
Do you love listening to music while you browse? Now you can access and control your favorite music player directly from Firefox with the FoxyTunes extension.

您喜欢在浏览时听音乐吗? 现在,您可以直接使用FoxyTunes扩展程序从Firefox访问和控制您喜欢的音乐播放器。

FoxyTunes in Action


Once you have installed the extension and restarted Firefox you will see the FoxyTunes Toolbar located in the “Status Bar”. The default media app is Windows Media Player but can be easily changed.

安装扩展程序并重新启动Firefox后,您将在“状态栏”中看到FoxyTunes工具栏。 默认的媒体应用是Windows Media Player,但可以轻松更改。


Here are the buttons/items available with the default settings: Search, FoxyTunes Main Menu, Show Player, Select Player, Previous Track, Play, Next Track, Mute On/Off, Volume, Play File, Twitty Tunes, Foxy Tunes Search/Explore, Open FoxyTunes Planet, & Toggle Visibility/Drag and drop to move.

以下是默认设置下可用的按钮/项目:搜索,FoxyTunes主菜单,显示播放器,选择播放器,上一首曲目,播放,下一首曲目,静音开/关,音量,播放文件,Twitty调音,Foxy调音搜索/浏览,打开FoxyTunes Planet和切换可见性/拖放以移动。

Note: You can hide or show individual buttons/items using the “FoxyTunes Menus”.

注意:您可以使用“ FoxyTunes菜单”隐藏或显示单个按钮/项目。


Curious about the media players that FoxyTunes works with? Here is a complete listing…that definitely looks terrific! Notice that the currently selected media app is “bold and blue”.

对FoxyTunes与之合作的媒体播放器感到好奇吗? 这是完整的清单……绝对看起来棒极了! 请注意,当前选择的媒体应用程序是“粗体和蓝色”。


For our example we chose Spotify which we have previously covered. Keep in mind that you may or may not need to have your favorite media app open prior to “starting” FoxyTunes up (i.e. Play Button).

对于我们的示例,我们选择了我们之前介绍过的Spotify。 请记住,在“启动” FoxyTunes(即“播放按钮”)之前,您可能需要打开媒体收藏夹应用程序,也可能不需要打开它。


Here is a good look at the “FoxyTunes Main Menu” and “Controls Sub-Menu”.

这是“ FoxyTunes主菜单”和“控件子菜单”的好地方。


The “Extras Menu”…if you click on skins you will be taken to the FoxyTunes Skins webpage.



Here is a closer look into the “Configurations Menu” and one of the sub-menus. You do not need to look for options in the “Add-ons Manager Window”…everything you need is contained in these menus.

这里是“配置菜单”和子菜单之一的详细介绍。 您无需在“附加组件管理器窗口”中寻找选项……这些菜单中包含了您所需要的一切。


If you do not like having FoxyTunes in the “Status Bar” you can easily drag and drop it to another toolbar.



You can also condense the appearance of FoxyTunes using the small “triangle buttons” that are located in different spots throughout the “FoxyTunes Toolbar”. With just a click or two you can greatly reduce its’ impact on your UI.

您还可以使用“ FoxyTunes工具栏”中不同位置的小“三角形按钮”来压缩FoxyTunes的外观。 只需单击两次,您就可以大大减少其对用户界面的影响。




If you love listening to music while browsing then the FoxyTunes extension will let you take care of everything right from your browser.




Download the FoxyTunes extension (Mozilla Add-ons)


Download the FoxyTunes extension (Extension Homepage) *Note: FoxyTunes add-ins for Internet Explorer and Yahoo! Messenger available here.

下载FoxyTunes扩展名(扩展名主页) *注:用于Internet Explorer和Yahoo!的FoxyTunes加载项。 Messenger在这里可用。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/15428/control-your-favorite-music-player-from-firefox/




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