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When writing papers, you need to generate a detailed and accurate list of all the sources you’ve cited in your paper. With Google Docs, you can easily find and then add citations to all of your research papers.

撰写论文时,您需要生成详细准确的清单,列出在论文中引用的所有来源。 借助Google文档,您可以轻松地找到引文,然后将其添加到所有研究论文中。

Fire up your browser, head over to Google Docs, and open up a document. At the bottom of the right side, click the “Explore” icon to open up a panel on the right.

启动浏览器,转到Google文档,然后打开一个文档。 在右侧底部,单击“浏览”图标以打开右侧的面板。

Alternatively, press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+I on Windows/Chrome OS or Cmd+Option+Shift+I on macOS to open it using the keyboard shortcut.

或者,在Windows / Chrome操作系统上按Ctrl + Alt + Shift + I,在MacOS上按Cmd + Option + Shift + I使用键盘快捷键将其打开。

Click the Explore icon.

Explore is kind of like the Google Assistant of Docs. When you open the tool, it parses your document for related topics to speed up web searches and images you can add in Docs.

探索有点像Google文档的Google助手。 当您打开该工具时,该工具会解析您的文档以获取相关主题,以加快可在文档中添加的网络搜索和图像。

If Google Explore find related topics in your document, it will suggest them as soon as the tool opens.

If Explore isn’t able to find anything relatable in your document, type what you’re looking for in the search bar and hit the “Enter” key to search the web manually.

如果资源管理器无法在文档中找到任何相关内容,请在搜索栏中键入您要查找的内容,然后按“ Enter”键以手动搜索网络。

Otherwise, type what you're looking for into the search bar and hit Enter.

Click the three vertical dots and choose what style of citation you want to use. The options are MLA, APA, and Chicago styles.

单击三个垂直点,然后选择要使用的引用样式。 选项包括MLA,APA和Chicago样式。

Next, to choose what style of citation you want to use, click More, and then click one of the styles provided.

Next, highlight the text—or place the text cursor— where you want to add a citation to, hover over the search result in the Explore panel, and then click the “Cite as footnote” icon that appears.


Highlight some text or place the cursor where you want to cite something, and then click the quotations icon that appears when hovering over a link.

After you click the icon, Docs will number the citation and cite the link in a footnote of the page.


Google docs automatically places a superscript number at the cursor and places the source in a footnote in the style of citation you chose.

You can add as many as you need for your document. Redo the search and click the “Cite as footnote” icon beside each result to have Docs automatically compile citations for you.

您可以根据需要添加任意数量的文档。 重做搜索,然后单击每个结果旁边的“引用为脚注”图标,以使Docs自动为您编译引用。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/440835/how-to-find-and-add-citations-in-google-docs/





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