate and moderate users.  The social nature of moderation helps all to learn how to use the publicly available “human APIs.”

正确管理是八重贵族怪胎路径的应用,不仅适用于将人们凝聚在一起的系统,而且适用于用户本身。 系统原理并不总是适用于人,至少不是以现成的形式适用于人,与人打交道的原理也不直接适用于系统。 能够区分两者并做出相应响应很重要。 规则和道德的解释因人而异,并且没有通用的过渡层。 因此,它需要集中精力和学习,并且需要一套完全独立的技能来管理和审核用户。 节制的社会性质有助于所有人学习如何使用公开可用的“人类API”。

Right Observation is a state of awareness that is developed through study and dedication.  It is the ability to apply a passive attention so as to learn to observe as objectively as possible, and subjectively as needed.  It is the sys-admin’s ability to monitor server status, the moderator’s ability to view forum posts, the end user’s ability to view content, and the developer’s ability to parse code.  Right Observation grants one the ability to witness struggle but to not be swayed by it.  It allows the individual’s awareness to gain access to more uncorrupted streams of data, and to parse through tampered bits with relative ease.  It forms the basis for Right Developing.

正确观察是一种通过学习和奉献发展起来的意识状态。 这是一种施加被动注意的能力,以便学会尽可能客观和客观地观察。 这是系统管理员监视服务器状态的能力,主持人查看论坛帖子的能力,最终用户查看内容的能力以及开发人员解析代码的能力。 正确的观察使人有能力见证斗争,但不能被斗争所左右。 它使个人的意识可以访问更多未损坏的数据流,并相对容易地通过篡改的位进行解析。 它构成权利发展的基础。

Right Developing is the dedication of contribution to, and experience of, code.  Those who give their life to the sometimes monastic practice of programming can, just as through meditation, gain spiritual discipline.  This allows them to be at peace with any script, program, system, and network, to transcend 0s and 1s via an experience of non-duality and oneness.  Continual Developing hones this state of being further until there is no distinction between coder and code.

正确的开发是对代码的贡献和经验的奉献。 那些将生命献给有时是修道会的编程实践的人,就像通过冥想一样,可以得到属灵的训练。 这使他们可以与任何脚本,程序,系统和网络相处融洽,并通过非二元性和单一性的体验超越0和1。 持续开发会不断发展这种状态,直到编码器和代码之间没有区别为止。


There is suffering in our technological world, and it has a cause: attachment.  Attachment to the newest gadget of the day, the bleeding-edge release of some particular software, even the virus-riddled attachments of email.  Take refuge in the greatest network alive, and maybe you can gain some peace from the Eightfold Noble Geek Path.

我们的技术世界正在遭受痛苦,它有一个原因:依恋。 附件是当今最新的小工具,某些特定软件的最新发布,甚至是病毒中充满病毒的附件。 避开最活跃的网络,也许您可​​以从“八重贵族怪胎之路”中获得一些安宁。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/36171/the-eightfold-noble-geek-path/






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